hi guys you are not going to belive this but here we go ,i guy i work with has been on the juice for 6 months now none stop,he is running 1ml suss and 2 ml deca ew,he also has had 100 blue harts dbol .he is 6,1 and 15 stone i would say about 14% bf,he is only 20 aswell.as you can imagine i am really concerned about his health but he will not listen,he knows nothing about pct ,his diet is good,but he just wont listen to me and keeps saying its not a problem ,here is the really bad bit he says he is going to double his dose because he wants to be huge for the summer.he has also just got his hands on 100 oxymetholone[he is going to kill himself or do some bad damage to his body ,but he will not listen ........i want to get him to have a look at the comments you guys give so he can see for himself how serious this really is ....