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  1. #1
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    losing definition with deca?

    I'm nearing my 3rd injection of deca (1st- 300mg; 2nd- 350; and now 400). It seems like I'm LOSING definition on my abs. Is this due to water retention? What could it be resulting from? Is there any way to combat this? running? You were all very helpful with my last questions, and thanks in advance with these!

    (or maybe I'm just imagining things and spending too much time thinking about it)

  2. #2
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    ALSO: what do I need to start taking to combat deca -dick in advance? (I'm already contemplating test, but if I don't take that- then ...?)

  3. #3
    shortie's Avatar
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    You are taking deca without Test? Yes you will lose definition, yes you will bloat a bit, and most likely you will not get boners-Get some Test in there.

  4. #4
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Soud's like water retention

    get an ai or serm

    Why are you pyramiding up you deca dose

    you may wish you had some test in there before long

    Oh well some run deca by it's self hope you can keep your d!ck up

  5. #5
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    WOW, are you saying you are taking ONLY deca ? Then YES TEST is what you should have been taking with it. but oh well live and learn. If you are holding water you can add and AI in with the cycle, BUT if you are already showing signs of Deca Dick, then get some test in ya fast

    What are your stats??

  6. #6
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    I'm nearing my 3rd injection of deca (1st- 300mg; 2nd- 350; and now 400). It seems like I'm LOSING definition on my abs. Is this due to water retention? What could it be resulting from? Is there any way to combat this? running? You were all very helpful with my last questions, and thanks in advance with these!
    (or maybe I'm just imagining things and spending too much time thinking about it)

    FUNNY, I think if we helped you with other questions, we would have never suggested running deca without test!! So you either didn't ask or didnt' listen!!!

  7. #7
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    Stats: 5'11", 175 lbs. Fairly lean but not completely sure of my fat %
    Should I not up my dose of deca ?
    Also, I'm having a hard time getting ahold of some test. Can someone shoot me an email or PM about that?


    Ha, yes you did suggest Test, and I did listen... like I said... having a hard time getting some

  8. #8
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    Stats: 5'11", 175 lbs. Fairly lean but not completely sure of my fat %
    Should I not up my dose of deca ?
    Also, I'm having a hard time getting ahold of some test. Can someone shoot me an email or PM about that?


    Ha, yes you did suggest Test, and I did listen... like I said... having a hard time getting some

    Not a bright way to start out here man! Pilots are supposed to be smart!!
    DO NOT ask for sources on the open forum it will only get your scammers and also BANNED!

    You should NEVER start any cycle without having everything needed to be safe and healthy.

  9. #9
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    Stats: 5'11", 175 lbs. Fairly lean but not completely sure of my fat %
    Should I not up my dose of deca ?
    Also, I'm having a hard time getting ahold of some test. Can someone shoot me an email or PM about that?


    Ha, yes you did suggest Test, and I did listen... like I said... having a hard time getting some
    damn are just lookin to get scammed....its tough to trust people bro....seriously but first and foremost watch out for your own safety...

  10. #10
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Bro you can't ask for a source

    Your not getting off on the right foot


  11. #11
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    You to A hole's type to damn fast

  12. #12
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    You to A hole's type to damn fast

    Well horse if you would take your hand out of your pants, you could type faster too......lololol

  13. #13
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    Well horse if you would take your hand out of your pants, you could type faster too......lololol
    Sorry bro that avy turn's me on

  14. #14
    shortie's Avatar
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    A real Ninja could do both at once.

  15. #15
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    A real Ninja could do both at once.
    Yes, but a REAL man would have some woman doing it for him while he is typing.....LOLOLOL

  16. #16
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    True. All the reading I did before I started (Never saw this forum until after I started) lead me to believe that a cycle of solely Deca would not be that big of a deal. Sorry about asking for sources, but am seriously clueless as to what I should do in relation to that subject.... Oh well.

    Anyways. Until I can get some Test- will running and basically sweating I suppose, help combat the water retention? And since we're on the subject- What else do I need to add to my cycle along with Test then?

