Thread: Advice for pct needed please
04-28-2006, 03:41 PM #1
Advice for pct needed please
I will be doing a very mild cycle.
400mgs Primo a week for 10 weeks
200mgs Deca a week for 10 weeks
50mgs Winny eod for last 6 weeks
Should I run armidex or nolvadex thoughout this cycle?If yes how much?
Should I do a clomid/nolva therapy when cycle is finished?If yes how much?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,DW
04-28-2006, 03:45 PM #2
what are your stats? cycle history? I'm assuming its your 1st cycle?
and of course you must do pct for every cycle.
you run nolva through out the cycle....20mg/ed
and clomid for pct..........2 weeks after last injection
day 1-10 100mgs/ed
day 2-21 50mgs/ed
if its your 1st cycle stick to test e for 12 weeks = 500mgs/week
04-28-2006, 03:57 PM #3
stats:38 years old,195lbs,bf 14%,training for 10 years.
this is my second cycle,the first one was 6 years ago and identical to this one.I gain 10lbs and got rock hard,and kept all my gains and had no sides at all.
I know primo and winny dont aromatize and the deca is being used at a very low dosage(200mg a week) its mailny being used as a lube for my bad shoulders.But I am prone to gyno and already have a mild case of it naturally,so thats why I need to know if I should run an anti-e during the cycle.
I have nolvadex ,armidex and clomid on hand.
04-28-2006, 04:58 PM #4
anyone else have an opion on this?
04-29-2006, 11:30 AM #5
04-29-2006, 05:22 PM #6Originally Posted by juiceboxxx
and same as above u need to always run pct after your cycle.
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