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  1. #1
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005

    At what doses do side effects start to show up at ??

    I was just curoius at what doses do minor or major sides start for Test .So is anything under 500mg a week pretty safe for the average guy.Have any of you seen bad sides under 500mg a week ..Thanks and it dosent have to be test it could be anything jsut wondering at what doses did you start seeing negitve sides ..Peace AC

  2. #2
    Njectable's Avatar
    Njectable is offline Member
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    That question is impossible to answer because everyone is different and reacts differently to certain things. Test at 500mg a week is a safe dose and in most people sides are limited but theirs no way to predict how your body will react until you actually try it.

  3. #3
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony C
    I was just curoius at what doses do minor or major sides start for Test .So is anything under 500mg a week pretty safe for the average guy.Have any of you seen bad sides under 500mg a week ..Thanks and it dosent have to be test it could be anything jsut wondering at what doses did you start seeing negitve sides ..Peace AC

    it all depend's on the person you need to find out for yourself to see what you can stand. By this i mean a stedy increase.

    i've used just over a gram a week with no problem's

  4. #4
    Lavinco's Avatar
    Lavinco is offline Anabolic Member
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    901 N 2nd St Philadelphia
    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony C
    I was just curoius at what doses do minor or major sides start for Test .So is anything under 500mg a week pretty safe for the average guy.Have any of you seen bad sides under 500mg a week ..Thanks and it dosent have to be test it could be anything jsut wondering at what doses did you start seeing negitve sides ..Peace AC
    I guess the people that can tell you how much is too much will now never be able to tell you.

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