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Thread: Testosterone-Proprionate
04-05-2006, 05:14 PM #1
Hey guys I just have some questions in regardes to Testosterone -Proprionate,
that I'm a little confused about and I hope I can get them answered.
1) Fact: To combat the aromatization of testosterone,
you can simply take an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex .
This and other Anti-estrogenic compounds are generally considered
a must with testosterone doses over ½ a gram per week (500mgs).
So in order to use Test prop, you must use a aromatase inhibitor.
Question: what are some aromatase inhibitors? Proviron one?...
list some please...
I know Arimidex is one, so what are the doeses you run arimidex while your
on a cycle? (with test prop at 750 mgs/week will use for an example)
(test prop needs to be injected every other day while you can
shoot test cyp once a week). The disadvantage to long estered
steroids is that they contain less actual steroid . Anecdotally,
2) Fact: If its recomonded for Test prop to be shot eod,
it also states that for a beginers cycle ( 1st or 2nd cycle)
test prop should be shot 250-500mg/week. So then how can a beginer shoot
eod when it states on the steroid profiles about test prop that you must
shoot no more then 500mgs a week (for a 1st or 2nd cycle that is)
Will it really make a difference if a beginner shot at 750 mgs a week or no?
because by shooting eod you are then keeping your blood levels consistant.
3) Fact: Test Prop is recomended for a cutting cycle.
Question: can it also be used for a bulking cycle?
and what can it be stacked with
(For example can it be stacked with deca & d-bol for a 2nd or 3rd cycle will assume)
Here is a profile on this anabolic steroid >>>>>
Note: please do not flame me, tell me to do more research or hate on me. I'm not asking
this information for a cycle guidance. I'm asking this information for my own knowledge,
education and preperation for the future. Thanx for all your input and feedback.
04-05-2006, 05:21 PM #2
1. L-Dex, Letro, Aromasin
2. I would recommend 75mg ED for a beginner.
3. Prop can be used for either a cutting or bulking cycle. It can be stacked with anything.
04-05-2006, 05:27 PM #3
Intelligent questions, actually.
Diet effects whether you are on a bulker or cutter. Some compounds lend themselves to one or the other more. But Test can be used for both with good success.
Arimidex is a good idea. Alot of estrogen is bad, but you don't want to eliminate it completely. Nolva at 10mg/day is also not a bad idea
I think the general idea is 500-750mg/week of Test for a 1st cycle. 150mg EOD would do OK. Alot of people prefer ED injections for even more consistent levels.
04-05-2006, 05:31 PM #4
Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
04-05-2006, 05:33 PM #5
I am sure he meant 75mg/day of PROP!!
04-05-2006, 05:36 PM #6
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
im kinda confused by this. are you considering running an AI at 75 mgs ed? cause about 1 mg ed would be sufficient (for arimidex or letro, im pretty sure aromasin needs to be run at a higher dose than this). and btw, the only significant difference between a bulk cycle or a cutting cycle is what you eat while on.
04-05-2006, 05:55 PM #7
Originally Posted by Stackertoo
I know you dont want to eliminate the estorgogen completly because you need a certine amount for body growth and you want to take the arimidex to prevent to much water retention and bloat.
Ed injections would be too costy, as long as the blood levels are consistant on a eod basis, this in my opinion would cost less money and produce good results.
Nolva 10mg/day ? thanx I'll keep that in mind.
I know obviously nolva is mandatory to have on hand in case of gyno. Perhaps to even run it at 10mgs/day which you state and can also be used for pct.
Question: I heard when using Nolvadex , it can reduce to amount of the effectiveness of the steroid ? (for example, by using nolva 10mg/day through out my cycle, instead of the 750mgs/week of test prop I'm shooting, I'll only be getting 600mg/week) is this true?
04-05-2006, 05:58 PM #8
Originally Posted by Stackertoo
My question was how do I run the Arimidex doses while on this cycle? and what week do I start and finish the Arimidex?Last edited by juiceboxxx; 04-05-2006 at 06:02 PM.
04-05-2006, 06:02 PM #9
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
"To combat the aromatization of testosterone , you can simply take an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex. This and other Anti-estrogenic compounds are generally considered a must with testosterone doses over ½ a gram per week (500mgs)."
04-05-2006, 06:33 PM #10
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
750 mgs prop/week is a little heavy for a first cycle, but if you are feeling impatient then go for it, its a little high, but its nothing too extreme. btw, if you are running test prop only, then you might want to consider using nolva instead of an AI, cause nolva is supposed to help with cholesterol levels
04-05-2006, 06:40 PM #11
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
So you recomend to use the nolva instead of an AI?
how much Nolva would you recomend to use through out the cycle? ( I'm guessing 10mgs/day)
What would you recomend for pct for such a cycle, Is Clomid & Proviron okay?
