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Thread: hows this look

  1. #1
    lifthard2005's Avatar
    lifthard2005 is offline Associate Member
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    hows this look

    Week 1-10 supertest 450 @ 900mg
    Week 1-10 Equipoise @ 600mg
    Week 1-5 Tren Acetate @ 100mg eod
    Week 1-4 Dbol @ 50mg ed
    Week 5-10 Masteron @ 100mg eod
    Week 5-10 Winstrol @ 50mg ed
    Week 5-12 Nolva @ 20mg ed

    this is my 7th cycle, age 34, 6'3", 230lbs........

    I know having the dbol and winny back to back is not good and if i feel/see any sides that become apparent, I will discontinue the winstrol immediatley

  2. #2
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    What are you exact goals here Lift?

    Is the Masteron the Propionate version? Then you can run it closer to PCT with the Winny

  3. #3
    lifthard2005's Avatar
    lifthard2005 is offline Associate Member
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    I want to bulk up fast and the tren and dbol will do that early on, then test as the base...equipoise for appetite and steady lean gains (iloveEq)....

    yes the masteron is prop, the second half of the cycle, i chose masteron to free up some test, make me harder, and the winstrol with the Eq will pay off big time.

    It is kind of an all-in-one cycle with mass in the begining with a cutter like finish.

    what do u think?

    thanks for the input bro..

  4. #4
    D-Money's Avatar
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    I would pick either the masteron or the winny because they are both dht derivatives, I only like to run 3 compounds at the same time personally. I just don't see the logic in 5 or 6. I would also add some hcg to your pct. My 2cents.

  5. #5
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Alright you big bastard lets see what we can do. Is the BF in single digits or at least clos to it? The Mast wont do much if you're not really low. You can use the Winny to free up some test and toss the Mast if you're not really low by then.

    Let me know on your BF%. I know I sound tedious but the more info you give me the more it will benefit you. Its easy to switch around a few things an write "Good luck Bro." That wont do anything but leave room for improvement.

  6. #6
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Money
    I only like to run 3 compounds at the same time personally. I just don't see the logic in 5 or 6. I would also add some hcg to your pct.
    The logic is more then 3 compounds come with synergy, Sure you can pick 1 out of each of the major families of AAS leaving you with 3 compounds. That will repa great results but I also like to combine certain thigns for different reasons. All comes down to personal preferance.

    I dont think he listed his PCT. After the cycle is finalized I'd like to see it though................

  7. #7
    lifthard2005's Avatar
    lifthard2005 is offline Associate Member
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    Jayhova - - big bastard bf is 10% right now.....before I start this. What do you think I should do, also I plan to use HCG , Clomid and Nolva for PCT. I want to ask you, after seeing what I am running, would be the best PCT to recover from this heavy cycle?

    (thats me in my avatar, obviously, and you can see I dont have alot of bf in that pic.)

  8. #8
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Nice stats LH!!!

    I know a few that have ran Supertest and everyone stated how much it hurt. Try mixing it with the EQ and if it still hurts you may have to cut it. I personally would rather run some Test E or Prop and get rid of the D-bol. I know you're looking for a bulk/cut cycle but with your stats you can shed that BF% and harden up making you look bigger. You know that just as well as I do.

    If you want to run the longer ester just use some Nolva/Prov throughout the entire cycle. They will both cut water retention plus with the proviron on there you wont need to worry about that Mast for SHBG. You can still use it but for other reasons. Depending on where your BF% is at I'd either finish with the Winny or the Mast but no need for both.

    For PCT HCG , clomid and nolva sound great. Throw some Trib and Clen in there and you're ready to rock.

  9. #9
    lifthard2005's Avatar
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    I DROPPED THE WINNY OVER MASTERON BECAUSE OF THE WINSTROL JOINT PAIN ISSUE (oops caps was on). I also swapped the supertest for Test E.

    Jay, please give me a detailed 'picture' of the best way, the amounts, and times for HCG , Clomid, and Nolva.

    thanks for all your help bro....i really appreicate it alot!

  10. #10
    Unoid is offline Member
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    add T3 to the cycle

    If you eat like a horse every 3 hours the T3 will actually help u make more muscle due to the increased nutrient uptake and burning.

  11. #11
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Week 1-10 Test E @ 900mg
    Week 1-10 Equipoise @ 600mg
    Week 1-8 Tren Acetate @ 100mg eod (I prefer 50mgs ED)
    Week 1-4 Dbol @ 50mg ed ( I prefer Var of T-bol)
    Week 8-12 Masteron @ 100mg eod
    Week 8-12 HCG 500iu E3D (Stop it right before you start the Clomid)

    As far as PCT here's what I would do is I were you LH, it will start 3 days after your last Mast injection:

    Run Nolva/Prov throughout the entire cycle (50mg Pro & 20mgs Nolva)

    Day 1 300mgs Clomid
    Day 2 200mgs Clomid
    Day 3 100mg Clomid for 10 days Then 50mgs for 10 days makign this 3 weeks total

    20mgs Nolv and 2g Trib from day of PCT until sex drive is back, will typically be 2 weeks after you stopped the Clomid give or take.

    Clen throughout the entire PCT for 3 weeks or so. No need for Benadryl or Keto b/c you wont be on it long enough in order for downregulation to be a factor

  12. #12
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Looks good.
    I would do the eq 12 weeks and run var in place od the d-bol 1-10. The var will help with the fat burning

    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Week 1-10 Test E @ 900mg
    Week 1-10 Equipoise @ 600mg
    Week 1-8 Tren Acetate @ 100mg eod (I prefer 50mgs ED)
    Week 1-4 Dbol @ 50mg ed ( I prefer Var of T-bol)
    Week 8-12 Masteron @ 100mg eod
    Week 8-12 HCG 500iu E3D (Stop it right before you start the Clomid)

    As far as PCT here's what I would do is I were you LH, it will start 3 days after your last Mast injection:

    Run Nolva/Prov throughout the entire cycle (50mg Pro & 20mgs Nolva)

    Day 1 300mgs Clomid
    Day 2 200mgs Clomid
    Day 3 100mg Clomid for 10 days Then 50mgs for 10 days makign this 3 weeks total

    20mgs Nolv and 2g Trib from day of PCT until sex drive is back, will typically be 2 weeks after you stopped the Clomid give or take.

    Clen throughout the entire PCT for 3 weeks or so. No need for Benadryl or Keto b/c you wont be on it long enough in order for downregulation to be a factor

  13. #13
    lifthard2005's Avatar
    lifthard2005 is offline Associate Member
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    if i swap out the dbol for tbol what doses should i use? the same 50mg ed? for 4 weeks?

    also, how will tbol react or act with the tren and equipose in my cycle? (I changed my cycle to m,atch what Jayhova suggested)

    thanks again guys

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