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  1. #1
    mamias20918756 is offline Associate Member
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    Eating chicken with pasta

    Wink New cycle..goal is to cut a bit..

    Hi bro's
    my stats are
    Age : 20 ( yeah i know..too young to be juicing!! )
    height : 175 cm
    weight : 76 kilos ( 78 since last week )
    training experience : about four years on and off, but for the passed 8 months constant training
    cycle history : I had 3 cycles in the past but due to lack of knowledge only my last cycle was completed with proper pct
    last cycle was Deca - Susta- Winny. Pct was done by using nolvadex with pregnyl ( HCG ). - In this cycle i gained 8 kilos, and managed to keep 4-5, due to some car accident i couldn't go to gym, and a lot of power in my lifts but i was on a <<dirty>> bulker, so i gained some fat too.
    Diet for cutting is in check...most is inspired by the cutting primer in the diet forum.

    So it' summer cutter time now ha? I started my cutter last week and it looks like this
    It's a 12 weeker but due to a journey i have to make it might be reduced to 8 weeks tops...i know this isn't good as test kicks in in week 5-6 but when i was on susta i did feel the juice starting to get the job done by week 2..
    Anyway my current cycle is test propionate 100 mg EOD, Tren enathate 75 mg EOD and masteron 100 mg EOD.
    If i won't make that journey i mentioned earlier i'm thinking on throwing in some anavar starting at week 4 always at 20-50 mg ED ( due to cost over here in greece i will propably go with 20-25 mg ED ).
    As i said earlier i'm entering week 2 in a couple of days but i can't seem to see any of the benefits i saw on my last cycle..I mean i gained 8 kilos in 3 weeks and got an incrised vascularity.
    I'm concerned on not having any results cause my body usually reacts almost immediately to steroids when taken..And also i've heard ( since i've never tryed iti ) that test propionate gets in to your <<system>> the day after an injection.
    Can it be the gear? I mean is it fake? Also is it possible to hold a couple extra kilos of water on this cycle? The reason i ask this question is cause i have gained two kilos in a week or so...
    Thanks in avance for your replys...
    Last edited by mamias20918756; 03-28-2006 at 12:20 AM.

  2. #2
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    You should be injected all of those compounds ED. This may help. But gaining has to do mostly with your diet and training consistency, make sure those are in check. It is impossible for anyone to tell why you may not be gaining as well, possibly bunk gear who knows.

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