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  1. #1
    thunderdan's Avatar
    thunderdan is offline Junior Member
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    New Book on Steroids Comming Out

    This is a good one. It states that there is no medical evidence that Steroids kill and describes the Media hype around the issue. Take a look at the info.

    Dunks, Doubles, Doping : How Steroids are Killing American Athletics

    Product Details

    Hardcover - 256 pages (April 30, 2006)
    Language: English
    The Lyons Press ; ISBN: 1592289029

    Editorial Reviews

    Book Description

    Steroids have been made out to be the modern plague of the day. The media chastize athletes who use them and sentence users to an early death. Outspoken critics claim there's a laundry list of horrific, irreversible side effects. But the truth, as HBO may have summed up best in their special programming on the subject, is that despite all the smoke, there's no fire. Hardly a spark.

    In Dunks, Doubles, Doping, Nathan Jendrick offers a researched, unbiased view on anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. The truth is that steroids didn't kill Lyle Alzado, Steve Bechler or Ken Caminiti. The truth is that steroids won't be the cause of death for Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, or Marion Jones--athletes accused of drug use. The one thing that steroids are killing though, is sports. Steroids have ruined the landscape of competition not by their chemical properties, but by the massive hysteria that surrounds them in the media, in gyms and in the stands of stadiums. And it's all in the name of money. Fans are turned off by the scandals and adolescents, who might be the only ones at a real health risk by using steroids, are putting the future of sports on their shoulders, and on the line, by trying to get big unnaturally too early.

    Dunks, Doubles, Doping includes interviews with top athletes, physicians and personalities while covering and revealing the truth behind steroids and confronting the new horizon of cheating: Gene doping. 3D is a can't-miss if you want the truth behind America's latest sports scandal.

    About the Author

    Nathan Jendrick is a freelance writer whose work has appeared in Swimming World and American Health and Fitness. He is also an amateur bodybuilder, competitive swimmer, and personal trainer, whose clients have included Megan Quann, the 2000 double-Olympic gold medal winner and world record holder, to whom he is married.

    What do you Guys think?

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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  3. #3
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hotel California
    Sounds like a Master of the Obvious!

  4. #4
    thunderdan's Avatar
    thunderdan is offline Junior Member
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    Well I guess it is just a little bit of good news with all of of the other shit floating around in the media.

  5. #5
    system admin is offline Owner
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    Guys, check out the home page on

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