i have novedex xt and vitrix for my pct. vitrix.... 6 pills is-1000mg of liquid german tribulus terrestris, 80% saponins 20% protodioscin. and 500mg of there own nts-5 blend....vitex agnus castus, avena sativa, epidmedium, eurycomo longfolia jack.... idk what any of that stuff is.... heres what i plan on doin

Novadex xt:
week 1-2: 2 @ 6am 1 @ 1pm 2 @ 9pm
week 3-4: 2 @ 6am 2 @ 6pm
week 5-6: 2 @ 6am 2 @ 6pm

week 1-2: 6 @ 6am 6 at 6pm
week 3-4: 6 @ 6am 6 at 6pm
week 5-6: 6 @ noon

should i take anything els?
what do u guys think... and yes im still takin my liver cardio and blood pressure stuff...

thanks jeff