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  1. #1
    MeatHead03's Avatar
    MeatHead03 is offline Associate Member
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    We are getting a bad name

    Im watching sports center right now, and the whole basis of this show is steriod use. It all boils down to Consaco's article. They even went to TJ and interviewed the shops down there. This is bullshit i have a feeling people are going to start comming down on us now.....

  2. #2
    ripped4fsu's Avatar
    ripped4fsu is offline Anabolic Member
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    I know,, but its just hype,, they'll jump up and down and scream about it for a week or so them find something else to flip out over... just bored people wih no lives trying to tell the rest of us how to live ours...

  3. #3
    skiboy is offline Associate Member
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    as i say once again: ignorance is bliss

  4. #4
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Bro...I typed almost EXACTLY what you just said at another forum. I know completely what you are saying. It's just people are jealous that they can't pop a front double bi and make women go Ga Ga. vice versa..This goes for girls as well. . .
    But seriously, they are going to go on strike again, because the players will be split 50 50 on who wants to test and who doesnt when the collective bargaining agreement comes to surface at the end of the season. 'Tis a shame.

  5. #5
    Tank21's Avatar
    Tank21 is offline Associate Member
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    It is all horse shit. It is a story, pure and simple, designed to be the latest drama. Steroid Use isnt no secret. I just hate when they point the finger and assume all players, or most of them are using. I am sure that a fair share are using but lets not forget that the unbeleivable numbers that some are putting up can be the result off having incredible offseason dedication along with the best trainers and nutrition science that money can buy. These guys have access to the best trainers, nutritionists, and state of the art equipment. I dont know any that can argue that Mickey Mantle had that in his day.

  6. #6
    RON's Avatar
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    Stock up now cause hard times are coming. It was hard enough already but it just got harder.

    As far as MLB there will be not legit testing. They would loose too many top superstars. Superstars who make the owners a lot of money.

  7. #7
    MeatHead03's Avatar
    MeatHead03 is offline Associate Member
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    So u think now they will be really watching the boarders now? or are you saying just in general they will be cracking down on juice all together?

  8. #8
    RON's Avatar
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    Both for a while. It will all blow over thought and then they will concentrate on the real criminals.

  9. #9
    tt333 is offline Senior Member
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    Its all bullshit. I dont think we have nothing to worry about. They got worse things then steroids to worry about
    20 inches nothing less

  10. #10
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Steroids get some news for a while, the cops/feds do a few token busts to prove how "responsive to urgent public safety needs" they are and in a few weeks it goes back to normal.

    Don't sweat it.

    Just wait, someday some HS kid will "Do a Columbine" then plead it was 'roid rage --that will be the end of life as we know it, for at least for six months!

  11. #11
    goldenFloyd's Avatar
    goldenFloyd is offline Member
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    steroids are becoming HUGE in the media now. Just yesterday in the san jose mercury there were huge headlines: "BARRY BONDS: YES OR NO?" skip (the name of the author) was calling barry out. A "celebrity" physician who I know is getting busted for dispensing controlled subs and it's being plastered all over the media. I think canseco started the countdown to a media time bomb that has been waiting to happen. Now everyone is going to get on the job of proving that steroids have completely changed sports (which we cannot deny). there will be reprecussions, I really don't think this is going to blow over without some serious action in the American sporting spotlight.

  12. #12
    DATY Fanatic's Avatar
    DATY Fanatic is offline Junior Member
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    I doubt the latest coverage will actually amount to anything meaningful cracking down on steroid use . So it grabs the spotlight again for a little while. That will be it.

    The next big story is just around the corner waiting to be over hyped. The media sells HEADLINES not stories, or facts. They need headlines everyday.

  13. #13
    jonesmeister's Avatar
    jonesmeister is offline Junior Member
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    I GET REALLY ANNOYED ABOUT THE BAD PRESS CONCERNING STEROIDS AND THERE USE ! here in the uk all we get is how drugs such as cannabis and other "recreational " drugs should be legalised or de-criminalised so smack heads can get counciling and free drugs on prescription(what) and get treated as patients and not criminals. SO WHY ON EARTH ARE PEOPLE WHO USE STEROIDS VILLIFIED AS THE SCUM OF THE EARTH !" surely steroids should be de criminalised as most users are well informed people making a decision about improving there body ,and there lives for that matter.And with proper literature and access to health proffesionals could be alot safer and productive. and we should be able to get anti es from the doc as well as medicals etc

    well thats my rant for the day

  14. #14
    DATY Fanatic's Avatar
    DATY Fanatic is offline Junior Member
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    I suppose that I am surprised that more people aren't trying to legalize juice. I agree that it would really open the door for more education and allow for better monitoring by medical professionals.

    Although in the States, I bet the government would want such a huge cut of the action along with regulating supplies that the prices would sky rocket. People would still turn to the black market.

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