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Thread: Question?

  1. #1
    Josh_455 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2005


    Has anyone hit a wall during a cycle like the first 8 weeks gain like 15-30 pounds then you stop. For the next 4 weeks you don't get any stronger or bigger or gain any more wight does that mean you have hit a wall? I was told that your body can grow only so much at a time, I still have 4 weeks left should I just stop the course and start the pct considering im not gaining.

  2. #2
    muscle_20's Avatar
    muscle_20 is offline Member
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    yeah of course every one hits the wall after a while(for me gains slow after 6 weeks so i am only going to run 6 weekers after my present cycle).
    what compounds are you using/what doses?

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_455
    Has anyone hit a wall during a cycle like the first 8 weeks gain like 15-30 pounds then you stop. For the next 4 weeks you don't get any stronger or bigger or gain any more wight does that mean you have hit a wall? I was told that your body can grow only so much at a time, I still have 4 weeks left should I just stop the course and start the pct considering im not gaining.
    Yes you do hit the wall, its impossible to carry on gaining new muscle tissue your body gets use to the AAS, everyone has different times when this happens looks like your is around 8 weeks, there are afew things you could try to carry on gaining but to be honest your better off comming off and starting pct and recover and maintain your gains, dont saturate your body more than whats needed to grow, if you have experienced good gains and they have stopped, come off and recover and get your body back to normal as soon as you can.


  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    it is completely dependent up on my mode of training and what compounds im using.. when using short esters (which i prefer) i hit a platue around week 4-5 then it picks up again around week 10... usually when i plat i will change dosages .. ramp them up usually then after a few weeks i will drop them down to maint.

  5. #5
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    i stop gaining around week 8 myself. but then as i am coming off i see a stregnth increase right before pct, right into it.

  6. #6
    Josh_455 is offline New Member
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    If I stop ew I will lose 12ml Deca , and 6ml of Sus250 I have already put them into the syringes cause I couldn't be ****ed breaking vials everytime. I guess I should so I need less time to recover, I know time on =time off but has anyone had a one month rest before doing another course because of some time issue they had?

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