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  1. #1
    Ginkgo is offline New Member
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    Feb 2004

    Test-e, hgh, halo, eq, pct and bridging. help

    I ran 2iu per day for a year and really didn't see squat, except I healed faster after an injury.

    I was taking 1000 mg of test ethanate homebrew a week - 10 weeks
    40mg halo a day - 3 weeks
    5 iu of GH a day for a week (usually 2iu) - 1 yr
    600mg EQ a week - 3 weeks

    I ended my cycle because my blood pressure came in high, the doc scared the hell out of me. Everything is fine now.

    Doc gave me some blood pressure meds.

    Today my blood pressure is 121/70. My last shot was 2/17. My last orals were 2/14.

    So my PCT should start on about 3/3. I guess nova is the better option at about 40/40/30/20 mg per day for 4 weeks.

    2 months off cycle.

    I'm a strength athlete.

    1. I have a kit in a half. Should i bump it up to 5iu per day for until it's all gone.
    2. Does GH increase blood pressure?
    3. I want to bridge with the EQ at 600mg a week, do I still do the pct?
    Last edited by Ginkgo; 02-27-2006 at 10:59 AM.

  2. #2
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2005
    You will get better response in the gh-forum, regarding growth hormone questions.

    3.You can not bridge with eq at 600 mgs ew, becuse your natrual testosterone will remain supressed. Proviron is a drug you can bridge with, it will also make it easier to keep your strenght after a cycle.

  3. #3
    Ginkgo is offline New Member
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    You will get better response in the gh-forum, regarding growth hormone questions.

    3.You can not bridge with eq at 600 mgs ew, becuse your natrual testosterone will remain supressed. Proviron is a drug you can bridge with, it will also make it easier to keep your strenght after a cycle.
    Is there anything else I can bridge with?

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkgo
    Is there anything else I can bridge with?
    Why not stay "on". I havent seen many member/users document many success stories with "bridging". I think you'de be better of running a low dose of testosteorne, such as 100-500mg/wk and adding some HCG into the mix.

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ginkgo
    Is there anything else I can bridge with?
    Some androgens wont cause complete testosterone inhibition with their use. They may only suppress the HPTA, not shut it down fully. Var, Proviron , EQ, Winny, Tbol, Dbol . Some, with prolonged use will cause "shutdown". If given the choice, I'd go with Proviron. It may not be as good as the other androgens outlined for gains in strength/mass, but is a good choice due to its ability to raise serum levels of LH/FSH/Testosterone and bind strongley to SHBG. An increase in sex drive is usually also a factor when running this compound.

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