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  1. #1
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    Swollen After injection

    Ok i have no idea if this is where i post this..and you guys have probably heard this question a million times...but here it goes....I started my second cycle 3 weeks ago of 250mg of QV Test E and 300 mg of Univex Deca one cc of each and both at once in the same syringe...First injection was in the thigh sore for 3 days decided to go to the glute for the second no pain what so ever.. Now here is where it gets interesting...a buddy of mines gear was running late so he borrowed his first two weeks from third injection was in friday and it was his gear which i noticed after the injection that his test was propionate 100mg/ml now today it is swollen and hurts like a son of a bitch....when i injected yesterday i poked aspirated and the first time there was a little drop of blood in the syringe so relocated same process and just an airbubble so i injected..very slowly of i took all the percationary messures cleaned everything with alc new syringe...Is this normal to hurt like hell and be swollen the size of a golfball?????

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Prop is known to hurt a lot, Why did you take Prop instead of Test E, they are totally different esters, that was not smart bro !!

  3. #3
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    i used my buddys prop because he used two weeks worth of my e so i would have fallen short if i didnt use his prop

  4. #4
    NoFaith068 is offline Associate Member
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    Propinate generally hurts more than most esters. It could be very normal swelling, keep an eye on it just in case. If you notice the swelling continues for a week or more see a doc and get a script to some antibiotics immediately.

    Best of luck bro.

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Team_XXL
    i used my buddys prop because he used two weeks worth of my e so i would have fallen short if i didnt use his prop

  6. #6
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    also another question i have is how much blood is ok in a little tiny drop in aspiration ok..when i aspirated on friday there was one litte drop followed by and air bubble

  7. #7
    brucecastle666 is offline New Member
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    same thing happens to me bro with test suspension and propi never happens with eq or deca or tren just test i wish i knew why bc it hurts like hell when i squat and lasts for at least 2 weeks and with no infection thank god. maybe it is just a reaction to test. bump for more insight

  8. #8
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    i dont get hardly any pain from test e or the deca i am useing

  9. #9
    doghunter's Avatar
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    its normal for most all test e i have taken but it makes me wonder maybe is bullshit but which is it i know the test e i brew hurts like a bitch the only test e i have taken that didnt hurt and swell up was from a known fake source the swelling has alot to do with the thickness of the product i believe test e is a thick product and its slowly absorbed into your body so it swells prop is just a bitch not stating any facts here just my own thoughts

  10. #10
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    OK got an update today when i woke up it is slightly bruised still swollen and kinda itchy...What can i do????

  11. #11
    velvetlion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doghunter
    its normal for most all test e i have taken but it makes me wonder maybe is bullshit but which is it i know the test e i brew hurts like a bitch the only test e i have taken that didnt hurt and swell up was from a known fake source the swelling has alot to do with the thickness of the product i believe test e is a thick product and its slowly absorbed into your body so it swells prop is just a bitch not stating any facts here just my own thoughts

    Test E isn't always in a thicker oil. It all depends on what type of oil the company or UGL decides to use in there solution. As for how long it takes to absorb into your body, that is ester dependant. The shorter estered propionate is much more noted for being a painful injection, where test e is usually pretty mild. If you are getting some test e from a ugl and it is painful, they most likely are using a higher concentration of ba than is neccessary.

    As for the original can't use test e and test p interchangeably. That will completely throw your blood levels off. Not a smart idea.

    The swelling will normally subside after 4 or 5 days.

  12. #12
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    ok guys now i am really worried it is red warm to the touch and has gotten bigger it has been two days since the injection

  13. #13
    NickHex81's Avatar
    NickHex81 is offline Associate Member
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    Is it BRUISED? I had the same shit happen to me like two weeks ago, but it wasn't "golf ball" sized, but it was warm and itchy. Everything turned out ok though...

    I think you'll be ok, just make sure there is no puss or anything..

  14. #14
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    it is alittle bruised and it is more like a half tennis ball size

  15. #15
    NickHex81's Avatar
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    Well, just keep an eye on it, like I said, look for puss. I think you'll be ok, mine calmed down on day 4.

  16. #16
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    should i go to the doc tomorrow just to be safe???

  17. #17
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    ii injected in the upper outter part of my glute and it is swollen down past te bottom of my ass cheek

  18. #18
    NickHex81's Avatar
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    If you want to, yeah. I didn't, but that was my choice. I usually always have a bump of some kind on my injection spots for about 3-4 days, I don't know about you? I haven't shot PROP yet, but maybe it really does hurt that much.

  19. #19
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    i always get a bump of some sort afterwards but never this big nor red and itchy

  20. #20
    NickHex81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Team_XXL
    ii injected in the upper outter part of my glute and it is swollen down past te bottom of my ass cheek
    Mine was similar, but not HUGE and not past my ass cheek, but more towards the outer middle.

  21. #21
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    see mine is going down the outter part of my thigh

  22. #22
    NickHex81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Team_XXL
    i always get a bump of some sort afterwards but never this big nor red and itchy
    I don't know what else to tell you, that sounds exactly how mine was. None of my injection spots are ever red and itchy, but that one was. You'll be fine dude, but if you're that concerned, go to the doc.

  23. #23
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    i am sorry if i seem paranoid this is just my first time using test

  24. #24
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    and warm to the touch is normal

  25. #25
    NickHex81's Avatar
    NickHex81 is offline Associate Member
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    No dude, I understand. I was the same way. My test is a blend of cyp, deconate & enanthate and trust me, it HURTS! Like I said bro, I think you'll be ok, but it's your decision to see the doc or not.

  26. #26
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    if it is an infection what are the odd of my doc not perscribing anything because of what caused....also would that be considered a check up wondering if my ins will cover the visit

  27. #27
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    also what can i do to make the swelling go down...heat ice advil aleve what

  28. #28
    NickHex81's Avatar
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    I don't really know man, since I have never gone to the doc for that reason in particular. Hopefully someone who has will post the info.

  29. #29
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    and abou the swelling

  30. #30
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    anything on how to lower the swelling

  31. #31
    NickHex81's Avatar
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    Heating pad.

  32. #32
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    damn the swelling is extremly f**king annoying i want it to go away more then anything

  33. #33
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Heating pad is probably your best bet on the swelling. Usually you just have to wait it out. Make sure you aren't running a fever. If you are, might want to see a doc.

  34. #34
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    last time i checked last night it was 99.3 so no bad

  35. #35
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Team_XXL
    last time i checked last night it was 99.3 so no bad

    Should be fine. Just keep an eye on it. These things can sometimes take up to a week or so to clear up. Yeah, it sucks, but comes with the territory at times.

  36. #36
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    so even tho the swelling is spreading it should be ok...also has anyone heard of univex???

  37. #37
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    The swelling may increase some, but should start to subside after 4 or 5 days.

  38. #38
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    and if it is an infection it will still be treatable by meds that late in the game

  39. #39
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Team_XXL
    and if it is an infection it will still be treatable by meds that late in the game
    Since I am not a doctor, I would be hesitant to answer that question. The key is to catch it while it can still be treated by oral anitibiotics. If you let it get too far, you run the risk of them having to cut it open and use iv antibiotics on you. I don't think that there is really a set time limit on it, you just have to make an eductated decision on your own as to whether you think that it is infected or not.

  40. #40
    Team_XXL is offline New Member
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    so should i wait til tuesday or wednesday..and if things havent changed go to the doc

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