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  1. #1
    TinTin78's Avatar
    TinTin78 is offline Member
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    Am i Imagining or is it gyno?

    I don't feel any tissue more than fat as I have always held a little during bulk anyway. I only feel slight feelings in the right nipple then, and I don't even think I feel that. It is just a feeling that last a couple of seconds and then it goes away. I am using Deca /test cyp at the moment and 20mg nolva ed since start. I have also started hcg 2 weeks ago, can that trigger it more, I only shoot 1000iu's ew? I also take anti depressant that can also induce gyno, so with all this shit is 20mg nolva enough to stop it all? I don't want to take to much anti's because of it hindering my gains. I am confused, what am I looking for and how does gyno feel? Maybe I am just paranoid, when I press the nipples I don't feel shit, and it don't hurt.

  2. #2
    POSH's Avatar
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    Your nips start to get real sensitive (you will know it when you feel it) and usually you get a small pea, kidney bean, or lima bean size lump under your nips. This lump gets bigger and bigger usually.

    It sounds like you are being paranoid if you can't feel anything when you press on your nips. Continue the nolvadex just to be safe though.

  3. #3
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Irritated, itchy, puffy nipples and lumping under/around the nipple occuring are signs of gyno.

    Your only running Nolva (a SERM) which will do nothing to combat progesterone related gyno, I suggest you run an AI. This will also eliminate any chances of estrogen related side effects occuring too. A powerful typ II AI would be best, such as L-Dex or better, Letro.

  4. #4
    Brent_G's Avatar
    Brent_G is offline Associate Member
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    letro eliminated my puffy nips in about 3 days. Its good stuff.

  5. #5
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah u are probably just being a little paranoid, but u do need to run something for the deca .... at least some b6.... that's what i run with deca, or tren ....

  6. #6
    TinTin78's Avatar
    TinTin78 is offline Member
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    I take b6 at around 300mg each day, I have letro, should I start using that? Will that not stop the gains from coming to much? Like I said I don't feel anything more than maybe water and fat under my nipps. I only feel slight in my right also so it is kinda strange. It is only a little when I press the tip of my nipp?

  7. #7
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    I take b6 at around 300mg each day, I have letro, should I start using that? Will that not stop the gains from coming to much? Like I said I don't feel anything more than maybe water and fat under my nipps. I only feel slight in my right also so it is kinda strange. It is only a little when I press the tip of my nipp?

    i take 200mg b6 ed so u shld be fine with 300mg.... I wld just keep an eye on it before adding letro....

  8. #8
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinTin78
    I take b6 at around 300mg each day, I have letro, should I start using that? Will that not stop the gains from coming to much? Like I said I don't feel anything more than maybe water and fat under my nipps. I only feel slight in my right also so it is kinda strange. It is only a little when I press the tip of my nipp?
    Dont go over 200mg/ED of Vit-B6. Higher doses for prolonged peroids have been known to cause nervous system damage.

  9. #9
    TinTin78's Avatar
    TinTin78 is offline Member
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    Ok, thank's alot for the answers, but if I start letro do I quit nolva? And how much letro ed with that ARR spraybottle? How much is one spray with that?

    Also the feeling of gyno it is more constant itchying is it not?

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