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  1. #1
    EmptyWallet's Avatar
    EmptyWallet is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Ok, tell me what you think about this for my brother...

    I'm working on a small simple cycle here for my brother, if you read my other post he weighs in at about 161-162, he taken fina, winny, and eq before, little test here and there, but nothing to talk about. This is going to be a test only cycle, and at the beginning I was thinking along the mindset of either 250mgs or 500mgs (shot on monday, then thursday for 500mgs) a week of enanthate , but now I think I'm going to set it up at 250mgs every 4 days. Thats kind of a balance in between don't you think? Any opinions? We arent adding anything else in since we really would like to see how he responds to test alone. Whatcha think?

  2. #2
    Anabolik's Avatar
    Anabolik is offline Associate Member
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    Whenever someone starts talking about 'cycles for brothers' there is always a suspicion that the cycle is actually for themselves but for some reason they are unwilling to admit it.

    If hes taken 'fina, winny, and eq before, little test here and there' then you must know how he responds to AAS.

    Cant your brother read? Its always best to know about AAS first-hand than to rely on someone else.

    What is the age of your brother, actualy cycle history, height, bf etc.

    What do you want from your new cycle other than too see how 'responds to test alone'.

  3. #3
    Anabolik's Avatar
    Anabolik is offline Associate Member
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    Just read your other post.

    Well if your brother is what he is and has done loads of fina etc before then why do u want to shoot 500mg of test alone or even 250mg? Why not do a proper growing cycle, since it looks like you both need to put on some size.

    Of course people do react differently, but if you only went up 38lbs from '6 solid cycles' I suspect something must not be working, although I may be mistaken.

    Anyway if what you are saying is true, then do think again about your brother's cycle and most importantly his diet.

  4. #4
    EmptyWallet's Avatar
    EmptyWallet is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by Anabolik
    Just read your other post.

    Well if your brother is what he is and has done loads of fina etc before then why do u want to shoot 500mg of test alone or even 250mg? Why not do a proper growing cycle, since it looks like you both need to put on some size.

    Of course people do react differently, but if you only went up 38lbs from '6 solid cycles' I suspect something must not be working, although I may be mistaken.

    Anyway if what you are saying is true, then do think again about your brother's cycle and most importantly his diet.
    I understand how you could interpret this as being for me, which I suppose is understandable, but honestly its not. And the point of me doing six cycles that you threw out there as well, has been over a couple of years, my life likes to take drastic changes so my weight yo-yo's around. Im sorry I didnt explain things better to you.

  5. #5
    adaptations's Avatar
    adaptations is offline Member
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    Another thing to take into consideration is, You said he is he 6'2 or 5' would make a big difference..

  6. #6
    Anabolik's Avatar
    Anabolik is offline Associate Member
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    adaptations, hes 5'6-5'7 apparently.

    emptywallet, honestly I think you should get your brother do his own research. Its always best to know what you are doing, rather than rely on someone's advice.
    As far as the cycle goes, it depends on your brother's past experience. What did his cycles looks like and how well did he do from them?
    Personally, I would go with test enanthate /cyp, deca /eq for the more pronounced anabolic effect, perhaps frontload on propionate or frontload on enanthate by taking x2 first 2 weeks. Consider using dbol to kickstart the gains so you wont have to sit around for 4-5 weeks waiting for test to kick in. Consider also using dbol as a bridge between the cycle and clomid therapy and even run it into clomid at a low dose in the mornings. People's experience suggests you avoid the mood falls and keep more of the gains that way.

    For guys with fast metabolism, diet is the key. If you are not gaining off 4000kcal, try 6000kcal or whatever. Just try to eat clean. Avoid insulin spikes. And keep training your ass off. Rest sleep etc.

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