Several newly uncovered anabolic steroids contained in dietary supplements closely resemble drugs that made news:

Supplement: Halodrol-50

Steroid : Resembles Oral-Turinabol , which was given to East German athletes without their knowledge in the 1960s and '70s.

Supplement: Ergomax LMG

Steroid: DMT, which Canadian customs officials seized from a sprinter in 2003.

Supplement: Superdrol

Steroid: Resembles an oral version of testosterone .

Supplement: Prostanozol

Steroid: Resembles stanozolol , for which sprinter Ben Johnson and Rafael Palmeiro tested positive.

Supplement: FiniGenX Magnum Liquid

Steroid: Resembles nandrolone and similar drugs that caused many athletes, including shot putter C.J. Hunter, to fail drug tests around the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

Supplement: Methyl 1-P

Steroids: Contains two, one resembling androstenedione, the substance Mark McGwire used -- then legally -- in 1998. The other is a progestin, a common ingredient in oral contraceptives.

Source: Don Catlin, UCLA Olympic Analytical Laboratory