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  1. #1
    drivium's Avatar
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    Clomid/Nolvadex Question(s)

    1. I just purchased the clomiphene (clomid) from the site and want to know how much to take and how often to take it - I found this info on one of the reviews for it:

    "after your cycle take for four weeks total! take 300 the first day, 100 for a week and a 1/2 , and 50 for the last 2 1/2 weeks "

    Is this correct? And 300... 300 what? What's the measurement?
    For example, what I ordered says its 70mL 35mg/mL - is that enough for my cycle wrap up?

    2. Nolvadex - my buddy is a serious body builder and he told me that I only need to take the Nolvadex if I notice myself starting to get titties (im a dude by the way) yet I notice on a lot of these cycle tutorials they say that Nolvadex should be worked into the cycle every time. Which is accurate? And if I need to take it regardless - how much to take and how often to take it?



  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by drivium
    1. I just purchased the clomiphene (clomid) from the site and want to know how much to take and how often to take it - I found this info on one of the reviews for it:

    "after your cycle take for four weeks total! take 300 the first day, 100 for a week and a 1/2 , and 50 for the last 2 1/2 weeks "

    Is this correct? And 300... 300 what? What's the measurement?
    For example, what I ordered says its 70mL 35mg/mL - is that enough for my cycle wrap up?

    2. Nolvadex - my buddy is a serious body builder and he told me that I only need to take the Nolvadex if I notice myself starting to get titties (im a dude by the way) yet I notice on a lot of these cycle tutorials they say that Nolvadex should be worked into the cycle every time. Which is accurate? And if I need to take it regardless - how much to take and how often to take it?


    During the cycle some take Nolvadex and some dont. If you take it its precautionary. If you chose to do that you can take around 10mg/day. You can choose to do nothing and have it on hand in case you get symptoms as your friend has indicated. Your PCT dosages should look like this

    PCT for cycles 8-16wks:
    Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva

    The other way that you are sugesting is this

    Day 1 300mg Clomid
    Day 2 - 7 100mg
    day 8 -31 50mg

    Day 1-31 20mg Nolvadex

  3. #3
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    Nolvadex.... I am wondering the same...

    Could one of the veterans of this site please answer the Nolvadex question. I have read both ways... don't take it everyday... or take it everyday. I just started a Test E 500/mg per week cycle. I am taking Nolvadex 10 mg every day as it stated in the beginners cycles.

    Will taking the Nolvadex everyday possibly reduce my gains? I'm in my 30's and have worked out for quite a while... but I want to see DEFINITE results from this cycle... please advise.


  4. #4
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoCabron

    Will taking the Nolvadex everyday possibly reduce my gains?

    Unless if for you gains=water

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoCabron
    Could one of the veterans of this site please answer the Nolvadex question. I have read both ways... don't take it everyday... or take it everyday. I just started a Test E 500/mg per week cycle. I am taking Nolvadex 10 mg every day as it stated in the beginners cycles.

    Will taking the Nolvadex everyday possibly reduce my gains? I'm in my 30's and have worked out for quite a while... but I want to see DEFINITE results from this cycle... please advise.

    I have done it both ways and noticed no difference. Some will disagree. The fact is we are all different. You have to try them both and see what happens. But at the end of the day would you rather have a nice pair of titties for your girfriend to suck on or a little bit less muscle mass ? Oh and sorry I am not a Vet but I thought I would answer anyway

  6. #6
    jayheero is offline Banned
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    to tell u the truth use nolva only as a precautionary for gynco otherwise dont use it . it will affect you minimal amounts to tell u the truth. very little.

  7. #7
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    Kale.... LOL....

    good point. i'll keep taking the Nolvadex 10 mg everyday. that would bite to grow some big chick nipples just in time for the hanging at the beach in the summer. ha ha

  8. #8
    drivium's Avatar
    drivium is offline New Member
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    man - you aint kiddin'
    I started my cycle last wed. (05/03)
    I'm gonna start with the nolv. IMMEDIATELY.
    Better safe than busty.

    thx gang

  9. #9
    drivium's Avatar
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    one more thing - this whole MG (milligram?) thing -
    What does that equate to in a CC cyringe?
    (i bite at math)


  10. #10
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by drivium
    one more thing - this whole MG (milligram?) thing -
    What does that equate to in a CC cyringe?
    (i bite at math)

    Doesnt equate to anything. The mg/ml is usually marked on the bottle. And 1 cc = 1 ml so if its 250mg / ml them 1 ml = 1 cc then there is 250mg in one cc or 1 ml

  11. #11
    drivium's Avatar
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    um.... huh?

    The reason I want to know is because I bought the clomiphene from the site and it says its 70mL 35mg/mL. I think my cyringe holds 5cc
    ,---o[1 |2 |3 |4 |5]===B

    So how many cc's does 300mg equal in this case (since that's what I need to take the 1st day)?
    Im retarded I know.


  12. #12
    drivium's Avatar
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    Will Nolvadex REVERSE any signs of gynoplastia (i think that's what its called) - for instance - if I start getting titties will this decresease their size or just prevent further development?


  13. #13
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drivium
    Will Nolvadex REVERSE any signs of gynoplastia (i think that's what its called) - for instance - if I start getting titties will this decresease their size or just prevent further development?


    Is this guy serious or is this a joke?

  14. #14
    H20Crazy's Avatar
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    For my Test E cycle, my clomid plan looked like so:
    Week 14-17 Clomid 300/150/100

    However i was quickly instructed by vets to take a lower dosage.One suggestion was as follows:
    Wk14-17 Day One 150 Day 2 100 Day Three 50 And Stay There For 3 Weeks

    Take what you will from this one. I have not started my cycle yet. Just thought i'd share with you the info that was giving to me a couple of days ago.

    GO CLIPPERS!!!!!

  15. #15
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by H20Crazy
    For my Test E cycle, my clomid plan looked like so:
    Week 14-17 Clomid 300/150/100

    However i was quickly instructed by vets to take a lower dosage.One suggestion was as follows:
    Wk14-17 Day One 150 Day 2 100 Day Three 50 And Stay There For 3 Weeks

    Take what you will from this one. I have not started my cycle yet. Just thought i'd share with you the info that was giving to me a couple of days ago.

    GO CLIPPERS!!!!!
    lower doses are much better/safer in most cases.

    day 1-10 100mgs
    day 11-21 50mgs

  16. #16
    drivium's Avatar
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    Last edited by drivium; 05-21-2006 at 10:24 AM.

  17. #17
    drivium's Avatar
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