  17. #17
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    True. All the reading I did before I started (Never saw this forum until after I started) lead me to believe that a cycle of solely Deca would not be that big of a deal. Sorry about asking for sources, but am seriously clueless as to what I should do in relation to that subject.... Oh well.

    Anyways. Until I can get some Test- will running and basically sweating I suppose, help combat the water retention? And since we're on the subject- What else do I need to add to my cycle along with Test then?

    You can get some research supplies from the board sponsor. arr you can try ldex or letro for the bloat

    What exactly is your cycle as of now? dose and timeframe and how far in are you and are you already showing signs of deca dick?

  18. #18
    shortie's Avatar
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    First cycle right, dump the deca (the guy you got the Deca from ought to have test, it's way more common of an AAS than Deca), get some Test E or Cyp and run a nice easy 10-12 week course of 500mg/wk-With proper PCT of course.

    But as an afterthought you could, now nobody shoot me for this. You could get some cabergoline to inhibit prolactin sides from the deca and run some proviron for DHT and maybe.....Oh hell, just get some test.
    Last edited by shortie; 07-06-2006 at 09:07 PM.

  19. #19
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    No signs of deca dick whatsoever. But would like to take care of that before or if ever it becomes a problem.

    I've only taken two injections of Deca (weekly). 1st (300mg) 2nd (350).

    Should I just quit cold-turkey and wait until my dumbass can get things in order? Or do I need to taper off after only 2 injections?

  20. #20
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    problem with my last source: he got into a little bit of trouble....

  21. #21
    shortie's Avatar
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    I would quit cold turkey myself until I could get the gear to run a proper cycle. Tapering=Total waste of time, up or down.

  22. #22
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    Damn I'm sorry for all these questions!

    Am I doing the right thing by consuming approximately 1g of protein per pound of body weight every day?

  23. #23
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    problem with my last source: he got into a little bit of trouble....
    ok dont taper off..deca has the ability to shut you down you are kind of in a bind could either chance it and go cold a short pct or get some test fast....get your posts up and then maybe if you come across a source you can have it checked...ya know? actually i think you need like 45 days of activity

  24. #24
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    what do you mean by having my sources checked by being a senior member? more privelages?

  25. #25
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    what do you mean by having my sources checked by being a senior member? more privelages?
    well it has nothing to do with being a senior member..thats merely a post count....i was saying if you DID happen to come across a source you could have it checked with a mod or vet..but you need 45 days of activity i forgot about that..thats assuming that you did have a source in mind....i dunno man it sounds like you are in a jam here...i would yell at you for not researching but so many people are in your situation im sure..but they decide to go through with the cycle because they know no i commend you for coming on here and trying to straighten things out

  26. #26
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    what do you mean by having my sources checked by being a senior member? more privelages?
    You really shoudl start by readin the rules, so we dont' have to type them a million times.

    A source check is when YOU have a source and want to knwo if it is good. You can NOT ask on the open forums so you have to PM a willing Vet or MOD key word WILLING
    you can only do that after 100 quality posts and a minimum of 45 days membership

    that being said.

    you can quit the deca and do PCT now or you can chance it and run it through and pray you don't lose your little soldier. Not everyone gets deca dick, but Test is always a good base for any cycle!!

  27. #27
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    One of the main reasons I thought I was safe with solely Deca was just a couple of my friends. They've been on it for a good 6 weeks. One has seen some huge gains with what seems to be no bloating or water retention- in fact he appears leaner than ever and basically ripped. My other friend has seen a lot of gain but it looks like he has a lot of water retention....

    I might check with the guy who has gotten ripped- I know he bought some Test-C and was debating whether or not to take it... am I allowed to discuss street prices or is that a no-no?

  28. #28
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    If you decide to continue with it, I would stik to one dose and run with it. the lower the better without test will help avoid, but even one shot can shut you down so whatever you decide, good luck and we are here for ya if you need help

  29. #29
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    I hope that if the little soldier is lost, that it is only temporary and is recoverable.....

  30. #30
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by shortie
    I would quit cold turkey myself until I could get the gear to run a proper cycle. Tapering=Total waste of time, up or down.
    Absolutely agreee , get off now and do PCT !!!!

