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  1. #1
    --Ross--'s Avatar
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    Exclamation **Steroids WITHOUT SHUTDOWN: The ULTIMTE Anabolic Secret!**

    **How To Avoid HPTA SHUTDOWN: The ULTIMTE Anabolic Secret!**

    Author: *Ross*

    • KEEP *ALL* of your GAINS
    • Avoid long Post Cycle Therapies that STILL don't work

    You can VERY successfully cycle anabolic steroids, without EVER being SHUTDOWN.

    The TRICK, is understanding which compounds INHIBIT the HPTA, and which compounds completely SHUT IT DOWN. Based upon the CAREFUL selection of these compounds, dosages, and durations, one can continue to cycle steroids without EVER BEING SHUTDOWN.


    "Shutdown", is defined by a COMPLETE inhibition of the Pituitary/Testes, resulting in a TOTAL cessation of endogenous androgen production.

    SOME androgens will only SUPPRESS endogenous androgen production, resulting in a DECREASED testosterone level, but not a complete shutdown. (Tbol, Var, Wistrol, EQ, Dianabol , masteron , proviron , halo, primo)

    Very Androgenic /Progestenic/Estrogenic steroids(Tren , Deca , Drol, Test) cause a COMPLETE shutdown of endogenous hormone production.

    The distinction between SUPRESSION and SHUTDOWN is utterly important, as steroids that cause LESS supression of endogenous hormones will allow for greater retention of gains upon ending the cycle, and a quicker, easier PCT.

    We can NOT avoid TESTICULAR supression when administering an AAS. We can HOWEVER, avoid SHUTDOWN.

    Now we can begin to outline our cycle based on HPTA Supression, and with the understanding that LESS of an HPTA supression equals greater retention of gains POST cycle.

    Weeks 1-16: Equipoise, 500mgs
    Weeks 1-6: Dianabol, 30mgs ED
    Weeks 8-13: Testosterone Propionate, 75mgs ED
    Weeks 13-18: Anavar, 40mgs ED

    The ONLY Time that SHUTDOWN occurs, is during Weeks 8-13, while Testosterone Proionate is being administered.

    When Testosterone Propionate is ceased at week 13, the body will still have PLENTY of ANABOLIC SUPPORT from the Equipoise, while NOT being shutdown. Immediately after, Anavar administration ALSO begins, adding additional anabolic support while not having an influence on the PITUITARY(Although the testicles will be inhibited, thus, testosterone levels will be supressed).

    Testosterone levels will QUICKLY REBOUND after cycle, so long as the PITUITARY is not inhibited--thus, sensitization to LH/FSH occurs. Although TESTOSTERONE levels are inhibited throughout the entire cycle, Pituitary supression ONLY occurs for several weeks, after which, we REMAIN ON AN ANABOLIC SUPPORT as to RETAIN the gains that were aquired whilst administering the Pituitary-inhibiting compound.

    This is the KEY to making PERMANENT muscle gains.

    Last edited by --Ross--; 02-22-2006 at 10:20 AM. Reason: pr

  2. #2
    Spyder's Avatar
    Spyder is offline Member
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    I know a roid that doesn't shut down the HPTA, it's called creatine by Celltech YEAH BUDDYYY!

  3. #3
    --Ross--'s Avatar
    --Ross-- is offline Banned
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    Many steroids do not shutdown the HPTA. Most of them however, do INHIBIT the HPTA, resulting in a decreased testosterone production.

    Horm Metab Res. 1984 Sep;16(9):492-7.Related Articles, Links

    Effect of non aromatizable androgens on LHRH and TRH responses in primary testicular failure.

    Spitz IM, Margalioth EJ, Yeger Y, Livshin Y, Zylber-Haran E, Shilo S.

    We have assessed the gonadotropin, TSH and PRL responses to the non aromatizable androgens, mesterolone and fluoxymestrone, in 27 patients with primary testicular failure. All patients were given a bolus of LHRH (100 micrograms) and TRH (200 micrograms) at zero time. Nine subjects received a further bolus of TRH at 30 mins. The latter were then given mesterolone 150 mg daily for 6 weeks. The remaining subjects received fluoxymesterone 5 mg daily for 4 weeks and 10 mg daily for 2 weeks. On the last day of the androgen administration, the subjects were re-challenged with LHRH and TRH according to the identical protocol. When compared to controls, the patients had normal circulating levels of testosterone , estradiol, PRL and thyroid hormones. However, basal LH, FSH and TSH levels, as well as gonadotropin responses to LHRH and TSH and PRL responses to TRH, were increased. Mesterolone administration produced no changes in steroids, thyroid hormones, gonadotropins nor PRL. There was, however, a reduction in the integrated and incremental TSH secretion after TRH. Fluoxymesterone administration was accompanied by a reduction in thyroid binding globulin (with associated decreases in T3 and increases in T3 resin uptake). The free T4 index was unaltered, which implies that thyroid function was unchanged. In addition, during fluoxymesterone administration, there was a reduction in testosterone, gonadotropins and LH response to LHRH. Basal TSH did not vary, but there was a reduction in the peak and integrated TSH response to TRH. PRL levels were unaltered during fluoxymesterone treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ross, whats your secret? How will I ever become as cool as you?

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by heavyrotation92
    Ross, whats your secret? How will I ever become as cool as you?
    first you gotta be a jew
    then a prostitute

  6. #6
    liftin4life's Avatar
    liftin4life is offline Associate Member
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    Isn't Ross banned?

  7. #7
    SS1476's Avatar
    SS1476 is offline Senior Member
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    Has been many times...and will again.

  8. #8
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    Isn't Ross banned?
    Many, many times. It is actually a violation of board rules to open a new account up after being banned. Just a matter of time before his latest account gets banned. Should also consider a full IP block and blocking signups from his email account.

  9. #9
    Hard Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Should also consider a full IP block and blocking signups from his email account.
    No shit.....

  10. #10
    diezell's Avatar
    diezell is offline Senior Member
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    ross ross's braindead ideas

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