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  1. #1
    Steroider is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    help stacking clen & t3 with roids

    Hi guys ,
    Im 30 years old , 6 feet tall , 120 kg weight , my BF% over 25 . i know its to hight to be on gears but i did 4 cycles , and now planing my 5th cycle with clen and t3 to lose fat and bf% as main goal and keep what i gain with my previous cycles, after searching and researching i come out with thses facts :
    • Clen

    1. Have to start clen @ 20mcg/ 2days then pump my dose 20mcg EOD until i reach 100- 120mcg/day ( used clen b4 and @ 120mcg/day the sides was harsh on my heart beats ).
    2. Have to Split clen doses in 3 amounts during the day and the last dose should be 5 houres b4 bed time.
    3. Have to taper my doses 20mcg ED - EOD to quit.
    4. Have to drink 2-3 gallons of water every day.
    5. Have to watch my body temperature
    6. Have to run potassium and 3-5g of taurine ED to help prevent muscle cramping and prevent a rebound effect when off the clen.

    • T3

    1. Have to start T3 @ 25mcg/ 2days then pump my dose 20 - 25mcg EOD until i reach 150- 180mcg/day.
    2. Have to taper my doses 20- 25mcg ED – EOD to quit.
    3. Have to run AAS ( Testoviron , Test-E , Test-Cyp ) 600 – 750mg/wk with Tren-Ac 75-100mg/ED

    Diet and cardio is a must.

    1st ) for how long should i run this cycle ? while using AAS i thing it should be more than 8 to 10 weeks depends on the AAS im using i also may add Tren -Ac 75mg/ED as i know Tren-Ac could be used to bulk or cutt and lose fat
    2nd) do i have to split the T3 doses during the day? As i know the active half life of t3 is 10 hour's or more.
    3rd) when on clen and T3 about how high should ur body temp raise?

    Any suggestions and/or adjustment are welcome.

    Last cycle was :

    1-15 Test-E 750mg/wk
    1-13 EQ 600mg/wk
    7-13 Tri-Tren 450mg/wk

    With regards
    Last edited by Steroider; 04-06-2006 at 04:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Steroider is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

  3. #3
    Steroider is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

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