I finished a cycle consisting of
750 mgs test enanthate / weeks 1-15
100mgs tren / EOD weeks 10-15
10mgs nolvadex / ED weeks 1-15

PCT Started 3 weeks after last test shot
100mgs clomid /ED 1-30
20mgs Nolvadex/ ED 1-30

Well the cycle ended earlier december and pct ended sometime in january. During the cycle i experienced mild gyno like side affects such as sensitivity and itchiness. But i would up the dosage to 20 mgs of nolvadex and the symptoms would subside. Now 4 months after the cycle i've been noticing some soreness behind my nipple and a little ball that hurts to the touch. My question is why would i be hurting now, and what can i do to stop this? I'm thinking of running nolvadex by itself but i'm not sure if it's better to just let my body get back to a normal state or if i should take something for this please let me know your opinions becuase i don't know what i should do. Thanks