var-75 mgs ed 1-6
eq-600mgs ew 1-12
winstrol -50mgs ed 8-15
Proviron -75mgs ed 1-15
PCT starts week 16 day. Clomid 300mg day 1, 200mg day 2, 100mg for 10 days, 50mg for another 10 days
Vitor thanks a bunch for suggesting this cycle helping me out with my last post.
the 2 week break between var and winny should give my liver some rest
Milk thistle Glucosamine for join pain and for liver
Vitor thanks a bunch for suggesting this cycle helping me out with my last post.

Alright guys that the cutting cycle im thinking of doing any suggestions are welcome.

I will be running NO TEST this is for football summer training to get lean hard gains speed speed speed and solid. seems like low side effects chance since all are low aromatose and almost no chance for gyno.

for the people asking why no test i will just say because i only am planning of doing 1 cycle every year during the summer and thats it really dont wanna mess with test unless i plan on body building or competing or doing cycle after cycle other wise dont think its worth all the side effects that come along with test.

Yay or Nay and why
thx guys