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Thread: ? for novice

  1. #1
    juicebiggalo is offline New Member
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    ? for novice

    just got serious about lifting back in november, never was priority in high school, but once seeing results never felt better about myself and took my game with the girls to an all time high... but to the point... i took 1shot/ t200 for 7 wks and 1shot/ deca300 for 10 wks... gained 22-23 lbs. with alot of cardio and kept only 14-16lbs, but even with that loss i think alot was water and body fat because my actual weights lifted didnt suffer too bad(ex. flat bench went 170before/275during/250presently)... not a really intense cycle, but had to relieve my mind of the myths we are taught to belive about juice... ive been off for 5 weeks and wanted to know if i should still use clomid at this point... also how much longer should i wait for my next cycle... im 20 yrs old, 167lbs, 5'9" and after reading and learning more ive decided to stack eq/sust/win next... any suggestions as to how to cycle it... any help is appreciated and special thanks to whoever created this board it has and keeps on educating more and more everyday

  2. #2
    Tank21's Avatar
    Tank21 is offline Associate Member
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    For the time you should weight before cycling, i have heard Time on = time off. I find myself waiting longer. In my opininion, i wuld wait alot longer if even returing to the gear. I am the same age as you and i have been training seriously for 5 years. I would try to make as much gains as possible without juice. But then again, you have already made the step. However, i am not as experienced in this topic as my "cycles" have been far from rocket science. In fact, unlike the one that i am goign to start, they probably couldnt even be considered cycles. Now as far as clomid is concered, my understanding is you want to begin when the last steriod is out of your body. I know Deca stays in your body a while. there have been other threads recently, including one by myself where they have shared the exact time to start clomid therapy. I suggest you look them up.

  3. #3
    Bodine6 is offline Junior Member
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    Start Clomid 3 weeks after last deca injection. 100mg ed for the first week and 50mg ed for the second week. It is a myth about only running it for a couple of weeks, you can run it for up to 3/4 of the year. But it is definetely not needed.

  4. #4
    ripped_82's Avatar
    ripped_82 is offline Member
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    I would suggest you run the clomid 3 weeks after your last injection and do it as follows:
    300mg day 1
    100mg days 2-7
    50mg days 8-14

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