I have been reading on this board a lot lately trying to figure out what is best for my next cycle. When reading about EQ & Test E cycles , some people actually start EQ a month early. I guess EQ kicks in a lot more after week 12.
Week 4-16 Test E 500mg/week
Week 1-16 EQ 400mg/week

My first cycle was great thanks to all the info on this board. Thanks again!
1st Cycle: Test E& Deca . Plus PCT of course. gained 30lbs kept 18 after 7 months.

Anyways, I was thinking of running EQ between 400-600mg/weekly and the same with Test E. Any advice. I am very concerned with bloat as I swell easy even on a low sodium diet. On that note would this cycle be good:
Week 1 EQ 750mg week2-16 600mg weekly
Week 4 Test E 750 week 5-16 500 mg weekly
L-dex .25 mg daily & hcg week 10-16 500iu weekly
PCT also

Week 1-12 EQ 400mg/weekly
Week 1-12 Test E 600-750 weekly
L-dex .25mg daily
PCT also
Basically can EQ be ran higher than test? And will Eq work better at a lower dose for 16 weeks instead of 12?

Thanks in advance!