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  1. #1
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    Test E dosage ??? ???

    I just finished week 6 of a 12 week Test E cycle. Currently taking 250mg Monday... 250 mg Thursday .... Total = 500 mgs/per week. With Nolv 10mg ED.

    I was expecting to see more results at this point. Should I bump up the dose to 750 mg/week for the remaining weeks (250mg Monday, 250 mg Wednesday, 250mg Friday)?

    Following good diet routine... solid workouts... good sleep.

    I'm in my 30's, 5' 10", 195 lbs. Body Fat is ok... don't know exact %. I did 2 cycles about 10 years ago.

    My progress so far ... strength really increasing, also looks like body fat is burning off... a bit more cut.

    Would you recommend increasing the dosage to 750 mgs or just ride it out 500 mgs to finish.

    I'm using Primoteston Depot 250 mg amps (from mexico)... they came in original boxes, with foil packaging... lot #'s on amps match packaging.

    I know it says maybe up to 4-6 weeks for it to really kick in. Just wondering what any VETS think???


  2. #2
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    6 weeks is usually correct...for some its not until the much exactly have you gained lbs wise?...if you have gained a decent amount you might wanna drop the nolva and go for liquidex...but that should not matter...

  3. #3
    joshr is offline Associate Member
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    no keep it the same dose everyone is different be patient wait another week bumping up the dose will just throw off your levels which is not a good thing

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    I agree, stick it out with the 500/week. In some people it takes anywhere from 6-8 weeks for Test E to fully kick in.
    If your diet and training are as you say, then you should start to see some gains soon unless your gear is not legit!

    hope this helps

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    No need to bump your dose. By the time that extra 250 starts to take effect you'll be finishing your cycle.

    Save it for a future cycle.

  6. #6
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    Mwolfey - here's how my weight has been. I started cycle at 189... then after a few weeks I was weighing in at 197-198. Now, I'm back down to 195... but more cut. So, I'm just guessing the Test E has helped burn some fat???

    Is this normal to go up in weight so fast... then back down?

    As long as the gear is legit... would I expect now to start packing on more mass and really bulk up?

    OK.... I'll just be patient and stick with the 500 mgs/week. I do think I'm going to throw in some Proviron at this point to improve the sex drive a bit.

    Has anyone had good experiences with the Primoteston Depot Test E? The sides haven't been too bad for me.

  7. #7
    IFR's Avatar
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    you know the weird thing is I also use primoteston from mexico. I use 1500mg every 10 days and if I go anywhere below that I can totaly see and feel the progress slow down. But I weigh 270, so you might as well stay at that dose. Ill tell you one thing though, If I use sus 250 every 5 days in between I start to get really strong but I get side effects a little more that usual.

  8. #8
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    your weight will fluctuate according to how your diet for more results,i do think most of the threads where members have put on 20-30lbs of muscle off a single cycle are somewhat exaggerated.................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  9. #9
    ZIA1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz
    your weight will fluctuate according to how your diet for more results,i do think most of the threads where members have put on 20-30lbs of muscle off a single cycle are somewhat exaggerated.................
    Even on a 1/2gram to 750mg? I've always bought into the "I gained 30 pounds" from a test cycle. My first was Prop and I gained no where near that...then again, I was on a highly restricted diet...made nice hard gains.

  10. #10
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    I probably should've stacked with DECA right from the beginning of the cycle to achieve the mass I want from this cycle.

    But, since it's been 10 years since my last cycle... I wanted to play it safe this time. It's still early on and hopefully the Test E will kick in more at this point and surprise me.

    BTW - I took my advice for this cycle off the main site for Beginner's Cycles. Someone really needs to fix the TYPO's on the 1st beginner cycle. It says to do DBOL 200mgs/ED !!!!! If I had followed that -- my liver would be destroyed right now!!!

  11. #11
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoCabron
    I probably should've stacked with DECA right from the beginning of the cycle to achieve the mass I want from this cycle.

    But, since it's been 10 years since my last cycle... I wanted to play it safe this time. It's still early on and hopefully the Test E will kick in more at this point and surprise me.

    BTW - I took my advice for this cycle off the main site for Beginner's Cycles. Someone really needs to fix the TYPO's on the 1st beginner cycle. It says to do DBOL 200mgs/ED !!!!! If I had followed that -- my liver would be destroyed right now!!!
    I think people rely wayyy to much on the scale...Although you say your weight has been up and down, you may very well have lost body fat and gained more muscle. In that case, although your weight may not have risen significantly you have more muscle than you originally did, and thus will look better. If you can see a positive change in the mirror then you are good to go. It also may be helpful to post your exact diet, and see if anyone has any suggestions for you. Also, remember that the more weight you gain, the more food you will need to take in. Your diet may be optimal for someone weighing what you started your cycle with, but if you gained 10 or 15lbs, you need to eat to that weight.

