Hey all,
I've been reading the site for about 4 hrs straight trying to get as much research for my upcomming cycle. I'm currently playing college football and this summer I plan on getting bigger faster stronger with the benfit of getting that nice cut lean look. I'm going to do a Winstrol /EQ cycle I got a series of questions for all you experts. I'm 5'11 185 right now.

1. I'm going to start off with Winny 2 weeks ED now i will either inject some times or as i read from many posts Either inject the winny into gel caps or into a dixie cup with some grapefruit juice and take it down. Also if drinking do i take 50mg straight or do i split it up.

2. When I work in the EQ after 2 weeks I'm thinking of only doing EOD injections with EQ in my glutes i dont feel comofortable doing injections in quad or shoulder thats why i plan on drinking the winny from there on out. Cause all those injections in the ass if i didn't drink the winny I dont think that would be a great idea. I'm going to do about 5-6 weks of winny come off the winny then finish up with the EQ. To make a 8 week cycle.

3. Health- I want make sure i'm taking care of my self properly while doing the cycle how much Glucosamine should i be take since my training is going to alot of sprints, agility exercises and core lifts. I want to make sure my joints dont ache and have pain. and should i be taking milk thisle along with glucosamine since drinking winny makes that first pass on the liver, I want to make sure my liver stays in good shape.

4. For PCT when should i start taking clomid i read in some posts 3 weeks after your last injection or 5 days.

Ok thats about it all hopefully i will hear some great feedback and answer alot of people's questions that view the posts and not asked them selves yet.

Thank you,