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  1. #1
    ben2285 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005

    Big time problem here, need some help!

    Hey guys, I ended my first cycle of Test E (8 wks) and finished off the last 2 weeks with prop. about 7 weeks ago. I did my PCT (I used Pheedno's PCT= Weeks 1-4: 20mg Nolva, 100mg Clomid, .25mg L-Dex) and everything seemed to be fine, my sex drive came back and my balls seemed to be back to normal. I decided after the pct was done I would go on a short cut before my next cycle to lose some of the extra weight I gained from eating so much from the first cycle. Again everything was going fine until about a week or so ago my sex drive kinda tapered and my nuts have noticeably shrunk down. I have no idea what could have caused this but it has be kinda scared and concerned. I planned on started my next cycle in about 3 weeks but now that isn't looking like it's going to happen as this problem needs to be addressed. Just a few other things as side notes: #1. I have never had my test checked so I don't know what my baseline level is even if I did get a blood test. #2. I have no idea how I would ask my doc for a blood test for testosterone since he already went crazy on me when I told him I use protein powder. #3. I know dieting can sometimes decrease libido but I wasn't going very low with my calories, the lowest I went was 2,800 cals which is by no means too low for me being 6'2" 205. #4. I was using MAN scorch, and sesathin ( its just sesame oil) by avant while cutting althoough I do not think these could have possibly shrunk my testicles but I'm just giving you as much info. as I possibly can.
    Please help me out guys!

  2. #2
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by ben2285
    Hey guys, I ended my first cycle of Test E (8 wks) and finished off the last 2 weeks with prop. about 7 weeks ago. I did my PCT (I used Pheedno's PCT= Weeks 1-4: 20mg Nolva, 100mg Clomid, .25mg L-Dex) and everything seemed to be fine, my sex drive came back and my balls seemed to be back to normal. I decided after the pct was done I would go on a short cut before my next cycle to lose some of the extra weight I gained from eating so much from the first cycle. Again everything was going fine until about a week or so ago my sex drive kinda tapered and my nuts have noticeably shrunk down. I have no idea what could have caused this but it has be kinda scared and concerned. I planned on started my next cycle in about 3 weeks but now that isn't looking like it's going to happen as this problem needs to be addressed. Just a few other things as side notes: #1. I have never had my test checked so I don't know what my baseline level is even if I did get a blood test. #2. I have no idea how I would ask my doc for a blood test for testosterone since he already went crazy on me when I told him I use protein powder. #3. I know dieting can sometimes decrease libido but I wasn't going very low with my calories, the lowest I went was 2,800 cals which is by no means too low for me being 6'2" 205. #4. I was using MAN scorch, and sesathin ( its just sesame oil) by avant while cutting althoough I do not think these could have possibly shrunk my testicles but I'm just giving you as much info. as I possibly can.
    Please help me out guys!
    1. Get a new doctor. He works for you, remember that.

    2. Get BW done otherwise you are just guessing as to where you stand, after this is done let us know results so we can give our opinions/advice.

  3. #3
    ben2285 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005
    Okay, but how do I know where to find a doc who is cool with it?

  4. #4
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Very few dr's will be "cool" with anabolic use. Therefore ask for your bloodwork, specifically male comprehensive exam and Free/Total test levels. From there we can help you with the results you get.

  5. #5
    batfink0's Avatar
    batfink0 is offline Junior Member
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    Am i reading your post did you PCT on weeks 1-4?
    Or you started a 4 week PCT after your cycle was complete?

    Did you taper off the PCT?
    Seems like a lot for a cycle of Test...How much Test/week were you doing, and was it Test E alone or other aas's?
    How old are you?

  6. #6
    ben2285 is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2005
    Last edited by ben2285; 05-12-2008 at 11:38 PM.

  7. #7
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
    MAXIMA5 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your doctor is a douchebag if he freaked out over protein powder.
    Ask for a comp exam from any normal physician and they will be more than happy to olige.

  8. #8
    ben2285 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Last edited by ben2285; 05-12-2008 at 11:38 PM.

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