04-05-2006, 06:44 PM #12
Also would you recomend to stack proviron with test prop for the last 5 weeks of the cycle. For example.............
Week 1-12 Testosterone -Proprionate 750mgs/week
Week 7-12 Proviron at 50mgs/day= 350mgs/week.
Followed by proper pct (Clomid & Proviron)
Day 1-10 100mgs/Day
Day 2-21 50mgs/Day
Day 1-8 60mgs/Day
Day 9-16 40mgs/Day
Day 17-28 20mgs/Day
And how long does it take for the Testosterone-Proprionate to kick in? ( I believe 4-6 weeks, If I'm not mistaking?Last edited by juiceboxxx; 04-05-2006 at 06:47 PM.
04-05-2006, 06:46 PM #13
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
yea 10 mgs nolva ed while on is good. it couldn't hurt to have a little extra nolva on hand in case you start to feel gyno coming on, but i honestly doubt youl have any problems. i wish i could help you with the proviron , but i dont know sh_t about it. about clomid though, ive heard some bad things about it, but nolva is supposed to have the same effect, so it might be a good idea to run anywhere from 40-60 mgs nolva ed instead of the clomid (they are very similar drugs) also i strongly recomend running clenbuterol during pct. it will not only help you keep more of your gains, but it will also help you cut.
04-05-2006, 06:47 PM #14
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
prop is supposed to be fast acting, so id say 2 weeks tops, possibly even less than that.
04-05-2006, 07:05 PM #15
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Proviron ......FACT..................from "steroid profiles"
if you are taking a simple stack of proviron and testosterone , you´ll have more of the test you shoot as free testosterone floating around building muscle (compliments of the Proviron), more androgen receptors to be bound to (compliments of your testosterone) by your Proviron, thus causing more fat loss. Testosterone and Proviron are a very nice synergistic stack, pretty nearly an "ideal" stack of an oral and injectable, because both drugs will actually act to enhance the effect of the other.
Thats why I wanted to add the proviorn int he last 5 weeks of the cycle. Though I was wanting to make sure from you guys, so that it wouldn't become a even heavier and bigger cycle then what it already is?
As for Proviorns useage in Pct...............FACT.............from "steroid profiles"
"Good news for people considering it for PCT is that it can even raise your LH (10)! Thus, by not suppressing those hormones and maybe even raising some, your normal testosterone levels will remain intact. This points to a novel use for this compound during Post-Cycyle-Therapy for a non-suppressive "bridge" between cycles. In fact, in yet another study, administration of Proviron (basically the same dose as in the last study) produced no changes in steroids , thyroid hormones, gonadotropins nor PRL (Prolactin Levels& you want those to remain low). (8)"
I have heard many people using it for pct and running it with Clomid. Thats why I asked if it would be okay to run it would Clomid for pct, instead of Nolvadex .
04-05-2006, 07:07 PM #16
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
yea i was reading that page. proviron sounds pretty good, i might have to buy some
04-05-2006, 07:13 PM #17
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
I'm confused about if I can run the proviron the last 5 weeks of the cycle?
and also if I can run the proviorn for a substitude of Nolvadex on pct ?
and whats clenbuterol ? never heard of it. Is this a MUST for pct ? or no.....
(I can stick to my clomid & Proviron)
I guess I'm just confused about Pct for this cycle...running at my dosages.
(Although I will take 10mgs of nolvadex/ED through out the cycle) to prevent gyno)
so will I be okay following these procedures I have thought of, or no I must take a different approach, and if so what approach do I take?Last edited by juiceboxxx; 04-05-2006 at 07:19 PM.
04-05-2006, 07:13 PM #18
Sorry. I was away for awhile.
The way it was written ,it looked like you were asking about taking a shitload of AI's.
I am currently running Prop 100mg/day, Tren 50mg/day, Enth 100mg EOD, Nolva 10mg/day, Arimidex .25mg/day B-6 180mg/day and HCG 500iu/MWF.
The Prop, A-dex and Nolva doses would be pretty good for you.
04-05-2006, 07:21 PM #19
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
It can definently help with your cycle too. Just dont run it alone.
04-05-2006, 07:26 PM #20
Originally Posted by Stackertoo
Isn't the Nolva going to make your steroids less effective? and If so can you actually say how less it would make my cycle?
So the Nolvadex can be taken at 10mgs/ed through out the cycle. This is another question I got answered, GOOD!
