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  1. #1
    justinpayne is offline New Member
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    Muscle pain after Winny Injections

    I am just starting my first winny cycle and each place that i have made an injection so far, the muscle becomes incredibly sore for a few days afterwards. Has anyone else experienced this? I am making sure everything is safely disinfected... does it have something to do with how I am injecting do you think?

  2. #2
    primetime1's Avatar
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    i found winny to make me a bit sore in the area i shot also.
    describe how exactly your procedure goes and we can tell ya if something is wrong...
    you can always just drink it

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Yes, winny can make you sore. You can cut it with other compounds or sterile oils. I will be cutting mine with B-12
    hope this helps

  4. #4
    justinpayne is offline New Member
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    Well I did two 50mg injections one into my right Glut and one into my left thigh. Within a few hours each muscle began to really hurt, like an acute pain centered around the injection site but overlapping to the whole muscle area. I just felt like a really bad charley horse or something. Today is Weds and I did my first injection on Monday and my Glut is still sore.

    Would cutting it with B12 make it feel better? How much B12 should i use?

    I was going to do daily 50mg injections but I think I might switch to every other day...

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    B-12 "should" help and I would start with 1/2 ml and go up to 1 ml if you think it will help.
    ED injections are better than EOD, but you can get away with it if you must.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes with the B-12

  6. #6
    justinpayne is offline New Member
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    Would it be better for me to cut down to 25mg of Winny daily? or should I stick to the 50mg ED?
    I am going to get the B12 tomorrow, should be interesting...

  7. #7
    justinpayne is offline New Member
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    Well, I tried the B-12 and it did seem to work somewhat, not to mention I felt quite energized from it. I have found the best thing which I wasnt doing as much before was massaging the muscle before and after the injection to soften it up and spread it around. That seems to have been the biggest help.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Ive had pain from winny but i found if i injected it very slowly it was painless, its worth a try works everytime for me.

  9. #9
    FLEX83's Avatar
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    i'm running 50mg's of winny now EOD and the pain I'm feeling is incredible, calling it a charlie horse would be an understatement!! I've never felt injection pain like this before. I know that winny is water based and that everyone says it hurts more than others that are oil based. However, it's painless going in then the pain starts a few hours later... first subtley then full fledged pain. If anyone can relate and help to this, let me know!!

  10. #10
    FLEX83's Avatar
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    sorry, left some info out... i rub down the injection site immediatly after then ice it down later at night... it's still soar for the following 3 days making the next injection even worse. I'm considering taking it orally, but if it hurts my muscle to this extent, what could it do to my liver? I've also been wondering if it's garbage gear..

  11. #11
    big guy 1 is offline New Member
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    I had the same experience. Not only did I have incredible pain at the injection site, but it got swollen and hot. I had to use ice to cool it down. I hurt soo much that I couldn't work out.

    Later I tried to drink it instead. I got a sore throat and the flu. Thought it might be a fluke. I waited until I got better, tried it again, and got sick again.

    Then I said.. Maybe I need another body... or ginnie pig.

    Gave it to my friend since I was done with the stuff and he had the same problems.

    I know the stuff is good, but for the gains you get, (which are small), it was not worth the pain and issues. Plus, the stuff is not cheap compared to other options.

    If you find a better way let me know.

  12. #12
    justinpayne is offline New Member
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    It sounds like you were experiencing the same thing that I was. I have been able to eliminate the pain now by thoroughly rubbing the muscle before, getting it relaxed and ready. I now add between 1/4 and 1/2 a ml of B12 to the injection along with the the 50mg (1ml) of Winny EOD and then thoroughly rub it down after and this seems to have eliminated the pain. But yeah, it was intense before, if you can't stop it, it is totally not worth enduring that pain.

  13. #13
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Drink it.

  14. #14
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Drink it.

    Can you really drink Winny??????

  15. #15
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Can you really drink Winny??????
    How many times?????? YES!

  16. #16
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    How many times?????? YES!
    Hey Mesomorphyl, how much does the guy in your avy charge to cut yoiur grass that way??......mine realy needs cut too....LOLOLOL

  17. #17
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Hey Mesomorphyl, how much does the guy in your avy charge to cut yoiur grass that way??......mine realy needs cut too....LOLOLOL
    Nark comes over for free... but he makes me watch.

  18. #18
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    Nark comes over for free... but he makes me watch.

    Ya Know I thought that looked like Nark there, but didn't want to say anything......lololol

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