  12. #12
    IFR's Avatar
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    ya I say deca to, I see more gains when I include sus 250 because of the decanate in it. I would use deca but where I go I see nothing but fake ass deca. So we buy p the sustenon

  13. #13
    Cornholio is offline Associate Member
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    BTW - I took my advice for this cycle off the main site for Beginner's Cycles. Someone really needs to fix the TYPO's on the 1st beginner cycle. It says to do DBOL 200mgs ED !!!!! If I had followed that -- my liver would be destroyed right now!!!
    True that typo needs fixing. I think in another cycle it says dbol at 400mgs each day.

  14. #14
    Cornholio is offline Associate Member
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  15. #15
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    Godfather - I'll post my exact diet a little later for some tips. You're right though... although I eat healthy... maybe I need to really push myself and consume more calories in my meals throughout the day.

    My overall visual appearance is definitely improving.... more solid, lean muscle and less fat. At this point, it's more of a "beach body" look. However, I guess when I'm out and see these huge motherf*ckers all swole up... I expect a little of that too from the cycle. But, these dudes are probably stacking multiple compounds to achieve that swollen look.

  16. #16
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    iu gained the most off my first cycle which was over 30 lbs no bs and it was a sus only cycle but i was taking in over 5000 cal ed thanx to mcedee,s
    but i to am taking test e rt now an i am in my 6th week and really starting to have great gaines weight and strenght so be patient just up ur cal and u should be fine

  17. #17
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    pumpd4lif - how many mgs Test E per week are you hitting now?

    also - any recommedations for getting the best calorie intake.

  18. #18
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    This would be a sample of how I currently eat:

    meal 1 - 2 packets oatmeal, banana, yogurt

    meal 2 - turkey sandwich, swiss cheese, walnuts

    meal 3 - chicken breast, vegetables, cottage cheese

    meal 4 - baked potato, peanut butter, walnuts

    meal 5 - turkey sandwich, salad, tomatoes, walnuts

    Also - take a protein shake after each workout, plus 1 or 2 protein shakes throughout day.

    How can I improve this diet? I'm eating healthy... but am I eating enough???



  19. #19
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    200 mg m w f
    yea my diet moslty consists of ground meat and chicken together before and after and every 3 hours large portions mainly meatloaf 97%fat free easy to make and re heat and easy to put in the fridge
    i have a hard time putting on weight gear or no gear ive learned to adapt
    if u eat every 3 hours ur body will start to burn that fuel faster so ur able to take in more calories an after a day of that trust me no matter how much u eat by the second hour u will want to eat ur own arm humans are forigers are bodys r supposed to constantly supposed to be looking for food we are not made to eat only 3 big meals a day that is just the evolution of society u will see start ur self on a 3 hour diet including oatmeal as part of 1st and last meal of the day oatmeal has very little protien but the proteins that r in it r very slow burning so during ur 2 growth hormone releases in ur sleep the oatmeal protiens will last till the begining of second release that is if u dont awake during the night.oatmeal has been my golden food trust me when i tell u it is a hard gainers best freind next to red meat good luck and good night

  20. #20
    LocoCabron's Avatar
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    pumpd4lif - thanks bro for the info. i haven't been eating much red meat... and I should probably add that in to my diet also.

    appreciate the tips.... and good luck with your progress as well!

  21. #21
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    eat more red meat lean red meat i dont see it at all in ur diet.
    i had my largest gaines my 1st cycle because my cal intake was insane i am lean natrualy so i can offord to take in extra fat i was eating 4 double cheese burgers before my workout ed thats y i put on over 30 lbs but i will never do that again not very healthy so i make my own red meats meatloaf staek exc...but everything in ur diet is in order just ad more red meat bro from my own exp that should help out alot but if ur going every 3 hours try not to go past the three hour mark so ur body stays in an anobolic state

  22. #22
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz
    your weight will fluctuate according to how your diet for more results,i do think most of the threads where members have put on 20-30lbs of muscle off a single cycle are somewhat exaggerated.................


  23. #23
    manc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booz
    your weight will fluctuate according to how your diet for more results,i do think most of the threads where members have put on 20-30lbs of muscle off a single cycle are somewhat exaggerated.................
    thank god for that! its took me a few years to gain 35 pounds,get a bit deflated when i read some gain nearly that in one cycle..well pointed out booz

  24. #24
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    not to boste but i really did gain over 30 lbs i started at 156 and finished at 191lbs after pct and diet i was a lean 186 no bs there but like i said cal intake was insane and mad supp,s afterwards but i have yet to have those results again

  25. #25
    LocoCabron's Avatar
    LocoCabron is offline New Member
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    no sh*t??? that's impressive... definitely got your moneys worth!

  26. #26
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
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    yea but it took more energy to eat like that then it did to work out trust me after a bit all food taste the same. LIKE f%cking plastic it tested my mental ability to maintain what i was doing so bad that i couldnt wait to get of so i didnt have to eat like that that was the first time in my life i looked forward to dieting thats for sure

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