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  1. #1
    Juice Ball's Avatar
    Juice Ball is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Peesh Problems ;( Deca Dick?!

    Wanted to run Deca , Test E and dbols.I had old underdosed amps of test so i junked em'.Ran the dbols & Deca then got the new Test when i had about 2 more shots left of Deca.So now im just running the test alone(6/7more shots left) So could some 1 please tell me why my Peesh is like a noodle? I can nut off just gets long & chubby not rock hard any more .Never had a problem like this in my life(23y/o).I have 2/3 weeks supply of clomid but waiting to run them after the test.Makes me think that this Test isnt legit

    Any input th@ can help my peesh would be greatly ;/

  2. #2
    Vial's Avatar
    Vial is offline Associate Member
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    What quantity are we talking about? How much mg's and how often?

  3. #3
    THE CROW is offline Associate Member
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    Talk to the doctor and get some Viagra until things are back to normal.

  4. #4
    getpumped24's Avatar
    getpumped24 is offline Associate Member
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    deca w/o test = limp noodle. should have waited to take deca w/test. test probably hasn't kicked in. what test r you taking?

  5. #5
    Juice Ball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vial
    What quantity are we talking about? How much mg's and how often?
    Quote Originally Posted by THE CROW
    Talk to the doctor and get some Viagra until things are back to normal.
    Quote Originally Posted by getpumped24
    deca w/o test = limp noodle. should have waited to take deca w/test. test probably hasn't kicked in. what test r you taking?
    Vial) Was doing 350mg a week of test,now its 700mg a week.

    The Crow) Viagra?! ;(

    Get pumped) How long is my noodle going to stay limp? like my girl even relaziled that shit.Its not limp its just not rock hard and erect like usual.Im taking Mex Pharma test E.I tried to post a couple of pics a week ago but dig. cam died & pix came out blurry Legit or Fake? Test (pics)
    .Im starting to think its not legit Red stopper with white and red wrapper around vial.

  6. #6
    themilkman_95901 is offline Junior Member
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    either not enough test, 50/50 split with deca or test not doing the job I believe lions sells a product that can help you, never used it because I'm solid as a rock but might work for you tell you solve toyur problem. itd in a spray. good luck

  7. #7
    DA-DOG's Avatar
    DA-DOG is offline New Member
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    Test = testies and solid gold.

  8. #8
    monstermasss's Avatar
    monstermasss is offline Associate Member
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    pm me and i can help, w/ advice, but like they said your running long ester test and waited too long to start it w/ deca typical noobie mistake and now your gonna pay, alot of guys blame the deca but deca is a wonderfull aas you just need to balance it w/ test doses!!! sorry to hear that though!!

  9. #9
    getpumped24's Avatar
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    once the test kicks in, it should help. until then your just have to use cialis or viagra. it should take 2-4 wks. i started getting horny as hell wk 2.

  10. #10
    Juice Ball's Avatar
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    Red face :|

    Thanx guys for all the 411.

  11. #11
    biglouie250's Avatar
    biglouie250 is offline Anabolic Member
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    why not get some tribulus, horny goat weed and redkat to speed up getting back to normal.

  12. #12
    Juice Ball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by biglouie250
    why not get some tribulus, horny goat weed and redkat to speed up getting back to normal.
    Good looks Big Lou,Nice Location how was tunes july 4th weekend? Went on Mem. day or is this the wrong forum ? lolz L8a

  13. #13
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    Cialis, or time.....after a deca , test, tren cycle, i had a lil deca left that i ran for hte last 2wks, (dumbass) b4 my pct, THen BOOM, limp dick for months!!!!!!! so i decided on i think liquidex for the last 4 wks n it helped, my buddy did deca n tren alone.....he did pct with rebound xt n it also helped his "problem" n we are partners in PIMPIN if u feel me knockin.....(*slap, ur in)

    but if not, cialis n viagra, id personally go for cialis since it will cure in "long" term haha

  14. #14
    RA's Avatar
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    ahem, took 30 seconds to find an example boyz...

  15. #15
    rock75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    ahem, took 30 seconds to find an example boyz...
    perfect timing!!! where is liftnainez now?

  16. #16
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    Any AAS can give you a limp noodle, if you are sensitive to it that is.

  17. #17
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Any AAS can give you a limp noodle, if you are sensitive to it that is.

    Good excuse bro but I can find many more examples. Possibly, you should modify your answers on deca .

  18. #18
    RA's Avatar
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    Im going to keep driving this shyt home until you remove it from your ava...btw..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Good excuse bro but I can find many more examples. Possibly, you should modify your answers on deca .

    They seriously can !

    Many experience test dick after the cycle......running winstrol alone can give you winstrol dick etc! If your shut down during or after the cycle it can be limp!

  20. #20
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Good excuse bro but I can find many more examples. Possibly, you should modify your answers on deca .

    I agree with is answers for the most part. Ask nark, baj etc and see what they say about this. I am almost positive they both have the same point of view on this. Are you going to disagree with someone with such an extensive amount of knowledge as them? Or perhaps you can explain your logic behind your POV? I'm just tryin to spread what I believe to be the truth.

  21. #21
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Ball
    Wanted to run Deca , Test E and dbols.I had old underdosed amps of test so i junked em'.Ran the dbols & Deca then got the new Test when i had about 2 more shots left of Deca.So now im just running the test alone(6/7more shots left) So could some 1 please tell me why my Peesh is like a noodle? I can nut off just gets long & chubby not rock hard any more .Never had a problem like this in my life(23y/o).I have 2/3 weeks supply of clomid but waiting to run them after the test.Makes me think that this Test isnt legit

    Any input th@ can help my peesh would be greatly ;/

    Eesh, ya just made a typical mistake by doin that man. Use at least 100mg Exogenous test when runnin deca to avoid this. Yer shut down.

