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Thread: Parabolan

  1. #1
    pduke1234 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006


    Whats up guys , i just got my hands on two bottles of a substance called parabolan . I am currently on a sustanon and eq cycle. I was told that Parabolan was very similar to sust. Thats all my guy was able to get.
    Another thing is it says ml/mg 76 on the bottle. What does this mean?? 76mg per ml? that cant be right. If anyone has any information on this steriod and can help me out id appriciate it. thankyou

  2. #2
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pduke1234
    Whats up guys , i just got my hands on two bottles of a substance called parabolan . I am currently on a sustanon and eq cycle. I was told that Parabolan was very similar to sust. Thats all my guy was able to get.
    Another thing is it says ml/mg 76 on the bottle. What does this mean?? 76mg per ml? that cant be right. If anyone has any information on this steriod and can help me out id appriciate it. thankyou
    Parabolan is Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate. It isnt actually manufactured by pharmaceutical companies anymore to my knowledge so i'm assuming you have ug. Tren isn't similar to sust whatsoever actually. Read up on the tren acetate profile to get a better understanding of what it's about. Not exactly the same as parabolan, but pretty close.

  3. #3
    fhorst's Avatar
    fhorst is offline Associate Member
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    could not have said it Better.
    apples and oranges.........

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