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  1. #1
    cmax's Avatar
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    Working out on Injection Days

    Right now I lift four days a week: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

    I am about to start a cycle of Test and Deca . My doctor recommends injecting the Test on Monday and the Deca on Friday.

    Currently I do not lift on Mondays. Should I change my workout schedule so that I lift on Mondays after taking this injection?

    How much benefit would I gain by lifting on this day right after the injection rather than waiting until Tuesday to lift?

    My Doctor says that it does not matter, but I want to hear some other opinions on this...

  2. #2
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    You know, I've always actually wondered about this sort of thing. I would personally inject it right into my arse cheek. however for those who do quad or delt injections, wouldn't the liquid disrupt your movements during workout...?

  3. #3
    Homeguard's Avatar
    Homeguard is offline Associate Member
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    I've always injected in my quads, sometimes twice aday and NEVER has it affected my workouts.

    Just my 2c

  4. #4
    cmax's Avatar
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    I plan on doing all the injections in my butt, but I was wondering if it would be beneficial to change my schedule to workout on Mondays right after the test injection?

  5. #5
    superchumbo is offline New Member
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    Sounds like a good idea.

    IMO immediately after a shot, your're muscles dont have time to get sore yet.
    And the blood flow from working out might help to spread the oils better and reduce soreness the next day.

  6. #6
    ThaPrepster82 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by superchumbo
    Sounds like a good idea.

    IMO immediately after a shot, your're muscles dont have time to get sore yet.
    And the blood flow from working out might help to spread the oils better and reduce soreness the next day.
    Sounds like a reasonable i would have 2 agree, but im not positive on this. I try 2 make sure i train on shot days, no reason why....i just do!

  7. #7
    Othello's Avatar
    Othello is offline Member
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    Well, from personal experience, I can say I sw no difference in working out right after a shot, before a shot, or getting my shot on a non workout day...

    I did feel however the pumps when I was taking dbol ...and 10mg before the workout would cause pumps so crazy....but then nothing with jabs...

  8. #8
    Smart@$$ is offline Banned
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    It dont matter when you inject. that is all.

  9. #9
    big.wheels's Avatar
    big.wheels is offline New Member
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    I always lift after my injections and no problems. In fact, I think it gives me a good psych and helps my workout.

  10. #10
    beuleux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax
    My doctor recommends injecting the Test on Monday and the Deca on Friday.
    your doctor... wow bro can u make an appointment for me lol

  11. #11
    juiceman619 is offline Banned
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    inject while youre in the gym, between sets!!!!

  12. #12
    Lavinco's Avatar
    Lavinco is offline Anabolic Member
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    The only problem I see is that my doctor isn't as cool as yours.

  13. #13
    lzicc's Avatar
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    I've never noticed any benefit.

  14. #14
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well are you doing HRT? Because injecting each once per week is the first problem. Second working out after an injection will not be of any added benefit to you AT ALL. Your strength gradually increases on a cycle it doesnt go up after an injection and then down again before the next one.

    If you feel you need the extra boost from "mentally" knowing you just did a shot thatn you probably arent serious enough working out to be doing AAS imo. If your head isnt in the game 24/7 and you need a needle just to push you to workout harder its a sad say in bodybuilding. Not to say that you want to be a bodybuilder, but my point carries across the same regardless.

  15. #15
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I have had it be irritant to lift on injection days and I have had no problem on injection days. I think its the gear that has the effect personally.

  16. #16
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    I doesnt make any difference if you work out on injection days or not

  17. #17
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnaX
    You know, I've always actually wondered about this sort of thing. I would personally inject it right into my arse cheek. however for those who do quad or delt injections, wouldn't the liquid disrupt your movements during workout...?
    If I do delts I inject after shoulder work out. I personally would mix test and deca together and shoot twice a week, I like sunday and thursday morning.

  18. #18
    cmax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Well are you doing HRT? Because injecting each once per week is the first problem.
    This program is kind of between an HRT program and a regular cycle. This doctor is very sympathetic towards AAS use and specially designed a program according to my goals.

    He has bodybuilders, cyclists, runners, and triatheletes as clients. His programs are more performance enhancement than HRT. He customizes the program according to the patients goals. I have talked to other HRT doctors about this particular doctor and they all joke about him being the Victor Conte of HRT and say that his programs are way too much and give HRT a bad name and that doctors like him will cause the FDA to crack down and monitor these programs more heavily.

    I will be doing injections twice a week. Test on Mondays and Deca on Fridays. He says that this is sufficient. He says that the test (Ultratest 250 - Cypionate /100mg, Enanthate /100mg, Propionate /50mg per mL)
    stays active for 15 days and the Deca for 20 days so more injections will not help. In your opinion, how should I restructure these injections so I am doing each twice a week?

    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Second working out after an injection will not be of any added benefit to you AT ALL. Your strength gradually increases on a cycle it doesnt go up after an injection and then down again before the next one.

    If you feel you need the extra boost from "mentally" knowing you just did a shot thatn you probably arent serious enough working out to be doing AAS imo. If your head isnt in the game 24/7 and you need a needle just to push you to workout harder its a sad say in bodybuilding. Not to say that you want to be a bodybuilder, but my point carries across the same regardless.
    That's what I thought. I just wanted to make sure. I don't see the psychological benefit as being that great. I just wanted to make sure that there was no advantage to injecting on workout days. Some guys at my gym swear by doing their injections 30-45 minutes before their workout, but I believe that the benefit is all psychological with them.

    I just wanted to see if there was any real advantage to restructuring my workout program around these injection days.
    Last edited by cmax; 06-23-2006 at 04:21 PM.

  19. #19
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax
    I will be doing injections twice a week. Test on Mondays and Deca on Fridays. He says that this is sufficient. He says that the test (Ultratest 250 - Cypionate /100mg, Enanthate /100mg, Propionate /50mg per mL) stays active for 15 days and the Deca for 20 days so more injections will not help. In your opinion, how should I restructure these injections so I am doing each twice a week?

    Well now this is actually a different story. Although your doctor might be a cool guy and all it seems asthough he doesnt know a lot about esters and how long they stay active in the body and when they decline. If there is prop in that blend you should be inject every other day AT A MINIMUM. Personally I wouldnt even ever consider doing prop less frequently than every day shots. ALso just because say deca has an active life of 15 days or whatever it means by the end of those 15 days the levels in your blood will be pretty much gone. Going back to the prop example, sure its active for say 3 days, but by then levels are so low you are really yo-yoing your blood levels and that brings on a lot more side effects, not to mention potentially losing out on gains. This is why we inject more frequently so blood levels are always stable and you get less sides and better gains.

    I don't see the psychological benefit as being that great. I just wanted to make sure that there was no advantage to injecting on workout days. Some guys at my gym swear by doing their injections 30-45 minutes before their workout, but I believe that the benefit is all psychological with them.

    I agree 100% man, like I said before I honestly think its sad if people really need a needle just to get a mental boost. As well like I said not everyone wants to be a bodybuilder, but if you are taking it to the level of using AAS, imo you better be pretty damn serious. Serious enough that you train f*ckin balls to the wall each and everytime you are in the gym whether you got steroids running through you or not. But I guess this is what seperates the greats from the half-ass gym rats who get big and then shrink down. Or get to a respectable size but can NEVER get any bigger, year after year you see yourself growing BIGGER and BIGGER and they are staying the exact same. Oh well, I know what Im doing, everyone else can worry about themselves
    Got on a little rant there, you seem like a decent enough guy though, try bringing some things up to your doc, especially about the very short active life of the propionate ester.

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