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  1. #1
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    var/T-Bol - The answer?

    Hey guys. After reading a lot into var and T-Bol It's sounding more and more like the answer to what I've been looking for. A bit about me: i'm 5'11 and down to 165 after cutting. I've done 4 previous cycles, again mainly to cut up and gain LBM. I've just started a test/Eq cycle and was thinking about throwing some primo in but then got reading about var in particular and it sounds just what i need.I fight in MMA so can't go above 175 pounds so i still have 10 pounds to gain but i could do with a strength increase.i want to stay lean, possibly even cut up more and gain the last 10 pounds without any fat. diet is squeaky clean as is workout routine.should i knock the test/Eq on the head and go for var/T-bol or var only? or maybe even throw then in with what i'm already running? advice from people with var and var/T-bol experience would be great. let me know what you think. currently 1 week into 500mg test/450mg eq and really get bloat bad (Which i hate) with this cycle even with letro. what u think?

  2. #2
    goose is offline Banned
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    I have done the Var Tbol combo twice,as a kickstart to my cycle with great results.from my experience being a fan of Tbol,it`s a poor choice to run it at the start of a cycle as it provides little strength gains,but can be fixed with Var,so what happens is that it becomes like Dbol with the strength yet no water.I like Var at 50 and Tbol at 60,devastating Combination thats offers everthing,I would only include this as part of a cycle.


  3. #3
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I have done the Var Tbol combo twice,as a kickstart to my cycle with great results.from my experience being a fan of Tbol,it`s a poor choice to run it at the start of a cycle as it provides little strength gains,but can be fixed with Var,so what happens is that it becomes like Dbol with the strength yet no water.I like Var at 50 and Tbol at 60,devastating Combination thats offers everthing,I would only include this as part of a cycle.

    Thanks goose. I was thinking var 60mg/t-bol 40mg but that can be tweaked. the lack of bloat from the two compounds is a huge benefit for me as i hate looking bloated from test. I suppose i could drop the test and run them with the eq at 450mg per week. adding in something for the libido issues. any other thoughts?

  4. #4
    goose is offline Banned
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    EQ is great but takes week 7 to kick in.So you could run the Tbol and var combo for the first 7 weeks (I would do 8 weeks) and let the EQ deal with the rest,would make sence to run EQ for 14 weeks,the great thing here you will not get shut down.I would run proviron or better Andriol as for libido issues,don`t forget Tbol increases libido too.


  5. #5
    BiggCatt is offline Junior Member
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    i hate the idea of 2 orals

  6. #6
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiggCatt
    i hate the idea of 2 orals
    I always thought the same and for most people it wouldn't be the best thing but because i'm restricted in weight i can gain, would prefer no sides and would benefit from a good strength it looks like it would work well. i was planning on running the eq for 12 weeks anyway and from what I've researched var/T-Bol are both quite easy on the liver

  7. #7
    james21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiggCatt
    i hate the idea of 2 orals
    Ok then dont do it.

    Back on track, I like what goose pointed out to do!

  8. #8
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
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    Although they are both mild orals, I would still incorporate preventitive measures for liver care. I.E. a good liver formula, milk thistle, no drinking... ect.

  9. #9
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
    Although they are both mild orals, I would still incorporate preventitive measures for liver care. I.E. a good liver formula, milk thistle, no drinking... ect.
    This is good advice. Milk thistle is always thrown in when i include an oral and i don't drink. so its all good

  10. #10
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiggCatt
    i hate the idea of 2 orals

    Why? I don`t understand? Please Elaborate more?


  11. #11
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I have done the Var Tbol combo twice,as a kickstart to my cycle with great results.from my experience being a fan of Tbol,it`s a poor choice to run it at the start of a cycle as it provides little strength gains,but can be fixed with Var,so what happens is that it becomes like Dbol with the strength yet no water.I like Var at 50 and Tbol at 60,devastating Combination thats offers everthing,I would only include this as part of a cycle.

    I've got some good gains in strength from Tbol. This indicates to me that it ranges from person to person. I always associated good gains in strength with Tbol's use.

  12. #12
    olederndirt is offline Junior Member
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    Doing a T-bol & Var cycle as we speak. Started with Tobl then went to Var after 5 weeks. Trying to keep same weight and lower fat %. Real clean diet and it is working great. Strength went up and lost no weight. Started Var last week and weight has dropped a bit so I up diet a bit. Should have combined the two as Goose said. Slight headache first 10 days on t-bol.Libido I believe is down a bit. So it works different for each user. IMO 10 lbs is possible with the right diet and PCT.

  13. #13
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    I've got some good gains in strength from Tbol. This indicates to me that it ranges from person to person. I always associated good gains in strength with Tbol's use.

