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Thread: Fina Deca

  1. #1
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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    Fina/Deca combo need opinions

    I heard people talk about how its not cool to run this but whats the real problem with running fina and deca . I know a few people who have done it before and had amazing results with no dick problems. I figured it its run with a test it wouldnt be that bad
    Last edited by Tampasm0stwanted; 03-28-2006 at 09:55 PM.

  2. #2
    cj1capp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tampasm0stwanted
    I heard people talk about how its not cool to run this but whats the real problem with running fina and deca. I know a few people who have done it before and had amazing results with no dick problems. I figured it its run with a test it wouldnt be that bad
    maybe the did short light cycles , maybe they never use their d****. if you run deca and tren you will im sure loose what ever sex drive you had to start with. its a very good ideal to run it with test. is this your first cycle

  3. #3
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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    yes but heres the thing, I recently am coming off a minor shoulder injury and i figured for the strength i could go to with the tren and for the joints and for the growing i can go with a deca also for the support.

  4. #4
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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    any suggestions would be nice on the combo of them

  5. #5
    Bob's big boy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tampasm0stwanted
    yes but heres the thing, I recently am coming off a minor shoulder injury and i figured for the strength i could go to with the tren and for the joints and for the growing i can go with a deca also for the support.
    Good thing everyone coming off any surgery aren't thinking the miracle way to fix the problem is anabolics. Ever heard of phyical theropy?

  6. #6
    Jimmya73's Avatar
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    if you are coming off an injury huge strength gains really arent an asset too you, its a danger for people without problems when their strength leaps to quickly. imho, you are setting yourself up for injury. some combo of test/deca or eq sounds like the ticket for recovery rather than tren .

  7. #7
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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    whoa whoa who said im lookin for a miracle. my shoulder is perfectly fine. dont play doctor i know my body i been lifting for over a year since i went to rehab on it. im as strong as i was before im just asking what kind of gains will i see from fina deca and test

  8. #8
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by Tampasm0stwanted; 03-28-2006 at 09:54 PM.

  9. #9
    Jimmya73's Avatar
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    the big deal about mixing is they are both progestins, which means you are very likely to get a case of gyno thats is alot harder to prevent and get rid of

  10. #10
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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    ok well what kind of gains cuz i got nolva and and aromisin so I can control the gyno

  11. #11
    mighty-mouse is offline New Member
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    I just think it is redundant to run both at the same time. My favorite cycle is test and tren , nothing big, just simple and effective. Very effective.

  12. #12
    Jimmya73's Avatar
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    ok well what kind of gains cuz i got nolva and and aromisin so I can control the gyno
    you need to read more on here, they wont help very much, although the nolva will do some. it is progestin gyno, not estrogen gyno. an AI wont prevent it . you need bromo, so its really just not worth it. use some halotestin or something, or use EQ. it actually increases collagen synthesis better than deca (for the joints) and just has less of a lubricating water retention for most people

  13. #13
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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    But if I already started Fina and Deca what kind of results can I look to get off of it with Sust 500mg a week

  14. #14
    taiotosh7's Avatar
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    Fina is hardcore and will shut you down hard....decca will shut you down hard...combining that the two could very possibly mess you up really bad, there is a reason that you have read this more times than one. Those that you know who have done fina/decca together and have not recieved any dick prob are most likely lying due to their new limp insecurity. If you run test, you will obviously take care of the dick problem for the time being.....keep in mind that that will just make your recovery time longer and harder

  15. #15
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmya73
    you need to read more on here, they wont help very much, although the nolva will do some. it is progestin gyno, not estrogen gyno. an AI wont prevent it . you need bromo, so its really just not worth it. use some halotestin or something, or use EQ. it actually increases collagen synthesis better than deca(for the joints) and just has less of a lubricating water retention for most people
    Yes it will. Progesterone relates sidde effects, including gyno are only evident in the presence of estrogen. So that means reduce estrogen dramatically, using a type II inhibitor and you'll gretaly reduce the chances of progesterone relates gyno. Letro and Arimdex would be obvious choices here as there the most effective at actually reducing estrogen levels. Letro is preffered, reducing estrogen levels by upto 98%. Letro combined with Vit-B6 would be suggested.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmya73
    the big deal about mixing is they are both progestins, which means you are very likely to get a case of gyno thats is alot harder to prevent and get rid of
    Not true. Progesterone gyno is often easily prevented with the use of an AI and/or the use of Vit-B6 100-200mg/ED as it will reduce the amount of prolactin. Both is always a wise choice when running either Progestins or both at the same time.

    Nolva, as you stated, wont do anything for progesterone related sides. It will actually worsen the problem, increasing the amount of progesterone receptors.

