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  1. #1
    Tanwah is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006

    Smile Deca with EQ with Test e

    Can someone help me with this ?
    I have 8vial DECA and 8vial EQ.Can I use both in one cycle?

    Inject Deca on Monday 2ml, inject EQ on thursday 2ml for a total of 8weeks

    follow by a 400mg of Test E on every sat for 12weeks .

    Dbol -30mg for 6 weeks
    Test E - 400mg for 12weeks
    Will there be an issue with DECA and EQ in one week ?
    Will I see similiar gains as with only DECA alone or EQ alone ?
    The reason for the two is cos I only have 8vial of both.
    Any sides ?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    monstermasss's Avatar
    monstermasss is offline Associate Member
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    well deca and eq hit same receptors so i would say do deca first and follow up w/ eq thats what i am doing right now!
    do this:
    wk 1-6 30-60mg dbol
    1-13 500-750 test e
    1-6 400mg deca
    6-13 400mg eq
    if you have enough test i would go 15 wks and do 1-7 deca and 7-15 eq?

  3. #3
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by monstermasss
    well deca and eq hit same receptors so i would say do deca first and follow up w/ eq thats what i am doing right now!
    do this:
    wk 1-6 30-60mg dbol
    1-13 500-750 test e
    1-6 400mg deca
    6-13 400mg eq
    if you have enough test i would go 15 wks and do 1-7 deca and 7-15 eq?

    This is not good... u r running the dbol too long and the deca and eq too short...... deca shld be run for at least 12 weeks.... same for eq but 15 weeks wld be even better.......

  4. #4
    Tanwah is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006
    To monstermasss.

    Thanks for the advise but is there a reason as to why -
    Deca first then Eq?
    Can it be the other way round ?
    Was told EQ will only start showing effect after week 6 to 8 while Deca could well be kicking in within week 1 or 2 .
    Does this make any sense to you ?

  5. #5
    topvega's Avatar
    topvega is offline Anabolic Member
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    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Tanwah
    To monstermasss.

    Thanks for the advise but is there a reason as to why -
    Deca first then Eq?
    Can it be the other way round ?
    Was told EQ will only start showing effect after week 6 to 8 while Deca could well be kicking in within week 1 or 2 .
    Does this make any sense to you ?
    bro deca needs to be run for quite awhile as does eq...doing 6 weeks of 1 and then 6 weeks of the other no matter what order u do them in is a waste....
    as for deca kicking in anytime before week 4.... don't hold your breath.....

  6. #6
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by monstermasss
    well deca and eq hit same receptors so i would say do deca first and follow up w/ eq thats what i am doing right now!
    do this:
    wk 1-6 30-60mg dbol
    1-13 500-750 test e
    1-6 400mg deca
    6-13 400mg eq
    if you have enough test i would go 15 wks and do 1-7 deca and 7-15 eq?
    EQ and Deca can be used together, they don't hit the same receptors or cancel each other out.

  7. #7
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    First off, what is your cycle history?

    Personally, I'd say pick one or the other. What are you goals? If you want to cut, then I'd just go with Test and EQ. If you want to bulk up, then use the Deca , DBOL , and Test.

  8. #8
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    id echo this again whats ur cycle history but generally eq& deca & test is a great combo i used 2 do them

  9. #9
    Tanwah is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006
    Thanks guys for all your input .

    One of the main reason between using DECA and EQ is - I only have 8 of each ,making 16 vials. That is why I am asking the question from the begining. For a cycle or either DECA or EQ, I ll need more then just 8vial of 2ml . I am trying to get hold of some of the either so I can just stick to one instead of using both .

    Anyway , thanks for all your advises, it has helped in some ways

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