  22. #22
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    I agree with is answers for the most part. Ask nark, baj etc and see what they say about this. I am almost positive they both have the same point of view on this. Are you going to disagree with someone with such an extensive amount of knowledge as them? Or perhaps you can explain your logic behind your POV? I'm just tryin to spread what I believe to be the truth.
    I like/respect nark/baj. They are wrong, I am right. Its not going to happen to everyone, Ive already said that. BUT, I was glad when I came to AR that I was not the only one that had experienced it.

    Do you think anyone lining up against me is going to change my personal experience? Or others experiences? I hate parrots too. Ive called one out know who you are.

    The truth is for you or anyone to discount this because you havent experienced it is wrong. Give people the choice. Let them know the risk, that it might happen.

    Why would I be pushing this if I didn't really believe it?

  23. #23
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I like/respect nark/baj. They are wrong, I am right. Its not going to happen to everyone, Ive already said that. BUT, I was glad when I came to AR that I was not the only one that had experienced it.

    Do you think anyone lining up against me is going to change my personal experience? Or others experiences? I hate parrots too. Ive called one out know who you are.

    The truth is for you or anyone to discount this because you havent experienced it is wrong. Give people the choice. Let them know the risk, that it might happen.

    Why would I be pushing this if I didn't really believe it?

    It just seems that you are saying it is an absolute occurance with test ran lower than deca . That is incorrect as far as I'm concerned. If someone is shut down with test lower than deca, they would be shut down regardless and it is not due to the fact that test is lower, plain and simple.

    And in regards to using peoples names, I would have to say, they seem to be more experienced and informed than you or I IMO.

  24. #24
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    They seriously can !

    Many experience test dick after the cycle......running winstrol alone can give you winstrol dick etc! If your shut down during or after the cycle it can be limp!

    Im not discounting that you could be right here. I have never experienced this on any other compound. You?

  25. #25
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    As long as you are replacing the amount of endogenous test your body would produce naturally, with a similar amount of exogenous test, you should be less likely to experience problems.

  26. #26
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    It just seems that you are saying it is an absolute occurance with test ran lower than deca . That is incorrect as far as I'm concerned. If someone is shut down with test lower than deca, they would be shut down regardless and it is not due to the fact that test is lower, plain and simple.

    And in regards to using peoples names, I would have to say, they seem to be more experienced and informed than you or I IMO.

    Did you not read my posts at all? ug...

    I NEVER said it was an absolute occurance. I said many times it does not happen with everyone..READ THE POST BOY!

  27. #27
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    As long as you are replacing the amount of endogenous test your body would produce naturally, with a similar amount of exogenous test, you should be less likely to experience problems.

    In the face of all that I have said, your the one that sounds like a parrot.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Im not discounting that you could be right here. I have never experienced this on any other compound. You?

    I have never experienced any limp dick from any AAS. Did deca alone, winstrol alone, tbol, var etc. Never a problem

    Test/deca same as on deca alone with dick function...

    Some people just have it happen. I've heard and know ppl where it has happened to them. Some ppl are sensitive to certain sides when it comes to certain things.

  29. #29
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    In the face of all that I have said, your the one that sounds like a parrot.

    Lol. Ok.

  30. #30
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Did you not read my posts at all? ug...

    I NEVER said it was an absolute occurance. I said many times it does not happen with everyone..READ THE POST BOY!

    When you are trying to "Drive this shyt home" it seesm like thats what you are trying to say.

    I disagree, that is all. You will learn one day.

  31. #31
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    I have never experienced any limp dick from any AAS. Did deca alone, winstrol alone, tbol, var etc. Never a problem

    Test/deca same as on deca alone with dick function...

    Some people just have it happen. I've heard and know ppl where it has happened to them. Some ppl are sensitive to certain sides when it comes to certain things.

    Amen, and when you have had so many real life examples on this board it should be considered. I could do a search and spend a couple days..Im certain I could find several deca examples. Its not parroting..its real.

  32. #32
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Amen, and when you have had so many real life examples on this board it should be considered. I could do a search and spend a couple days..Im certain I could find several deca examples. Its not parroting..its real.
    You could find a couple examples disproving your theory to.

  33. #33
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    When you are trying to "Drive this shyt home" it seesm like thats what you are trying to say.

    I disagree, that is all. You will learn one day.

    Learn what exactly 6 239 18? Tell me of all your extensive knowledge....

    Yeah, I will. Real life examples count. You point me to a scientific study that disputes what Im cant.

  34. #34
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    You could find a couple examples disproving your theory to.

    How so? I already said it doesnt happen to everyone..

  35. #35
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Learn what exactly 6 239 18? Tell me of all your extensive knowledge....

    Yeah, I will. Real life examples count. You point me to a scientific study that disputes what Im cant.

    As you cannot show me one of yours either but at least mine makes sense.

  36. #36
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    deca dick can happen yes. I have never said deca dick is false and made up. Its rare though.
    But so many act like if you run deca alone you will get deca dick, like it's set in stone. Which is BS. And the test having to be ran at a higher mg than deca to stop deca dick is BS too.

  37. #37
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    How so? I already said it doesnt happen to everyone..

    I mean completely disproving the theory that running test higher than deca is the solution for being shut down or that having it lower is the reason one is.

  38. #38
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Learn what exactly 6 239 18? Tell me of all your extensive knowledge....

    And where are your pics/stats?

    Mature lil monitor arent you lol?

  39. #39
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    As you cannot show me one of yours either but at least mine makes sense.

    To people who have never experienced it.

  40. #40
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Well we are going nowhere I see.

    Pointless to continue.

    Sorry to ruin this thread.

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