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  1. #1
    KBZ's Avatar
    KBZ is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2004

    Cycle Check!! Holla!! Look Good? Can I run Letro?

    Second cycle, 215 pounds, I'd say 10-12ish bf% right now, seriously been lifting 5 years, diet is in check!
    So now that that's out of the way take a looksee.

    Weeks 1-13
    Test E 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-12
    Deca 300-400mg/week
    Weeks 1-4
    Dbol 40mg/day
    Weeks 10-15
    Winstrol 50mg/day (if I get it before cycle ends)

    Nolvadex 10mg/day entire time until pct.
    Liquidex .25mg/day

    Now, should/can I also run letro? I'm not familiar with this but I definitely want the least possible bloat. so can I run that as well? And how much?
    thanks for any help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by KBZ
    Second cycle, 215 pounds, I'd say 10-12ish bf% right now, seriously been lifting 5 years, diet is in check!
    So now that that's out of the way take a looksee.

    Weeks 1-13
    Test E 500mg/week
    Weeks 1-12
    Deca 300-400mg/week
    Weeks 1-4
    Dbol 40mg/day
    Weeks 10-15
    Winstrol 50mg/day (if I get it before cycle ends)

    Nolvadex 10mg/day entire time until pct.
    Liquidex .25mg/day

    Now, should/can I also run letro? I'm not familiar with this but I definitely want the least possible bloat. so can I run that as well? And how much?
    thanks for any help!

    Cycle looks good to me. I'd hold off on your nolvadex alltogether until PCT. I don't ever run a SERM and and AI together during cycle. Your liquidex will be fine during the cycle, especially if you consider using letro with it. (I would suggest between .75 and 1.5mg ed). Then, for PCT run nolvadex @ 20mgs ed with an AI as needed (meaning if you are treating signs of gyno)

  3. #3
    KBZ's Avatar
    KBZ is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2004
    so run letro and liquidex through cycle, and no nolvadex ? I'll have some on hand per unforseen gyno spoolup but is that right? and .75 to 1.5 ed of letro?

  4. #4
    KBZ's Avatar
    KBZ is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2004
    And one more thing, excuse my ignorance here, but should the deca be taken at the same time as the test or should I just alternate eod? test, off, deca, off, test, off, deca, off?

  5. #5
    Anon Poster's Avatar
    Anon Poster is offline Junior Member
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    Liquidex should be run at around 1mg/day, that's why he said .75-1.5mg/day.

    Letro should be run at .25mg-.5mg daily, going above that can lead to a limp noodle.

    Take your shots in the most convenient manner as long as it is twice per week for the most stable blood levels. There is no reason to do some off the wall alternation.

  6. #6
    KBZ's Avatar
    KBZ is offline Associate Member
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    No, I was asking should I take the test and deca at the same time in the same needle? Or take them seperate on seperate days? I'd be doing the test 250mg x 2 per week, and 150mg of deca x2 per week.

  7. #7
    juiceman619 is offline Banned
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    Jun 2006
    hmm with 300mgs/week deca -i would say u can get away with shooting once a week. deca has a really long half life. u should be fine, but nothing wrong w/ twice a week either.

  8. #8
    KBZ's Avatar
    KBZ is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2004
    lol sorry guys, I guess my question isn't all that clear. I shoot test e on mondays and thursdays, should I shoot deca WITH the test, or shoot deca seperately on seperate days?

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