How is the Test prop working for you bro? any notice in good gains, strength increase ?
(I was planning on running sus 250mgs, at a total of 750mgs/week, then began to research about test prop heard alot of better sutff about it as compared to sust 250)Last edited by juiceboxxx; 04-05-2006 at 07:29 PM.
04-05-2006, 07:49 PM #21
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
I was not suggesting that you do Tren and the other stuff listed, but to use what applies. And 10mg of Nolva has never slowed my gains to any point where I could actually notice. And it's nice to:
A) Fight gyno BEFORE it happens
B) Have a head start on PCT at the end of the cycle. Just up the dose to 20mg during the last week and use Clomid if you choose.
I usually run the AI past the last Prop shot by about 2 weeks. I have heard of estrogen rebound and this is a precationary measure I have come up with. Then I run the Nolva 2 more weeks past the AI. I only throw Clomid in at a small dose for approx 1 week (last 3 days of cycle + a few after cycle). I know this is unorthodox, but Clomid gives me terrible sides, so I barely/rarely use it.
04-05-2006, 07:56 PM #22
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
well, honestly if i were you, id run proviron for the duration of your cycle. btw, it would be a very bad idea to use proviron instead on nolva. gyno is not something that you want to take the risk of getting, casue once it sets in, it can be very hard (if not impossible) to cure. clenbuterol is not necessary, but it will definately cause you to keep more gains, plus it will help you cut fat too.
04-05-2006, 08:24 PM #23
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
week 1-12 50mgs of proviron /day which = 350 mgs of proviron a week ?
or only use it the last 5 weeks (which is what I was told and read) ?
Cuz if I use it from day 1 that it could become a bigger cycle with more $ and I would rather run it the last 5 weeks if possible instead.
Well I mentioned I would run nolva at 10mgs/day and then from week 1-12...
so this could prevent gyno & I mentioned (if I saw signs of gyno then I would obviously up the dosage till it went away)
Okay GOOD! now I know to use Nolvadex for pct instead of provironanother question answered.
04-05-2006, 08:27 PM #24
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
if you can afford it, then id suggest running the proviron starting from day one, all the way through week 12. i know its an oral, and most people will tell you that taking orals for long periods of time is a bad thing to do, but i read that its not very liver toxic at all.
04-05-2006, 08:38 PM #25
Originally Posted by Stackertoo
. You were suggestiong to take.......
10mgs/nolva ed for week 1-12
Arimidex .25mg/day week 1-12
so as of right now this is how my cycle looks guys.........
Week 1-12 Testosterone -Proprionate 750mgs/week
Week 7-12 Proviron ....50mgs/Day....= 350mgs/week
Week 1-14 Arimidex .25mg/day........= 175mgs/week
Week 1-12 Nolvadex ......................= 10mgs/Day
PCT...............start 2 week after last injection= start week 14.......
Day 1-10 100mgs/Day
Day 2-21 50mgs/Day
Day 1-8 60mgs/Day
Day 9-16 40mgs/Day
Day 17-28 20mgs/Day
So how does this look as of right now ????
04-05-2006, 08:42 PM #26
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
so how does the cycle I posted look???
04-05-2006, 08:44 PM #27
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
well, you should know that nolva will lower the levels of arimidex in your blood, so its not a good idea to take both at the same time. also, if i am reading this right, it says that you are going to stop taking the nolva from week 13, through week 14? thats a bad idea bro, you shouldn't stop taking the nolva until the end of your pct. even though you wont be shooting up any test from weeks 13 and 14, your estrogen levels will still be elevated
04-05-2006, 08:49 PM #28
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Week 1-12 Testosterone -Proprionate 750mgs/week
Week 7-12 Proviron ....50mgs/Day....= 350mgs/week
Week 1-14 Nolvadex ......................= 10mgs/Day
PCT...............start 2 week after last injection= start week 14.......
Day 1-10 100mgs/Day
Day 2-21 50mgs/Day
Day 1-8 60mgs/Day
Day 9-16 40mgs/Day
Day 17-28 20mgs/Day
04-05-2006, 08:51 PM #29
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
yea that sounds good bro. only thing id suggest adding is clen during pct
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
04-05-2006, 08:56 PM #31
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
2) Are you reffering to clenbuterol ??? if so I have no idea what this is and gotta research more on it. I'm guessing its another drug for pct that I will stack with Nolvadex and Clomid
3) At what dosages do I run the clenbuterol, when do I start it and end it?
Thanx for all your help bro, your the best.
