wks 1-12 test-e at 500mg
wks 1-10 tren -e at 400mg
wks 14-16 clomid
my stats=27 y/o male 5'7'' 210lbs. 10%-12% BF
not my first cycle,I have 5 years of on and off use.

I don't like nolvadex ,seems like it doesn't do the jiob of keeping fluid off my nipps(useally ran at 20mg ED)I like letro but it seems to effect my gains to bad,I saw that AResearch has a new anti-e (can't remember what its called) I was thinking of running either a small dose of letro or arimedex,let me hear what some of you think I should run with this cycle that won't hamper my gains to bad but effective enough to do its job,any comments will be appreciated.