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  1. #1
    biganfg's Avatar
    biganfg is offline Associate Member
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    Does Letro get rid of gyno

    Simple question i am getting letro for my cycle just waiting for my mate to pull his finger out of his ass, i spoke to him and told him to hurry up coz i am starting to get gyno. He goes to me that i will need nolvadex , too my understanding i can do the job of getting rid of it with letro or will i need to pick up some nolvadex aswell.

  2. #2
    pmorris is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by biganfg
    Simple question i am getting letro for my cycle just waiting for my mate to pull his finger out of his ass, i spoke to him and told him to hurry up coz i am starting to get gyno. He goes to me that i will need nolvadex, too my understanding i can do the job of getting rid of it with letro or will i need to pick up some nolvadex aswell.

    nolvadex = gyno

    adex/letro = bloat

  3. #3
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
    MAXIMA5 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you kidding?
    Letro can and should be used to dry up gyno (and reduce bloat). Both letro and nolva shouldn't be used at the same time.

    Use the Letro to bring down any gyno that may have developed and then drop it once the gyno subsides. Then take a maintenance dose of 10-20mg Nolva to prevent it from coming back.
    Last edited by MAXIMA5; 03-28-2006 at 09:40 AM.

  4. #4
    majorpecs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmorris
    nolvadex = gyno

    adex/letro = bloat

  5. #5
    toc67guru is offline Associate Member
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    letro is a potent anti aromatising drug,nolvo is a serm.nolvo competes with estrogen at the nipple lessening sensitivity it will be faster acting than letro if you are already experiencing swelling,start on 40 mg for a few days dropping to 20mg/day.
    letro restricts conversion of estrogen from testosterone via aromatisation.only use what is necessary as lowering estrogen too low will impact on lipid levels negatively and can lower sex only want to control estrogen not obliterate it.
    letro also takes a while to build up in the system.
    start the nolvo now and run it for a week or two even when you've started the letro to allow it time to do its job then stop the nolvo and stick with the letro through the course.arimidex is another option instead of the letro it is a slightly weaker option.

  6. #6
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Simple answer to the question is yes. I think there are a few poor recommendations in this thread. First of all I never understood why people said if you feel gyno come on bump up the nolva...I mean this will not get rid of gyno just possibly stop it from geting worse. But this is a bad idea, I mean once you have gyno it is best to act as promptly as possible to reverse it so surgery is not needed in the long run. Letro is the ONLY substance I know of that can reverse gyno. Plus, you DO NOT need to run nolva at the same time as Letro, first of all it can reduce the effectiveness of the letro, and since letro is an AI (and an extremely powerful one at that) it is going to inhibit 98+% of estrogen, therefore with no estrogen in your body why on earth would you need to run a SERM to block the receptor site? Makes no sense to me. I have written out a gyno reversing protocol several timse on this site, do a quick seach and Im sure you can find it. If not let me know and I will post it again.
    And majorpecs thank you for pointing out that, that other post was oh so wrong.

  7. #7
    farrebarre's Avatar
    farrebarre is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    do a quick seach and Im sure you can find it. If not let me know and I will post it again.
    sounds like some good reading, could u post it again as i couldnt find it, thnx

  8. #8
    toc67guru is offline Associate Member
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    Letrozole ''s terminal elimination half-life is about 2 days and steady-state plasma concentration after daily 2.5 mg dosing is reached in 2- 6 weeks.
    now i am not suggesting this dose however as it takes several weeks to reach a steady plasma level and biganfg is already experiencing nipple issues that is why i posted for him to start nolvodex immediately to abate side effects.
    i also know that combining nolvo with letro is not ideal but as he is getting letro he has to give it time to reach steady levels that is why i felt he should stay on a serm all be it on a tapering dose to address nipple issues whilst plasma levels of letro are rising.
    what you are suggesting is to start letro and if it does indeed take several weeks for letro to kick in just live with his side effects.
    many people i feel confuse nipple sensitivity with gyno.impo Gynaecomastia can only be rectified by one really ever wants it to go that far but if nipple swelling can be lessened by using a serm which is a faster way to releave the symptoms by competing at the receptor.
    this is why many start letro prior to the course so it is at a working dose prior to adding aromatising drugs.

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