Ive been on for 16 wks and will be staying on another 5 or 6 weeks.What is the common protocol for using HCG .how or if at all
I'm on:
150 test prop ed
50 winny ed
50 npp ed
40 anavar ed
**Primo ace and some masteron might make it in later somehow.
36 yrs old
5 % bf
10+ cycles experience

Tren for the first 8 wks before the NPP and masteron was in there ,It was designed as a 12 wk cycle but I'm getting such good results and busting out new muscles,strength and vascularity ive never seen before so I kept on but did'nt plan on using any HCG in the previous cycle planned...so....here I am at 16 wks going to 22 weeks for a competition and wonder if I should use any HCG in the next 6 wks.
I already plan on 500iu's ed for 3 wks in my PCT w/clomid,nolv and arim
My nuts have not shrunk too much but I'm just concerned.