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Thread: pct

  1. #1
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Ok so i finished my first cycle a while ago and did not pct. Yes I know this is bad and i should have done it. But to tell u the truth i only ended up losing about 2 pounds of the 33 i gained. I did test e for 10wks at 500mg/wk. Ive had no problems with my sex drive i feel great. Do u think that maybe my test levels dont drop from steroids ?? I dont know it just seemed really weird considering people say that u will lose everything. LMK what you guys think about it.

  2. #2
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34
    Ok so i finished my first cycle a while ago and did not pct. Yes I know this is bad and i should have done it. But to tell u the truth i only ended up losing about 2 pounds of the 33 i gained. I did test e for 10wks at 500mg/wk. Ive had no problems with my sex drive i feel great. Do u think that maybe my test levels dont drop from steroids?? I dont know it just seemed really weird considering people say that u will lose everything. LMK what you guys think about it.
    How can they not drop from steroids ? You inject the juice, your body stops producing test, ie. you're shut down. Maybe you bounced back so quickly because it's your first cycle, honestly, I don't know.

    Let me say this, I feel it is reckless and retarded to think of a cycle without thinking of PCT. If you're not doing something as fundamental as restoring your natural test production, then, IMHO, you shouldn't be using AAS.

    That aside, congrats on the gains, and keeping them without PCT. However, I wouldn't recommend you continue this type of practice as you progress with your AAS usage.

  3. #3
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2005
    I know i was planning on pct but something came up and i had no way of getting clomid or anything. But yes next time will def do pct.

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