  31. #31
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    One of the main reasons I thought I was safe with solely Deca was just a couple of my friends. They've been on it for a good 6 weeks. One has seen some huge gains with what seems to be no bloating or water retention- in fact he appears leaner than ever and basically ripped. My other friend has seen a lot of gain but it looks like he has a lot of water retention....

    I might check with the guy who has gotten ripped- I know he bought some Test-C and was debating whether or not to take it... am I allowed to discuss street prices or is that a no-no?

    NO PRICE DISCUSSION in open forums sorry.

    REMEMBER that diet is "88%" of the equation, so that may be why one friend is haveing great gains and such

  32. #32
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    One of the main reasons I thought I was safe with solely Deca was just a couple of my friends. They've been on it for a good 6 weeks. One has seen some huge gains with what seems to be no bloating or water retention- in fact he appears leaner than ever and basically ripped. My other friend has seen a lot of gain but it looks like he has a lot of water retention....

    I might check with the guy who has gotten ripped- I know he bought some Test-C and was debating whether or not to take it... am I allowed to discuss street prices or is that a no-no?
    cant discuss prices...only in pm's once you get pm priveleges you can shoot me a pm about prices and im sure there are plenty of other willing members ready to help....and about the guys on deca..they are lucky they still have function of their peepee...some get deca dick some dont..some bloat some dont...its a great mass builder but as warrior are depriving your body of the endogenous hormone that makes you a man for a synthetic hormone.....or something to that effect

  33. #33
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMAN12B
    NO PRICE DISCUSSION in open forums sorry.

    REMEMBER that diet is "88%" of the equation, so that may be why one friend is haveing great gains and such
    youre the man smannnnnnnnnnnnnn hahaha

  34. #34
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    I've been reading around, and am strongly considering ditching Deca completely and running a straight Test cycle. What do I need to combat Test's side-effects?

  35. #35
    shortie's Avatar
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    You may need to run an AI or a SERM, many, myself included do not have any significant sides from test at lower doses, as a result I usually run with nothing but have everything I may need handy. If you plan a proper PCT then you will have everything you need on hand should a estrogen related side effect raise it's ugly head. Other than bloat and gyno you may have hairline concerns, for which there is a litany of drugs you can get to help out.Lots of thread out there for this, just click the old search engine.
    Last edited by shortie; 07-06-2006 at 09:29 PM.

  36. #36
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    I've been reading around, and am strongly considering ditching Deca completely and running a straight Test cycle. What do I need to combat Test's side-effects?
    if by side effects you mean bloat then an ai will do fine....proviron ,liquidex or proviron/nolva combo proviron is a great addition to a test cycle..and yes the test cycle is a great idea!!! look up proviron with test and youll see lowers your shbg (sex hormone binding globulin) and frees up more test in your system

  37. #37
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hpfl_usmc_pilot
    I've been reading around, and am strongly considering ditching Deca completely and running a straight Test cycle. What do I need to combat Test's side-effects?

    KEEP READING.......there are different sides for different test esters.

    for bloating you can use and AI or SERM
    for the raging hard ons, I suggest lots of sex
    look into HCG , Arimidex , Letro, Nolvadex , Clomid, Provirion....research these and decide what you will need and not need and come back with it laid out and we can help put it together for you

    a basic Test E or C cycle @ 500mgs/week for 12 weeks is a great starter

  38. #38
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    A cycle whore for a start because you will be horney all the time. Then you might consider Nolvadex and Arimidex to have on hand.

  39. #39
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    DAMNNN this board is extremely helpful!!!!!!

  40. #40
    hpfl_usmc_pilot is offline New Member
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    So test-c would be a viable candidate? Say perhaps I can get ahold of that test tomorrow- should I inject ASAP or wait until my normal day (Sunday)? OR (inform me here..) wait for the proviron or what have you- what kind of cycle do you suggest?

    Looks like you read my mind before I had it typed! Thanks! Are the AI's such as proviron readily available or is that something I will need to tap a resource for?

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