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  1. #1
    lil mack 713 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Question d-bol in third week of cycle?

    Can you throw d-bol into a cycle of sus 250 and deca in week three or so instead of in the begining, or would this not be wise, I start tommorow so I would like if you guys could give me some ideas
    Thanx Mack
    Last edited by lil mack 713; 06-20-2002 at 05:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Billmister's Avatar
    Billmister is offline Member
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    Oct 2001
    wait didn't someone just answer this in another post? same question.... well yeah you could. well dbol is used mostly to jump start a cycle. mainly because the shots will take time to hit your body. So people usually take dbol for the first 3-5 weeks of a cycle. it will not make a difference if you add it in the 3rd week. you will get nice power and pumps because the juice is kickin in and the dbol at the same time, and you will feel great. but if you have it i suggest using it in the begining because in the begining you will not feel the power until weeks after your first shot

  3. #3
    JERSEY SHORE's Avatar
    JERSEY SHORE is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2002
    I agree with billmister,usuallly peop;e will use it at the beginning to "jump start the cycle"before the longer esters kick in or people do it at the end of the cycle"but if you are going to start something in the third week d-bol is probabbly the best steroid to do it with!!

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