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  1. #1
    lgodin is offline New Member
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    1st real cycle, can someone break it down laymans?

    Guys, I have did "some" research, even bought Mick Harts E-book on gear. But i need someone to make this more simple for me.....if you can.

    Found a reliable local source and getting ready to purchase, want to talk this guy and make sense, but also want to know what I am talking about......these acronyms are killing me!

    I am 6ft tall, 172 lbs 8.5% BF and work out 3 days a week for mass, and 4 days a week for cut/cardio. I have been working out for 2 years. If I did not work out I would most likely be about 150lbs! I work hard for just what i have.

    Can someone recommend a cycle ( or two ) for me? I would like to be about 190-200lbs. I need the recommendation to be in both laymans and street terms if possible ( again, I want to be able to "talk" to this guy) I also need more info on est blockers ( can these be bought local legally? I heard they could) and what ever else need to be taken with my cycle.

    The "matrix" on the cycle does not make alot of sense to me either, so maybe you could break that down?

    Should I take milk thistle?

    I have remnants of "man boobs" form a bad M1T experience, nips are sensative, but the man boobs are tiny and only I seem to notice them, is there anything I can take to make these go away? Or do i have to have breast reduction surgery? LOL They have been sensitive for 1 year now, but lately the new thing when I am out is for everyone to twist nips! WTF!

    My best friend is going in with me, but he has a totally different body type then me 210 lbs 5' 11" about 15-18% BF, can someone recommend a cut cycle for him?

    BTW, my doctor is on stand by and knows the deal, she is ok with it! But has me lined up for blood work, all covered by insurance.

    Thanks in advance for all the help! Sorry to be lazy!!

  2. #2
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ask for 12 weeks of test!

    500mg's a week

  3. #3
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is online now Senior Member
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    Milk Thistle would be wise. Estrogen blockers, search nolvadex , PLENTY of info on these.

  4. #4
    EdMan2's Avatar
    EdMan2 is offline Associate Member
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    Yea just run 500mg a week of testosterone such as test enanthate or cypionate . You could throw in a mild oral like turanabol, but it really isn't necessary for your first go. Oh and also don't start before you have EVERYTHING figured out and EVERYTHING you need. This means even your pct. You never know what can happen and you want to be able to stop if/whenever necessary.

  5. #5
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    reduce the amount of cardio you are doing and you would most liekly see better gains (as you would have extra calories for building muscle with).

    Just get:
    Testosterone enanthate 10 ml vial x 2
    120 nolvadex

    Then run it as the following:
    1 - 10 Test E 500mgs
    13 + 14 nolvadex at 4 tabs per day (40 mgs)
    15 + 16 nolvadex at 2 tabs per day

    If you start to notice an increas in the sensitivity of your nipples, start taking some of you spare nolva at 40mgs everyday for a week or until its gone. Unless you are sensitive to estrogen, its unlikely that you will get gyno twice in the same cycle s you should need any extra nolva

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    First off, you should evaluate your diet. Most of the time people dont gain is b/c they are NOT eating correctly to gain, but they think they are. Post your diet in the diet forum and let people critique it

    It also sounds like youre over training too. I would head to the workout forum and spend some time reading. 7 days a week working out is a bad idea!! Also do NOT follow Mick Hart's is very poor advice!! You will find much better advice on this site!

  7. #7
    shadyadam's Avatar
    shadyadam is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milky87
    Just get:
    Testosterone enanthate 10 ml vial x 2
    120 nolvadex

    Then run it as the following:
    1 - 10 Test E 500mgs
    13 + 14 nolvadex at 4 tabs per day (40 mgs)
    15 + 16 nolvadex at 2 tabs per day

    If you start to notice an increas in the sensitivity of your nipples, start taking some of you spare nolva at 40mgs everyday for a week or until its gone. Unless you are sensitive to estrogen, its unlikely that you will get gyno twice in the same cycle s you should need any extra nolva
    Thats how i would run the cycle! Thanks for saving me some typing time!