    Tbol does provide strength gains,Turanabol has a predominantly anabolic effect which is combined with a relatively low androgenic component. On a scale of 1 to 100 the androgenic effect is very low -only a 6- and the anabolic effect is 53. (In comparison: the androgenic effect of Dianabol is 45 and its anabolic effect is 90.) This shows you that against other orals for strength like Dbol ,var and drol it`s weak in this department.I love to start a cycle freaky strong and Tbol with long esters does not fill my satisfaction.


  14. #14
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olederndirt
    Doing a T-bol & Var cycle as we speak. Started with Tobl then went to Var after 5 weeks. Trying to keep same weight and lower fat %. Real clean diet and it is working great. Strength went up and lost no weight. Started Var last week and weight has dropped a bit so I up diet a bit. Should have combined the two as Goose said. Slight headache first 10 days on t-bol.Libido I believe is down a bit. So it works different for each user. IMO 10 lbs is possible with the right diet and PCT.
    Thanks for the input. It's good to see that the only people that don't like var/T-bol is people that haven't tried it or used it thinking it was a huge bulker and were disappointed with the results. Used for strength and LBM gains it all sounds positive

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Tbol does provide strength gains,Turanabol has a predominantly anabolic effect which is combined with a relatively low androgenic component. On a scale of 1 to 100 the androgenic effect is very low -only a 6- and the anabolic effect is 53. (In comparison: the androgenic effect of Dianabol is 45 and its anabolic effect is 90.) This shows you that against other orals for strength like Dbol ,var and drol it`s weak in this department.I love to start a cycle freaky strong and Tbol with long esters does not fill my satisfaction.

    If Tbols weak in this department, then god only knows what strength gains I'd get from Dbol/Anadrol .

  16. #16
    olederndirt is offline Junior Member
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    I agree. This combo will not make you huge, but for the results you are looking for this might be the answer. Got no bloat on t-bol and I get bloat looking at beer....Be careful and take all bola supps for liver,bp.,and cloesterol and you should be fine. I'm getting a blood test when I'm done to see the changes if any. My bp never changed on t-bol the Var usually sends mine up though.

  17. #17
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    If Tbols weak in this department, then god only knows what strength gains I'd get from Dbol/Anadrol.

    Hope you never do halo,next time I see you in west street I will stay out your way.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4

    Hope you never do halo,next time I see you in west street I will stay out your way.


  19. #19
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    i wouldnt run var w/ tbol by anymeans .. i feel var is for women in most cases and running it w/ another oral that isnt exactly UBER is kinda a waste imo.

    but since your trying to maintain a specific weight u could run a strong AI w/ Abombs/dbol for some REAL NICE STR and lil to no bloat.

  20. #20
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i wouldnt run var w/ tbol by anymeans .. i feel var is for women in most cases and running it w/ another oral that isnt exactly UBER is kinda a waste imo.

    but since your trying to maintain a specific weight u could run a strong AI w/ Abombs/dbol for some REAL NICE STR and lil to no bloat.
    I hear so many people say "Don't do var, It's for women". yes women use it because it doesn't cause virilisation symptoms because if its low androgen content.But why should this mean that it can't be used by men? I've read a lot of people that swear by var and include it time and time again. also i understand i can use drol or d-bol with letro but i'm one of these people that will get bloat on just about anything. i'm just about 10 days into my test/eq cycle now and already bloating up. and thats with letro at 0.5 daily. have used up to 1mg daily but still have the bloat.letro is lion brand so is good too. so the idea behind var would be to get around this problem. i know It's not going to suit everyones goals but for my goals do you still think its a poor choice? suggestions?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i wouldnt run var w/ tbol by anymeans .. i feel var is for women in most cases and running it w/ another oral that isnt exactly UBER is kinda a waste imo.

    but since your trying to maintain a specific weight u could run a strong AI w/ Abombs/dbol for some REAL NICE STR and lil to no bloat.
    Var is one of the best steroids available, IMO. I'll bet over 60% of Olympic athletes use it in the off season.

  22. #22
    Liftnainez's Avatar
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    my next cycle will also prob be var and tbol and some proviron .. will let u know how it goes

  23. #23
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by notanormalgent
    Var is one of the best steroids available, IMO. I'll bet over 60% of Olympic athletes use it in the off season.
    if ur an olympic athlete thats great but for ur true weight lifting beasts its pointless... i have used 200mg ED and the results i got.. made me very sad.
    hell i hate win and i will take it over var any day.

  24. #24
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    if ur an olympic athlete thats great but for ur true weight lifting beasts its pointless... i have used 200mg ED and the results i got.. made me very sad.
    hell i hate win and i will take it over var any day.
    i appreciate it isn't for everyone. but because the reason for this thread is to find the best cycle for my unique needs and the fact that i fight in MMA and have different goals than "a weight lifting beast" i think peoples experiences point to it being a good choice

  25. #25
    goose is offline Banned
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    So you train in MMA.....ever consider masteron ...would work nice strength gains...would help your goals.


