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Thread: Needle Phobia

  1. #1
    benjmcgowan is offline New Member
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    Smile Needle Phobia

    Hey guys, just after a bit of advice! I have been training for a while now, and have hit a plateu. A couple of years ago i did a coarse of anadrol , which had noticable results, but as soon as you come of shrinkage is huge. I would like to inject but have a phobia against needles. When ever i speak to people about this, they say the only way is to inject. Is this true? or could you advise me on an oral steroid , that is strong and does not have massive shrinkage? Any help would be great. Cheers

  2. #2
    fhorst's Avatar
    fhorst is offline Associate Member
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    Loads of good orals around. some harsh for the liver, some harsh for teh hairline, some harsh for your nuts.
    The nuts you can "protect / bring back" with Clomid.

    Andriol , "safe" but expensive, and not always the results that you hope for.
    Oxandrolone "safe", expesive, and not used for bulking
    Dbol good for bulking but also alot of water retention
    read the profiles.

    There are a lot of BB who done oral only cycles and where happy with the results.

    For "safe" fast growth, injections are needed.

  3. #3
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    take the needle or just forget about aas.

  4. #4
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    Everyone is a little intimidated by needles at first. I remember it took me forever to take my first injection but after my first was no problem. After awhile you actually start to look forward to your injections.

    Personally I don't believe in all oral cycles. They are extremely stressful on your liver and much less effective then injectables. If your planning on starting a it right and don't be afraid to ask questions.

  5. #5
    speedtraining's Avatar
    speedtraining is offline Senior Member
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    you got to inject, its really not a big deal I do it every day. you got to think does that little prick really hurt you that much? I kinda like it now .

  6. #6
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    you will get used to the needle but there are people that do tbol only cycle but i dont know how accessible this steroid is to you

    best of to run some test and 2 shots/week @ 10 weeks thats only 20 shots if you are worried about the pain put a piece of ice or an ice pack on the injection site and that will completely numb it...REMEBER TO BE STERILE

  7. #7
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    lol, yeah my 1st injection was a lil shakey, but after i learned how to do it properly, it wasn't bad at all. i usually say "well, here's to getting huge" kinda like makin a toast. i read about some other guy doing it, and i actually got the idea from him, and it was a great one....

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    my first shot took me like 15min to finally do it...but now i love shoot up days...i look forward to them....i can shoot anywhere...there is a muscle group.....

  9. #9
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Like fhorst said, there are a lot of good orals out there, but I believe that if long lasting good gains is what you are after, eventually you will find yourself needing to inject.

    Of course it is a bit scary the first few times, but you will get used to it. If you have someone that you trust, have them do it for you first. The only problem is that you are eventually going to have to learn to do it yourself or you are going to have problems with missed injections because someone wasn't around.

    I have heard of people practicing on an orange before, you could try that. It really isn't difficult. It is more in your mind than anything. Once you get through that first bit of skin, it is just like butter.

    Good luck.

  10. #10
    Stage3GTI is offline New Member
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    Just did my first inject today. I did what the guy above me said, practiced on an orange first. I hate needles, but really it didn't hurt at all. I didn't really feel the injection, it only hurt after I took the needle out and got sore. But even then, I was only sore for a few hours, and now I don't even feel it anymore. Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    tbol/var is pretty popular and relativly safe.

  12. #12
    BIGPHILL is offline New Member
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    Remember to totally relax your muscle your shooting i've found.
    Makes it all gravy...

    I like quads myself.

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