  16. #16
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiotosh7
    Fina is hardcore and will shut you down hard....decca will shut you down hard...combining that the two could very possibly mess you up really bad, there is a reason that you have read this more times than one. Those that you know who have done fina/decca together and have not recieved any dick prob are most likely lying due to their new limp insecurity. If you run test, you will obviously take care of the dick problem for the time being.....keep in mind that that will just make your recovery time longer and harder
    Once your 100% 'shutdown', your 100% 'shutdown'. Deca and Tren will shut you down in less time, then for example, most Testosterone forms. It doesnt matter if your shutdown from Deca/Tren and the Testosterone will already have shut your down. Once your HPTA is totally inhibited Deca/Tren cant shut your down more, as your already 100% suppressed. See what I'm getting at?

    I know that 'Taiboxa' combined both and had good results with it. Many have. The main concern is progesterone relates sides. Control these and I dont see a problem running both compounds. I would however, suggest using HCG as you will be shutdown fairly quickly when running a Progestin.

  17. #17
    45acp is offline Junior Member
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    Even if you ran some test with the fina/deca , and even if the test was enough to keep your junk working, you will have a "dead dick timeperiod" inbetween the end of your cycle and when the PCT starts to kick in. It will take weeks for your goob to recover from the deca, and this will be after you have stopped the test so there will be a time period in there were nothing is making your peter want to come to life. Fina shuts you down just as hard as deca, but its so fast that usually you can time your PCT better to do away with the inbetween lag.

    Best case scenerio and i mean best will be several weeks of dead penis during PCT.

    If you still insist on doing a deca/fina combo with test even after everyone has told you not to then at least get some extra test, and run test only a few weeks beyond the deca/fina.

  18. #18
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 45acp
    Even if you ran some test with the fina/deca , and even if the test was enough to keep your junk working, you will have a "dead dick timeperiod" inbetween the end of your cycle and when the PCT starts to kick in. It will take weeks for your goob to recover from the deca, and this will be after you have stopped the test so there will be a time period in there were nothing is making your peter want to come to life. Fina shuts you down just as hard as deca, but its so fast that usually you can time your PCT better to do away with the inbetween lag.

    Best case scenerio and i mean best will be several weeks of dead penis during PCT.
    Run some HCG in this "peroid" leading to PCT and/or Proviron 50mg/ED.

  19. #19
    45acp is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Run some HCG in this "peroid" leading to PCT and/or Proviron 50mg/ED.
    Yes, very good suggestion but also i think we are forgetting the fact that Deca also desensitises the penis in many who use it in addition to the hard shutdown. I experienced it and know others who have... its hard to explain unless you've had it happen to you.

  20. #20
    taiotosh7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 45acp
    Yes, very good suggestion but also i think we are forgetting the fact that Deca also desensitises the penis in many who use it in addition to the hard shutdown. I experienced it and know others who have... its hard to explain unless you've had it happen to you.

    goodway to word it 45.....this is what I was refering to when combining fina/decca.....shut down IS shut down but dick function is an issue as well.....fina dick, decca dick....doing both would call for a hard pct IMO

  21. #21
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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    well heres the thing its not the Fina Acetate. Its the twice a week shot Fina Enanthate so its different from the other. I know the possible side effects. But different bodies have different results but I am doing what I have to to prevent the gyno with a B6 combo with Arimidix, nolva also. I just wanna know the type of gains I can expect to see

  22. #22
    Tampasm0stwanted is offline Junior Member
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  23. #23
    Jimmya73's Avatar
    Jimmya73 is offline Senior Member
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    I just wanna know the type of gains I can expect to see
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)
    this isnt tren enanthate , its parabolan , but the effects should be similar even though the duration of the release on the ester is different, the only reference i can find to the length of that ester says a two week duration, so it should be fairly similar to enanthate.
    Anabolic Review Steroid Profile: Parabolan (Trenbolone HexaHydroBencylCarbonate)

    swifto, interesting on the progestin information, i knew progestins intensify the effects of estrogen, i thought they also had negative side effects of their own, but thanks for the correction!

  24. #24
    Rocky IV's Avatar
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    they both hit the same recepter whats the point? when u can use somthing else that targets a different receptor

  25. #25
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky IV
    they both hit the same recepter whats the point? when u can use somthing else that targets a different receptor
    Exactly. Both Tren and Deca binds strongly too the AR and are innefective non-AR meditaded mechanism. Using them at the same time is pointless and stupid...

  26. #26
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    i think your question has been answered here. so unless you really want a limp dick, bitch tits, and a lot of sides go right ahead..

    damn b/t swifto and the other guys youde think this board was a buch of geniouses, i mean damn they have some smart sob's on this offense guys i meant it in a good way

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