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  1. #1
    Dpfootball38 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2006

    Need some good advice, I'm sure you guy have it :)

    Coming from a newbie, who has only done1 cycle, and probably a "weiner butt" first cycle, I wanna know what would be best for my 2nd cycle.

    My 1st cycle i took Test-E 300mg. I did 1.5cc's per week. 1 injection every monday for 6 weeks.

    My 1st question is this- Was this 1st cycle a bit under-dosed? Should I have done anything different? I got decent gains, but nothing that I expected or was overly impressed with. honestly, I toned down the does form what the guy I got it from said. He's 220lbs, and said to take 2.5cc once a week for 4 weeks. I figured, I was about 158 at the time, so I'd cut it down a little, to make sure i didn't have any side-effects.

    2nd qwuestion is this. I've got another 10cc's of Test-E 300. What would be a good plan for the injections? Like how many times a week, and what dosage? 2.5 a week for 4 weeks? I wanna put on about 10 lbs but not really gain any BF. I now weigh about 165, and bf about 8% I'm a college athlete, and wanna keep my decent speed. 4.5 in the 40.

    Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.


  2. #2
    albino-rhino's Avatar
    albino-rhino is offline Junior Member
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    Whats your stats?
    You started at 158lbs?

    Dude get your diet in check before even considering doing another cycle. And you got it all wrong. 450mg of test E for 6 weeks???? It needs to be run min. 10 weeks. Sh*t what a waste.

    Bro, you need to do some research. Did you do proper PCT?

    Go to the diet forum ASAP.

  3. #3
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dpfootball38
    Coming from a newbie, who has only done1 cycle, and probably a "weiner butt" first cycle, I wanna know what would be best for my 2nd cycle.

    My 1st cycle i took Test-E 300mg. I did 1.5cc's per week. 1 injection every monday for 6 weeks.

    My 1st question is this- Was this 1st cycle a bit under-dosed? Should I have done anything different? I got decent gains, but nothing that I expected or was overly impressed with. honestly, I toned down the does form what the guy I got it from said. He's 220lbs, and said to take 2.5cc once a week for 4 weeks. I figured, I was about 158 at the time, so I'd cut it down a little, to make sure i didn't have any side-effects.

    2nd qwuestion is this. I've got another 10cc's of Test-E 300. What would be a good plan for the injections? Like how many times a week, and what dosage? 2.5 a week for 4 weeks? I wanna put on about 10 lbs but not really gain any BF. I now weigh about 165, and bf about 8% I'm a college athlete, and wanna keep my decent speed. 4.5 in the 40.

    Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.

    Test E usually comes in 250mgs/ml or even 300 with most UGLs. So let's assume 250mgs. You were actually doing 375mgs ew at 1.5CCs. Yeah, that's more than enough for your 1st cycle. My first cycle was 250mgs sustanon ew and I had great gains. 20lbs in 2 months.

    Your boy who's doing 2.5CCs (625mgs) ew doesn't know exaclty what he's doing so I would get your advice here. You want to inject long esters twice a week to keep serum blood levels even. So Mo and Thu is great. So he should split those up to 1.25mgs Mon, 1.25mgs Thu.

    For what you want to do I would go with Winny & prop ed for 12 weeks. You are in track and field? What events?

  4. #4
    DutchCowboy's Avatar
    DutchCowboy is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2006
    here is the absolute best advice I can give you-

    take some time and do some research. And by research i don't mean look around for 10 minutes for an answer. If you are going to spend time searching, you might as well educate yourself at the same time.
    Come up with your own answer and then ask what people think about it.

    Cheers Buddy!

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