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  1. #1
    gearedup is offline RETIRED VET R.I.P.
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Dnp: Will It Affect Recovery

    Just got off the juice few weeks ago will DNP affect my recovery? Should I wait till after I stabilize the levels or could I do it now?

  2. #2
    The Iron Game Guest
    you could do it now, along with insulin and clen /ephedrine and t3 but personally I would try and remain at a stable weight before shedding back to get ripped.

  3. #3
    gearedup is offline RETIRED VET R.I.P.
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ya I think that is probably best! Maybe wait a couple more weeks or so! I am just anxious to take something I think!

  4. #4
    Mike Guest
    Technically you can do it but because i read your other posts - I know you have been "on" for a while and I would hold off for a while and let your body settle a bit

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