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  1. #1
    texasaggie05's Avatar
    texasaggie05 is offline Junior Member
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    intermediate cycle

    im running dbol at 30 mgs/day for 7 weeks, deca -durabolin at 450 mgs/week for 7 weeks, and test enanthate at 325 mgs/week for 7 weeks. im 22, 215 lbs., 14-15% body fat, cycles ive run are test 400/aratest; winstrol /test enanthate; finiplix, sustanon , test enanthate. do you think the above mentioned cycle is a pretty good one for mass gain? im lookin to gain about 10-15 lbs. lean mass (i never really bulk, i just get bigger and stay somewhat cut, i think because of genes and healthy eating)

  2. #2
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Gaining mass is really gonna be determined through your diet and not particularly the specific AAS you decide to run (although it will make some difference).

    Anyways, about the actual cycle it is not very well thought out at all and should definitely be changed.

    I would suggest

    Test E 1-12
    Deca 1-10
    D-bol 1-4 (or 5)

    Dosages seem ok to me. I hope you know what PCT is though, as it seems the amount of research you put in is fairly low.

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    your cycle needs work:

    d-bol = 5 weeks max (can even up it to 40mg RD)
    deca = 10 wks (dosage is fine)
    test e = 12 wks (dosage at least 500 mg/wk, ideal 600)
    EDIT: ha ha, cBino beat me to it!!

    u say u r looking for a bulker than helps put on mostly only lean mass so you can stay cut BUT the compounds u propose all are very prone to water renention and subsequent fat gain....why aren't you considering var/EQ or prop instead? theyre traditionally used for cutters but make for an excellent lean mass-only kind of bulker as've never used these b4 from what i try it an broaden your usage as well..

  4. #4
    texasaggie05's Avatar
    texasaggie05 is offline Junior Member
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    okay ill do that...but i do know what pct is, i just didnt feel like i needed to include that (isnt it a given? haha) yea im running nolvadex at 20 mgs/day, and clomid after cycle. is it absolutely necessary to go that long with the deca and test? i just didnt want to have to purchase more (college student low on funds)

  5. #5
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Oh trust me man I know how it is to be low on funds. I am a student as well. But if you wanna cycle you GOTTA do it right. If you must, wait another month or more and get the approppriate amount of gear. Honestly I have run deca as low as 8 weeks and its not optimal, it really takes a while for you to feel its full effects, I would say anywhere from 4-6 weeks. Also you should at least run Test one week past deca since you would have to wait 21 days after deca to begin PCT and 14 days after Enth to begin, that way it will begin right on schedule and you will not be without test in your system, which we all know isnt a nice feeling. I suggest two weeks past just because deca can be fairly harsh and letting it begin to clear out makes it a little easier to recover during PCT in my experience.

    Now, with that in mind I hope you decide to wait. If not well at least i hope you can decide to run the test at least for 8 weeks man. Even than, like I said you wont be very impressed with the cycle. Also be sure to cut down the d-bol to 4 or 5 weeks man, after that you are just kickin your liver for no good reason as the other compounds will have begun to act in your system.

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