  26. #26
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    So you train in MMA.....ever consider masteron ...would work nice strength gains...would help your goals.

    There doesn't seem to be much info out there on masteron. do you have personal experience with it goose? I've read the profiles and done searches but there isn't a great deal of info about it

  27. #27
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutting_king
    There doesn't seem to be much info out there on masteron. do you have personal experience with it goose? I've read the profiles and done searches but there isn't a great deal of info about it

    masteron is my second fav ASS, the structure of this steroid is that of a moderate anabolic /potent androgen which does not aromatize to estrogen. Water retention and gynecomastia therefore do not come into play with this drug,I never get sides.Since the propionate ester is used with this compound, injections need to be repeated at every other day in order to maintain a consistent level of hormone in the blood. The weekly dosage is in the range of 300-500mg.If I was an MMA fighter and did not want to gain mass,I would hit this no second thought.


  28. #28
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    masteron is my second fav ASS, the structure of this steroid is that of a moderate anabolic /potent androgen which does not aromatize to estrogen. Water retention and gynecomastia therefore do not come into play with this drug,I never get sides.Since the propionate ester is used with this compound, injections need to be repeated at every other day in order to maintain a consistent level of hormone in the blood. The weekly dosage is in the range of 300-500mg.If I was an MMA fighter and did not want to gain mass,I would hit this no second thought.

    sounds good. my source does a masteron with the enanthate ester. is there any downside to this over the prop version? i know normally water would be a consideration but if it doesn't aromatise anyway should be good to go right? also how would it go with masteron/var/T-Bol/eq? or do you think this would be overkill for what i'm trying to achieve? just want to review all options thats all. thanks again

  29. #29
    goose is offline Banned
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    The enanthate ester will just be as good,shot twice per week.For what your trying to achieve it will be Awesome.This is what I would do:

    Tbol and var weeks 1-7
    EQ weeks 1-14
    masteron 6-14

    Great cycle with nice strength gains with no water,dont forget to include Proviron .


  30. #30
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    I dont see why some knock Var. To call it a womens drug is completely ridiculous. It is a great drug for certain people with specific goals. I have used it and just started it back up.

    If you're the guy that just wants to walk around with an upper cross syndrome and just cares about repping 365 then var probably isnt for you. If you're already lean and want to add some strength while leaning down then Var is the ticket. I have used Var in most of my cutters with great success. I'd never use it in a bulker and there are other options better suited for my bulkers. It's just like anything esle, winds down to ones goal.

    Not everyone on here just cares about getting huge and ripped. Some of us have specific goals that call for different measures. One thing may do nothing for some and everything to others.

  31. #31
    LX-1's Avatar
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    my brother wants to do this type of cycle.

  32. #32
    goose is offline Banned
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    Jay please in the furture ban people that call Var and primo for girls......


    Lets do a live pose down on AR me and you....lets see what drol has done for you.....a man versus a should win....


  33. #33
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    I don't understand how any STEROID can be considered girly.

    Tbol+Var is good at shaping the body and adding strength, if used with hard work and dedication with training.

  34. #34
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    Goose, for some reason people knock it all the time. The people that typically do don't have goals similar to ours. So to them Var is of no use, I dont blame them for not liking it but to call it a girls drug is ridiculous.

    Var will help me get to 5% easily. I dont see too many that are that lean talking bad about Var. It's usually the guys that are more concerned about scale weight that have a problem with it.

  35. #35
    doublefister is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liftnainez
    my next cycle will also prob be var and tbol and some proviron.. will let u know how it goes
    Those orals only? In what dosages? Any liver support? Keep us posted!

  36. #36
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    T-bol, var, winstrol , Primo, tren , masteron are all effective muscle-builders. They promote pure muscle-tissue, that will stay long term.

    Drol and D-bol: mostly junk-bloat with gains, which is very hard to keep.

  37. #37
    LB55blitz's Avatar
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    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    if ur an olympic athlete thats great but for ur true weight lifting beasts its pointless... i have used 200mg ED and the results i got.. made me very sad.
    hell i hate win and i will take it over var any day.
    yeppers. ran var at 100mg ed and didnt see shit. a little hardness and thats it. VERY dissapointed, but some people like it a lot. guess trying its the only way to find out.

    i like winny tho

  38. #38
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Well the subject of var/T-bol seems to be appearing more and more so it looks like less people are simply dismissing it and actually looking into things for themselves which makes a pleasant change

  39. #39
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    if ur an olympic athlete thats great but for ur true weight lifting beasts its pointless... i have used 200mg ED and the results i got.. made me very sad.
    Apparently, you're expectations were too high.


  40. #40
    LB55blitz's Avatar
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    Gettin lean wit it...
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Apparently, you're expectations were too high.

    Well with 200mg of such a highly talked about oral I would think expectations should be high.

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