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Thread: leg killing me

  1. #1
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    leg killing me

    I am running my first cycle and did my very first injection of Test E frontloaded at 500 mg for the first dose in my right thigh on Monday. Everything went smoothly -- showered first, stretched, cleaned the area with an alcohol pad, switched needles to a 23 gauge 1 1/2 inch needle, aspirated, injected very slowly (about 60 seconds), and massaged the area afterwards. However, I have a deep pain in my thigh that has been getting worse every day, although there is no redness or swelling in the area. It is so bad that I couldn't sleep last night and today I can hardly walk. I am wondering what I could have done wrong. I was hoping it would have shown some improvement by now, but the pain has just gotten worse. Please, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Where exactly did you inject. If you hang you hands by your sides was it around where your fingertips would be ?

  3. #3
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Hey brother..Shoot me a pm

  4. #4
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    That is what I am worried about. I think I injected too high in my thigh and the pain is centered around the top part of my upper thigh. What could I have hit that would cause this intense pain?

  5. #5
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    Please, any feedback is really appreciated.

  6. #6
    speak is offline Associate Member
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    happens to me all the time, in fact i was gonna start a thread about this. i think some are just more prone to the pain and swelling. i have been limping for the better part of three weeks from quad injections. everytime though the swelling went down and leg returned to normal. my right quad is just today(thursday) feeling normal from a sat injection. if it lasts more than a week i might be worried.

  7. #7
    Jman5k's Avatar
    Jman5k is offline New Member
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    The following comes from a great post by one of the mods, I believe gsxxr.

    Where can I give an IM shot? The skin, and the muscles under the skin, cover nerves, blood vessels, and bones. It is important to give a shot where you will not hurt any of these body parts. There are 8 possible areas, 4 on each side of the body, where an IM shot can be given. It is important to choose the correct area. If caregivers showed you what areas are safe, follow their directions. Change the areas where you give shots. If you give a shot in the same place every day or even every week, scar tissue can build up. The scar tissue will affect how the medicine will work. Following is information about the safe areas to give a shot.

    Vastus Lateralis (VAS-tuss lat-er-AL-iss) Muscle (Thigh): The thigh is used often for children, especially children under 3. It is also a good place for an adult. The thigh area is especially useful if you need to give yourself a shot because it is easy to see.

    Look at the thigh that will get the shot. In your mind, divide the thigh (the area between the knee and the hip) into three equal parts. The middle third is where the shot will go.

    This muscle is called the vastus lateralis. It runs along the top of the thigh (the front) and a little to the outside. Put your thumb in the middle of the top of the thigh, and your fingers along the side. The muscle you feel between them is the vastus lateralis.

    Here is another one I found at another AAS site. If you injected in the fashion they describe here it could be your problem.

    The vastus lateralis muscle is the only area of the thigh that should be injected intramuscularly. This site is determined by using the knee and the greater trochanter of the femur as landmarks. The greater trochanter is the bony area that you can feel where the femur joins the pelvic girdle. The mid portion of the muscle is located by measuring the handbreadth above the knee and the handbreadth below the greater trochanter. Injecting into the front of the thigh or inside of the thigh is extremely unwise. These areas contain nerves as well as a number of blood vessels.
    On the other side of the coin, first time cycles are the most painful, which was certaintly the case with me. After my first few glute shots I couldnt sit down, get in my car, sleep, or worst of all, even put my shoes on without almost crying for 3 weeks. Mind you I did prop/winny EOD, but regardless. Let's hope this is what you are experiencing. Good luck brother, hope I helped you in any way, and most of all I hope you recover well.

    Edited to post link to gsxxr's entire injection post:
    Last edited by Jman5k; 05-04-2006 at 10:06 AM.

  8. #8
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    well Jman5k, im sure that helped the dude out, and i know it helped me out. i will be using quads next cycle, and was unsure of where to actually shoot. now i know. nice post, thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I take my hand place it above the pattella and shoot 1-2 inches over from the top of my hand.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    perfect every time.

  11. #11
    speak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novicenovicen
    I take my hand place it above the pattella and shoot 1-2 inches over from the top of my hand.
    lost me, the patella is below the knee cap

  12. #12
    speak is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by speak
    lost me, the patella is below the knee cap
    I retract that, the patella is the knee cap. When I had my acl replaced they were gonna use the patella below the knee cap.

  13. #13
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks so much everybody, JmanK5 especially. I appreciate the words of wisdom and I can live with the pain as long as I know there is nothing seriously wrong (nerve damage, infection, etc.). You have been extremely helpful and I appreciate everyone who responded. Thanks.

  14. #14
    Jman5k's Avatar
    Jman5k is offline New Member
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    Hey no problem at all, everytime you help someone, you end up learnin a little bit more yourself. Glad to do it. Do unto others as you would do unto yourself.... or something to that effect.

  15. #15
    pharmtech is offline Junior Member
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    I agree. In my opinion, this is the best board around as far as helping one another out is concerned. I appreciate the feedback from those more experienced and hope that I will have the opportunity to do the same in the future. Thanks again.

  16. #16
    Maldorf's Avatar
    Maldorf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pharmtech
    I am running my first cycle and did my very first injection of Test E frontloaded at 500 mg for the first dose in my right thigh on Monday. Everything went smoothly -- showered first, stretched, cleaned the area with an alcohol pad, switched needles to a 23 gauge 1 1/2 inch needle, aspirated, injected very slowly (about 60 seconds), and massaged the area afterwards. However, I have a deep pain in my thigh that has been getting worse every day, although there is no redness or swelling in the area. It is so bad that I couldn't sleep last night and today I can hardly walk. I am wondering what I could have done wrong. I was hoping it would have shown some improvement by now, but the pain has just gotten worse. Please, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
    That pain is quite common, and the degree of pain usually depends on what you are shooting. If it had a lot of BA in it, its going to hurt and swell for a long while. I shot 250 mg of omnadren last tuesday and my quad is still swollen and painful as hell. I had to take this week off from legs because of it. I am just now able to squat down on it and flex my leg, but it still hurts. No signs of an abcess, its not red and I have no fever. It seems to be finally going away.

  17. #17
    BARLOW is offline Senior Member
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    dude i so just did that....
    200mg prop 100mg tren a little off center on wednesday.....started hurting right after injection....had to do legs.....thursday i was limping....cant even flex quad....this morning....still hurts..going to bed, see how it is in morning lol......

  18. #18
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    I use the thigh all the time. Sometimes it is nothing, and other times it hurts like a bitch. I take an asprin or tylenol and massage the area. Also, I think doing a leg workout actually helps. It gets blood into the area and helps work the liquid in.

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