04-05-2006, 08:57 PM #32
Originally Posted by mercedesdd
oh sh_t, thats right. i thought you said you were gonna be running enanthate . prop is out of your system real quick, so its a good idea to start pct about 4 days after your last shot. if you run clen during pct, then you can wait longer to make sure all the test is out of your system.
04-05-2006, 08:59 PM #33
Originally Posted by mercedesdd
The reason I had 2 weeks was because like I mentioned earlier I was thinking of runing sustanon then I began to research and realized that Test Prop can give you much better gains, results and overall outcome as opposed to sustanon 250.
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
04-05-2006, 09:03 PM #35
Alright guys 3 or 4 days after last injection start pct. Can someone please tell me when to start and end clen and what the dosages during pct are? (I mean do you keep the same dosages for the entire 3 weeks of pct or do you change em around?
for example......this is how I'm going to run clomid & Nolva, so how will I run clen? can someone please list the days and amount of it per day? PLEASE
Day 1-10 100mgs/Day
Day 2-21 50mgs/Day
Nolvadex .........
Day 1-8 60mgs/Day
Day 9-16 40mgs/Day
Day 17-28 20mgs/Day
04-05-2006, 09:07 PM #36
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
yea, there is no need to take nolva and arimidex at the same time, cause the nolva will hinder the arimidex's effects. (technically though, nolva is not an AI. an AI prevents estrogen from forming. nolva doesn't prevent it from forming, but rather it binds with the estrogen receptor so the real estrogen cant be absorbed)
clenbuterol is called a beta 2 antagonist (whatever the hell that means) its a drug that is commonly used for cutting cause it raises your body's temperature a little causing you to burn fat faster. but it also blocks a hormone called cortisol. this hormone is all bad. it causes your body to gain fat, plus it fu_ks up your protein synthesis. bad combination. see, while on cycle, cortisol builds up in your body, but it isn't absorbed cause of the juice you are on. once you finish your cycle, the cortisol goes into effect. this nasty hormone is one of the main reasons why people tend to lose so much muscle after finishing a cycle.
the best way to use clen is to start taking it the day after your last shot. its important to slowly taper up the dose cause clen is strong sh_t, and it will make you tweak out. this is typically the way guys take it:
day 1: 20 mcgs
day 2: 40 mcgs
day 3: 60 mcgs
day 4: 80 mcgs
day 5: 100 mcgs
day 6: 125 mcgs
then you stay at 125 mcgs ed for about 6 weeks. trust me bro, taking clen during pct is the way to go. i think its best to do everything you can to keep as much of your gains as possible
04-05-2006, 09:22 PM #37
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Very well said and THANK YOU mahh brothhaa...
OK soooo....I now know to take Nolva alone and not with arimidex. GOOD
Looks like clen is very important for pct and I agree with you, its best to try and do everything to help keep your gains on pct.
1) I know this could sound dumb but whats mcgs stand for?
I know mgs is the term I hear most of the time. Clen must be very powerfull I take it, if these are the dosages for it ( believe me I will be sticking to these dosages) dont want to tweak lol.
Updated cycle: How does this look now...................??????????
Week 1-12 Testosterone -Proprionate 750mgs/week
Week 7-12 Proviron ....50mgs/Day....= 350mgs/week
Week 1-14 Nolvadex ......................= 10mgs/Day
PCT...............start 4 days after last injection.......
Day 1-10 100mgs/Day
Day 2-21 50mgs/Day
Day 1-8 60mgs/Day
Day 9-16 40mgs/Day
Day 17-28 20mgs/Day
day 1: 20 mcgs
day 2: 40 mcgs
day 3: 60 mcgs
day 4: 80 mcgs
day 5: 100 mcgs
day 6: 125 mcgs
day6 : Starting day 6 stay at 125 mcgs ed for about 6 weeks.
04-05-2006, 09:27 PM #38
Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
that stack is perfect bro, im sure youl gain very nicely off it. mcg stands for microgram. the micro is a prefix that means you multiply by 1 x 10^-6 <==scientific notation.
basically one microgram = .000001 gramsLast edited by Tren Bull; 04-05-2006 at 09:29 PM.
04-05-2006, 09:29 PM #39
im glad i could help bro. btw, as stated above, clen is very strong. it will make your hands shake pretty bad while on it for the first few weeks (this is normal) haha, i remember last time i took it, my girls dad saw me and thought i was on meth or something.
04-05-2006, 09:33 PM #40
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
and thanx guys for all your help & support guys, couldnt have done it without you guys.
ummm im a little confused still... so when drawing with a 3ml syringe,
23 guage how much do you draw for 100 mcgs for example?
or do I need to grab a different syringe?... sorry I just never heard of this mcgs business lol....
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