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  1. #1
    Motorhead is offline New Member
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    Jun 2005

    Critique my cycle please...

    Okay, this isn't my first cycle. The first cycle I ran was sust250 at 525mg ew and deca300 at 350mg ew. I also used proper pct (pheedno's pct) I gained 28lbs. after only 7 weeks and lost 15lbs. of it afterwards. Okay Current stats are 6'2" 230, about 15%bf. I'm wanting to run 500mg ew of test enanthate for 12 weeks and from weeks 6-12 50mg ed of winny along with 20 mg ed of nolva and once again running pheedno's pct when I'm done. My goal with this cycle is to gain some quality mass while cutting fat off. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    ill ad proveron with nolva

  3. #3
    Jay_notellin is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Motorhead
    Okay, this isn't my first cycle. The first cycle I ran was sust250 at 525mg ew and deca300 at 350mg ew. I also used proper pct (pheedno's pct) I gained 28lbs. after only 7 weeks and lost 15lbs. of it afterwards. Okay Current stats are 6'2" 230, about 15%bf. I'm wanting to run 500mg ew of test enanthate for 12 weeks and from weeks 6-12 50mg ed of winny along with 20 mg ed of nolva and once again running pheedno's pct when I'm done. My goal with this cycle is to gain some quality mass while cutting fat off. What do you guys think?
    Well the cycle will not cut your fat. Your diet and training will do that. Test E is primarily used for bulking......takes awhile to kick in.....might want to add something the first 4 weeks. The winny at the end willk help harden your muscle, but will not burn fat. Is your winny orals? IF so, you plan on taking 50 mg of oral winny for 7 weeks?

  4. #4
    Motorhead is offline New Member
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay_notellin
    Well the cycle will not cut your fat. Your diet and training will do that. Test E is primarily used for bulking......takes awhile to kick in.....might want to add something the first 4 weeks. The winny at the end willk help harden your muscle, but will not burn fat. Is your winny orals? IF so, you plan on taking 50 mg of oral winny for 7 weeks?
    Yeah, they will be oral, I don't have anything yet, that's why I was asking your all's advice. You think 50mg would be too much or not enough or just too long of a duration? I appreciate the help guys.

    P.s. I've already started cutting down, cleaned up the diet and upped the cardio. I'm going to get down to 215-220 before I start up again. My diet on my last cycle waivered from good to mediocre to bad so this time I really wanna keep the calories clean with tons of good protein.

  5. #5
    Motorhead is offline New Member
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by hosam4ever
    ill ad proveron with nolva
    I don't think I can get ahold of proveron, but I have been really thinking about adding 40-50mg dbol ed for the first 4 weeks.

  6. #6
    mr. snakes's Avatar
    mr. snakes is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Motorhead
    Okay, this isn't my first cycle. The first cycle I ran was sust250 at 525mg ew and deca300 at 350mg ew. I also used proper pct (pheedno's pct) I gained 28lbs. after only 7 weeks and lost 15lbs. of it afterwards. Okay Current stats are 6'2" 230, about 15%bf. I'm wanting to run 500mg ew of test enanthate for 12 weeks and from weeks 6-12 50mg ed of winny along with 20 mg ed of nolva and once again running pheedno's pct when I'm done. My goal with this cycle is to gain some quality mass while cutting fat off. What do you guys think?

    Nolva & Adex works great for me...............

  7. #7
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    You need to run the Winny 2 weeks past the Enan

    1 - 12 Enan 500mg /wk
    9 - 14 Winny 50mg ED
    1 - 14 L-dex .25mg ED
    1 - 14 Nolva 10mg ED

    Start PCT 2 weeks after your last Enan injection

  8. #8
    Motorhead is offline New Member
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    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    You need to run the Winny 2 weeks past the Enan

    1 - 12 Enan 500mg /wk
    9 - 14 Winny 50mg ED
    1 - 14 L-dex .25mg ED
    1 - 14 Nolva 10mg ED

    Start PCT 2 weeks after your last Enan injection

    What kind of benefits can I get from running the winny for the 2 weeks past the enan? Not questioning your post, just wondering if it will give me the more "hard" look that I'd like to achieve? Thanks for the posts guys, you all are really helping me figure this out. I've already got plenty of ldex and I just need to get some more clomid and nolvadex . Thanks bros.

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