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  1. #1
    themouse is offline New Member
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    d-bol / winny cycle

    what up fellas? i know winny strips fat off you i also read that it causes cramps from dehydration is this true? also can anyone recommend a decent over the counter test booster and an anti-estrogen i can buy from gnc

  2. #2
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Why would you run a Winny/dbol cycle?

  3. #3
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    Winny does not 'strip off fat'. Diet and cardio does. Our sponsor sells anti-e's but I think you need to do more research before considering a cycle. Winny/dbol alone are crap.

  4. #4
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Winny does not 'strip off fat'. Diet and cardio does. Our sponsor sells anti-e's but I think you need to do more research before considering a cycle. Winny/dbol alone are crap.

    Listen to him. He speaks the truth.

  5. #5
    themouse is offline New Member
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    Those who are more interested in strength and less in body mass can combine Dianabol with either Oxandrolone or Winstrol tablets. I got this from steroid .com's. steroid profile of dianabol please read it to confirm if i did my research correct. i also now understand that winny doesn't fat

  6. #6
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Hey bro, I think you are interested in what many many newbies are interested in. Winny and dbol together as a cycle. It sounds soooo good on paper. all oral, no needles, big muscles, YEAH!!! Some guys have done this cycle and claim good gains. I was looking into this option myself, only because I did not want needles around my house. I have found out through some personal experience, and by reading everyones good advice, and reading some occasional bad advice that if you are going to use steriods , you should be ready to commit and use test. Just my opinion... I would say read at least three pages of threads or more and see what the majority of EXPERIENCED guys are saying. Do many many searches about everything you are interested in learning about. Stick around a while, ask intelligent questions after you have already done your searches, and learn as much as you can. you will be happy you did...
    Last edited by MasterShake; 03-06-2006 at 08:48 PM. Reason: spelling

  7. #7
    themouse is offline New Member
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    i do want to use test but can you trust needles from any source no matter how legit the product is i can't be using just anybody's needles i know that the united states sends autoclaved needles to third world countries could some of these needles be coming from our sources.

  8. #8
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Buy some needles off of the site sponsor, AR-R . The banner in the top right of your screen.

    Dbol and Winny cycles is a waste of time and money IMHO. Dbol/Winny with a form of Testosterone is a better choice. But, this is your first cycle so Test only is the way to go. The profiles on the steroid .com's website are about 15 years outdated. Read the board profiles here, written by Anthony Roberts.

  9. #9
    chinups Guest
    I always have to throw in my two cents here since I had great success with dbol /winny. PPL who say its a waste of time are way off base and have never done the cycle. Now is it the best cycle you can do??? No. Its def not but you can get results from it and for a first timer I believe it was my best option. Now my second cycle was nice too, I did test and anavar . Test puts on the weight and puts it on fast. Your first cycle you will see great results regardless because you will be very very cautious and take every precatuion known to man. For me I took all the supps that you can take. I dieted hardcore for about 10 weeks, never drank once in that time so on and so forth.

    Overall I gained about 10 lbs of solid muscle on dbol winny. At the end of my cycle I was pushing 345 off my chest and was in the best shape of my life. dbol/winny not work?? I doubt that highly

    Having said all that throw in test

  10. #10
    themouse is offline New Member
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    ok i was there and liked what i saw are the prices for 25 needles right and what size needle and what size syringe should i use. also i liked what i read on sus and enanthate which one is better in your opinon

  11. #11
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by themouse
    ok i was there and liked what i saw are the prices for 25 needles right and what size needle and what size syringe should i use. also i liked what i read on sus and enanthate which one is better in your opinon
    Most will use a larger pin to draw out the solution, and a smaller one to inject. I will use 20 guage to draw, and 23 or 25 guage to inject. you want 1.5 inches long for glutes shots, and a 1 inch will work everywhere else. You won't use more than 3 ml per shot on your first cycle, so go with the 3 ml syringe, IMO.

    Test sus is a short lasting ester meaning you will be shooting ed or eod. Test e is a longer lasting ester that can be shot weekly, but most divide the dose into two shots a week to keep test levels more stable. (less sides) don't be afraid of the needle bro, they are sealed and sanitary...

    Hope that helps...
    Last edited by MasterShake; 03-07-2006 at 04:41 PM.

  12. #12
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i think as long as you research .. which u you really need too for you have no real clue about AAS.. you can do what ever u desire.. just make sure u have ample knowledge

  13. #13
    MasterShake's Avatar
    MasterShake is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i think as long as you research .. which u you really need too for you have no real clue about AAS.. you can do what ever u desire.. just make sure u have ample knowledge
    Yes, taiboxa is right...
    I am being very helpful, but if you don't know the differences between test e and suspension, you should do alot more research before your endevor... There is a LOT to learn before experimenting with your own body!

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