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Thread: Proper Cycle?

  1. #1
    Chris_Sac is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Proper Cycle?

    Hi, i'll start off by giving description. 5' 6 1/2" 141-143 pounds day to day. im turning 23 in the summertime. I have been lifting weights since age 16, and have recently combined a regimin of muay thai (since i was 20). My bodyfat is hovering at around 13% (cardio activity is much lower in winter months, during spring/summer run an avg of 35-45 km per week)

    My goal here is to add about 10-15 pounds and aquire and keep a dramatic increase in strength, so........

    Looking to do a SHORT cycle of Superdrol. 3 weeks of 20mg per day (divided dose) Then continue with a 10 week cycle of anavar at a dosage of 60-80 mg per day (divided in two doses)

    I have already started supplementing 600mg of standardized silymarin, and upon starting the superdrol i will be supplmenting 2000 mg of "no flush" Niacin, and an omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acid product. (all on a daily basis)

    I figure that should cover me for my relatively low dosage/ short cycle of superdrol.

    My real question is about PCT... Designer really tries to push their "Rebound XT".... wondering how effective it is compared to novaldex.

    The plan was to start the anavar 3 days before the end of the superdrol stint and combine the first 3 weeks of the anavar with the PCT for the superdrol. Does that make sense?

    as a side note... a friend of mine suggested combining 1 cc/ week shot of test enanthate 250 for 10 weeks. How beneficial would this be for the cycle with regards to increasing/maintaining gains?

    Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    That would helluva long oral cycle. You seem to be quite "underweight" (I use the term loosely.) Anyways your friend is right adding test but maybe around 400mgs is a very good idea but cut the anavar to maybe 4 weeks at the end.

  3. #3
    Mr. IncreD-bol's Avatar
    Mr. IncreD-bol is offline New Member
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    You still need to eat more. Will this be your 1st cycle, if so run a Test only cycle to start out.

  4. #4
    Chris_Sac is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    The reason im light is because for Muay Thai, I was made to drop down to a minimum weight for competition (130 pounds). I eat A LOT. but i train 5-6 days a week so it keeps my metabolism rather high and when i add in the cardio, it's even harder to pack on size.

    This would be my second try with superdrol (first time was a 21 day 20mg/day cycle) which yielded me great results. i gained 11-12 pounds and my strenght increased significantly. (i ended up keeping about 7 pounds) That was about 4 months ago. Since i have been at a steady weight with my body composition and strength improving steadily, but not at an alarming rate.

    anavar : I've done an anavar only cycle which was great for strength, hardness and vascularity, ESPECIALLY with me not wanting to put on weight for muay thai at the time....

    As for the test, i've never ventured into the realm of injectables. Im unsure if I REALLY want to do that because i've never seen somebody do a "First Cycle"... and then not follow it with a second, and a third etc etc! I don't want to be "on" for 9 months of the year. I can make steady gains with proper training and nutrition. i am just looking for a boost to get to my goal, which would be 155 pounds with 9-10% bodyfat.

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