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  1. #1
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Cycle Help with Sust

    Never ran Sust before. I have about 5 bottles of Sust at 250mg/ml. 10ml bottles, 2 bottles of 300mg/ml deca and 50 20mg dbol tabs (UGL Made). Was wondering if someone could give me some guidence on when to take the shots, how to spreed them out. and how to spreed out the Deca. I was thinking of taking 750mg of Sust a week, 450 Deca and 1 d tab a day for about 4 weeks. Help in all aspects please. Want the best mass results. Thanks

  2. #2
    Lavinco's Avatar
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    The sust should be injected EOD. To get around 750 mg a week, you should inject around 175mg EOD.

    I do not know about the deca . Maybe someone else can help

  3. #3
    need2bhuge is offline Junior Member
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    What are your stats and cycle experience? If this is not your first cycle then I would do 750 of sust/week, either ED or EOD. As for the deca , I would personally go with 10 weeks at 600mg/week, but that is just me. Eitherway, you want to run the test longer than the deca. We really need your stats and cycle/training history to help you. If you were doing 750 a week of sust you have over 16 weeks worth, which is a long cycle! And if this is your first cycle, 3 compounds is too many, for you do not know how they react in your body! Give us info and we will help!
    Last edited by need2bhuge; 06-21-2006 at 06:47 PM.

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by need2bhuge
    What are your stats and cycle experience? If this is not your first cycle then I would do 750 of sust/week, either ED or EOD. As for the deca, I would personally go with 10 weeks at 600mg/week, but that is just me. Eitherway, you want to run the test longer than the deca. We really need your stats and cycle/training history to help you. If you were doing 750 a week of sust you have over 16 weeks worth, which is a long cycle! And if this is your first cycle, 3 compounds is too many, for you do not know how they react in your body! Give us info and we will help!
    Well said !! I agree, we need your stats, to understand how many previous cycles and what they were to know why you are going to 750 on the sust.

    Also, What are your GOALS for this cycle??? and what is your PCT protocal??

  5. #5
    Killzone's Avatar
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    Sorry about the delay, working on my house too. I have ran about 7 cycles in the last 3-4 years. Mostly Test e with some d tabs. I have ran a winny and prima cycle before and deca in about half. Last cycle I ran d tabs for 4 weeks at 25mg ed and Test E at 375mg twice a week for 12 weeks. Nolva for PCT. I have been working out for about 8-10 years. I am 6 foot 200lbs. I tend to stay pretty lean at around 200. Thanks for the help.

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by struggles
    Sorry about the delay, working on my house too. I have ran about 7 cycles in the last 3-4 years. Mostly Test e with some d tabs. I have ran a winny and prima cycle before and deca in about half. Last cycle I ran d tabs for 4 weeks at 25mg ed and Test E at 375mg twice a week for 12 weeks. Nolva for PCT. I have been working out for about 8-10 years. I am 6 foot 200lbs. I tend to stay pretty lean at around 200. Thanks for the help.

    Well, with that all being said, you should be fine with those doses.

    like the others have said, I would run Sust EOD, Deca can be shot once a week, but you could also split it to run with the sust as sust has prop in it and may be a bit painful so the deca could actually help cut the sust.

    What do you have for PCT?

    If you are looking for MASS, then it will be up to your DIET and food intake. I suggest going to the diet forum and checking out bulking diets.

    maybe run something like this:

    Weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 20mgs/day might want to up that to 40 if you can
    Weeks 1-12 Sust @ 750mgs/week Shot EOD
    Weeks 1-10 Deca @ 600mgs/wk

    PCT should start 18 days after last sust shot.

    Have fun, good luck. remember PCT on hand BEFORE you start


  7. #7
    Killzone's Avatar
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    What would you suggest for PCT for this cycle.

  8. #8
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by struggles
    What would you suggest for PCT for this cycle.

    Come on struggles. IF you really have done 7 cycles, you should have that knowledge already!! Please research before starting this cycle.

    come back with YOUR suggestions, and we can help you , but we can't do all the work for you man!!

    IF you dont' really have the experience you stated, please do NOT do that high of a dose on this cycle! you will only be hurting yourself.

  9. #9
    Killzone's Avatar
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    I do have the experience.

    I have run HCG before but haven't had a connection for it in a year or so. I have been running nolva for around 6 weeks at 20mg. ed and clomid for a month with it. Never really been to prone to gyno so never used letro.

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by struggles
    I do have the experience.

    I have run HCG before but haven't had a connection for it in a year or so. I have been running nolva for around 6 weeks at 20mg. ed and clomid for a month with it. Never really been to prone to gyno so never used letro.
    OK well just go to the PCT forum, and check it out and see if you can come up with the proper PCT for this cycle, and then we can tweek it if need be.

    I would suggest that if you are prone to bloating, you may or may not want an AI throughout the cycle like letro or arimidex .

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