    As far as your should be intaking about 3000-4000 cals a day!! No ! Also you should be drinking a minimum of a gallon of water. Protien should be (bodyweight x 1.5 = protien intake). You should drop the cardio to like once a week, you have the same bodytype as me running won't help much if your trying to put on mass. Also don't worry about a little fat gain our bodytypes burn that shit like nothing! And finally your routine should be basic, 3 times a week split the body parts ex: bi's, tris....back legs....whatever.

    Good luck!!!

  8. #8
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    eww back / legs... rough day.

  9. #9
    shadyadam's Avatar
    shadyadam is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    eww back / legs... rough day.
    hahahaha fuuny i mentioned that only cuz today is leg and back....

  10. #10
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    haha good luck to you my friend!!

    I prefer legs / shoulders... sometimes i'll do squats into chest b/c I feel like I get pumped and ready to rumble.

    ya know... legs and anything is a rough day....

  11. #11
    shadyadam's Avatar
    shadyadam is offline Associate Member
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    Hahaha ya it is but my body was getting used to the other splits i was doing....but why i choose back and legs is beyond me lol

  12. #12
    GetBiggg is offline Associate Member
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    haha I have faith in ya Shady - you'll be fine i'm sure

    back to the poster here though....

    have you looked at Bino's gyno reversal protocol... might want to try that if you do have gyno.

  13. #13
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetBiggg
    haha I have faith in ya Shady - you'll be fine i'm sure

    back to the poster here though....

    have you looked at Bino's gyno reversal protocol... might want to try that if you do have gyno.
    LOL , my consolidation post of already great info:

    The only change I'd make to Milky’s layout is James21's 12wks of Test instead of 10 (if you’re using Enth that is; if Prop or Cyp 10 is fine).
    I too IMMEDIATELY picked up on Milky’s critique of your cardio, far too excessive for someone seeking to gain…cut it to two nonconsecutive days a week. And Longhorn hit the nail on the and overtraing are notorious saboteurs...examine the former and retool the latter. Lifting only stimulates growth, you have to rest to grow.


  14. #14
    lgodin is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the help guys, this is exactly what I was looking for.

    For the record, I am aware that the real challenge is in the kitchen, my body type tells me that every week. I am an avid user of protein, and keep my daily intake above 200 grams. I have hit some mass diets in the past, and have had intakes as high as 300 grams using 3500-4000 cals a day. My big problem is water, I just don't drink that much.

    To clarify my workout schedule. I do arms/chest, back/ shoulders then legs, I mentioned the cardio 4 days a week, I still do the above workout with high reps and light card, and then add a day of full card. I know card goes against the rules of mass for my body type, but I have to do it to get a "cut look" just not as often as you might think.

    Keep in mind I am 33 years old, if I want to see my abs I have to do some card, every seen a 6ft 170lb guy with a belly.......not cool!

    Thanks again for all the help, I have been as high as 185 in the past, and with my body type it was a TON of work, and took nearly six months, I want the gains quicker, and I would like to exceed my goals and see where I drop back to......................hopefully gear will help me.

    thanks again!

  15. #15
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    The only change I'd make to Milky’s layout is James21's 12wks of Test instead of 10 (if you’re using Enth that is; if Prop or Cyp 10 is fine).
    Thats cool. I only suggested 10 weeks so that he wouldnt have half a vial lying around for months

  16. #16
    Undecided09's Avatar
    Undecided09 is offline Senior Member
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    Ok guys this is like Ten Threads in one, hes got a thread about gyno, est blockers, a first cycle, and milk thistle, even though he doesn't know what compounds hes running yet or what they are...DOn't mean to flame, but lets evaluate some other aspects of this guys training experience before we supply a potential cycle

  17. #17
    Milky87 is offline Member
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    How about we supply him with a cycle as that was what he asked for?

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