Hi, I'm on week 3 of a Sust 250 (500 a week for 10 weeks on Monday/Thursday) and Dbol (30mg a day for 4 week) cycle. I just got lab results in today and all the liver values were fine but there was a problem with my GOOD cholesterol. The bad cholesterol was fine and overall my cholesterol was low but my GOOD cholesterol was only 10 and it should be around 50. Three doctors all said they have never seen one so low. Because it is soo low I guess it triggered some Cardiac warning. I have another lab test on Monday after my suggestion it being so low that the lab tech made a mistake. I told the doctor what I was taking and asked if this could be the cause, he said he didnt think so. I was wondering if you vets had heard of this sort of cycle lowering one's GOOD cholesterol. Also, I am looking for any recommendations on an easy way to add some GOOD cholesterol into my diet.

Thank you,